Ding Dong The Witch Is Gone

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*Daisy's POV*

I look at the brownie that daddy James gave me, I went to grab it, but daddy Asher smacked my hand away. I looked at him confused.

"Don't even then about it Daisy." He said sternly.

Why is everyone against me tonight. I didn't do anything wrong, I reacted like anyone would react. I sighed and just waited for daddy Asher to get done eating.

Daddy Asher finished and stood up. He made his way to the ballroom, and I followed behind him.

I look around for daddy James and I can't find him anywhere, where is he?

I look around some more and I don't even see that woman he was with...

Okay so he's fucking her...cool.

I roll my eyes. Daddy Asher is talking to some people, and I make my way to the middle of the ballroom.

"Would you like to dance Daisy?" I heard Drew say from behind me.

"I don't really know how." I say putting my head down.

"It's okay, I can dance with you." I look back up at him and he smiles at me. Oh, what the heck, maybe it'll be fun.

He holds out his hand and I take it. He places my hands on his shoulders and he places his on my hips. I never noticed how handsome he was. He has dark brown hair, almost black but not quite there yet, a strong jaw line, and intense emerald, green eyes.

"You okay Daisy?" He asks pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Mmhmm." I nodded my head yes.

"You haven't stepped on my foot yet, I'm surprised." He chuckles.

I giggle and blush a little.

"I'm surprised too."

I look up and I see daddy Asher and he looks...freaking angry. I see him seething. Oh, yay for me.

"Do you know where James is?" I ask Drew sweetly.

"Hes in an office taking to an important man about a business deal." That's the most information I've gotten all night.

"Thank you, Drew." I whisper to him.

I lay my head on his chest and look back over at daddy Asher. Hes so mad right now. Hes beaming deadly daggers in his baby blue eyes. I could have some fun with this.

I look up at Drew and smile. I mean he's definitely not ugly, but nothing compared to my Daddies. I lean forward and place my lips on his cheek.

"I have to go now; Asher is going to kill me tonight and I want to eat a brownie first." I whisper in his ear giggling.

He chuckles and nods his head.

"Be careful Daisy, you know Asher saw you kiss my cheek and he's going to have your ass."

"Bad word Drew." I say pointing my finger at him playfully.

I turn and make my way to the food again knowing daddy Asher is following right behind me.

I get to the empty hallway and daddy Asher slams me against the wall with his hand behind my head.

"You think that was funny little girl?" He asks placing a finger on my neck.

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