Chapter 12

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*Daisy's POV*

As the footsteps approached my door I froze. The wetness has gotten worse, but it feels so good.

The door opens and I see Daddy James standing there. Hes looking at me with his dark blue eyes burning through me. He looks down at my hand and my face heats up.

He grabbed my hand and pulls it out of my panties and pops my finger into his mouth.

"Mmm, princess you taste so good." He says deeply and I bite my lip. My private part feels like there's a heartbeat in it.

"But you broke one of your rules." My stomach drops. Hes right. I forgot that I wasn't allowed to touch myself. He sat down next to me.

"Bad girl." He says getting closer to my face. I start breathing faster.

"I... I'm sorry daddy...I" I started to say until I felt lips on my neck. I felt his lips softly peck at my neck and it felt so good. I moan and tilt my head to give him easier access.

"What did you do wrong princess?" He asks as he kisses my neck.

"I was t... touching myself daddy." I say trying to hold back moans. He kisses his way up to my jawbone.

"What do you do when you want to be touched princess?" Daddy asks whispering seductively into my ear. His voice gave me chills and made my stomach build up with need.

"I ask daddy?" I say in more of a question than an answer.

"Next time ask daddy." He says as his hands find their way to my thigh. He starts to rub little circles sending shocks of electricity through me.

His hands get higher until they reach my panties. He goes beneath them and touches my private area.

"Fuck princess, you're so wet." He groans in my ear. I moan as he touches me and then he touches the bump that sent me into a moaning fit.

"You like when I touch your clit princess?" Is that what it's called? A clit? I internally giggle, that's a funny word. I arch my back as he rubs it faster.

"Y... yes daddy...please." I don't know what I was asking for, but it just felt so good.

He suddenly stopped.

"Next time ask daddy princess, and maybe you'll get to cum." He says kissing me. I look at him confused. Cum? Is that what it feels like to cum?

He gets up while I'm in the middle of my thoughts.

"Don't touch yourself again princess." He says walking out the room.

I feel so embarrassed. He was touching me, and I loved it. I've never been touched like that, and I craved more. My eyes started to feel heavy, and I drifted off to sleep still feeling the wetness between my legs.

The next morning.

"Rise and shine angel." Daddy Asher says kissing my cheek. I open my eyes to meet his baby blue ones.

"You have very pretty eyes daddy." I say sweetly.

"You do too angel. The cutest big brown eyes I've ever seen." I blush at his words. I sit up and peel the comfy warm blankets off me. I pout at the sudden loss of heat.

"What's the matter angel?" Daddy asks.

I raise my arms with grabby hands, and he knows what I want. He swoops me up and carries me downstairs. His body is warm and muscular but comfy.

We get to the kitchen, and I see daddy James already at the table. I blush as the memories from last night start playing through my head. Daddy James seems to notice, and he smirks at me.

"How did you sleep princess, have any dreams?" He asks with an eyebrow raised.

"I slept g... good daddy" I forced out. Hes being so mean right now.

Daddy Asher sat me on his lap and gave me a bite of oatmeal. I slowly eat it with my arms crossed looking at daddy James.

He smiles and continues to eat his oatmeal in silence.

"Can I get anything else for anyone?" Gloria asks walking into the room. We all shake our heads no and she walks out smiling at me.

"So, I was thinking." Daddy Asher ponders. "We should get you going back to school." OMG SCHOOL! It's my senior year and I've already missed a couple days. Panic starts to kick in.

"Don't worry princess, we told you principle that you were moving and needed a few days off to settle in." James says nonchalantly. I look up at him smiling. They already saved me from failing this year.

"Thank you, daddy." I said to James. He nods at me winking with his deep blue eyes.

We finished our food and made our way upstairs so I can get dressed for school.

Daddy Asher brushes my hair as Daddy James picks out my clothes. He lays out a soft pink knee length dress with ruffles.

I squealed in happiness as Daddy James was dressing me

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I squealed in happiness as Daddy James was dressing me.

"You like the dress princess?" He asks proudly.

"Yes, daddy I love it." I say grabbing Maple ready to go.

We make our way downstairs and Gloria is waiting at the door.

"Here beautiful, I made you some lunch. It's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with strawberries and fruit snacks." She says smiling at me.

I smile back and take it. "Thank you, Ms. Gloria." I hug her and she hugs me back with a surprised look on her face. When's the last time she's had a hug? Everyone deserves a hug.

"Come on angel, or we will be late." Daddy Asher says. I let go of Gloria and skip out to the car. I stop at the door waiting for it to unlock.

Daddy Asher unlocks it and gets into the driver's seat while daddy James gets in the back next to me.

"You made Gloria very happy princess." Daddy James smiles at me. I smile back, it must be because of the hug.

"Daddy can we have a tea party with her when I get back home?" I look up at James again and he smiles.

"If you're a good girl at school we can do whatever you want princess." I wiggled excitedly. I was going to make sure I was a good girl today.


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