December 20th

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Daisy's POV

     The next morning rolls around and my eyes were crusted shut. Carson snuggled with me all night and tried to comfort me but to no avail.

I just want my daddies.

I walk into the bathroom to do my morning business and look in the mirror. Wow...I look rough. My eyes are bloodshot and still watering, tears have stained my cheeks, and my face is swollen.

My mouth is dry, so I walk downstairs to find Gloria, but I see Drew instead.

"Drew, can you pour me some milk?" I ask.

"Of course, how're you feeling. You had a rough night, didn't you?" His eyes hold concern.

I just nod, there's no way of hiding it. There's no way to cover my feelings when there's a permanent stain of pain scrawled on my face.

He hands me the milk and picks me up.

"It's okay to feel feelings hun. You don't need to hold it in." He sits me on the couch and turns on SpongeBob.

"Can you sit with me?" I ask.

Without saying anything he sits next to me and rubs my foot.

SpongeBob keeps me distracted for a little while, but I soon grow bored of it.

I set the empty cup on the coffee table and stand up.

"Can you call them?" I ask hopefully. He looks at me and sighs.

"They don't have phones hun. I can try calling the facility and see if I can get any information." He says as Carson steps into the room.

"Daddy." Carson hugs him and he picks her up and kisses her.

Drew then pulls out his phone and dials a number.

In the end they told him that it was an ongoing investigation, and they couldn't tell him anything, but she said the court date was on January 3rd.

But it's only December 20th.

That's means...I won't get to spend Christmas with them.

Tears brim my eyes once again and Carson notices. Stepping out of Drews arms she wraps me in a hug.

I hate this.

The worst part is, there's nothing I can do but wait. I can't make them make the court date sooner. I can't make them let them come home...I'm just stuck.

Drew hangs up the phone and suggests that we all sleep in the living room tonight.

With a piqued interest I finally let a smile lay on my lips. That sounds like fun. Maybe we can play dress up and watch a princess movie.

When dinner is over Carson, and I run up the stairs and get on princess costumes.

I wear a Belle dress and she wears a Cinderella dress.

We talk Drew into bringing my whole dress up chest downstairs so we can change if we want to.

Drew puts on Aladdin.

"Oh, I have a few Jasmin costumes!" I say excitedly.

We quickly strip down and put on the Jasmine costumes.

We dance around with the movie and when it ends, we think of another one.

"Daddy can you put on Beauty and The Beast?" Carson asks and I agree.

He smiles at us and turns it on.

In a hurry we slip on Belle dresses.

Luckily, I have at least 2 of every costume Incase 1 gets messed up or lost.

In the middle of the movie Gloria comes in with some cookies and milk for everyone.

"Adorable, aren't they?" She raises an eyebrow at Drew.

He chuckles.

"Yeah. It's pretty amusing watching them dance around and gasp at parts in the movie they've already seen." They both laugh together.

I take a cookie and dip it into my milk.

Mmm...still warm and gooey.

Drews POV

   I wish I could do more for Daisy. I'm happy to see her finally smiling and having a little fun. I know it'll probably be short lived but for now, things are okay.

I watch them switch out of clothing into another outfit multiple times. I try hard not to look at Daisy but it's kind of hard when you have two extremely attractive girls undressing infront of you.

Gloria brings out some cookies and milk and the girls dig in.

I talk to Gloria for a short while until Carson taps my arm.

Looking down at her she points to my lap signaling she wants to sit with me.

I watch her climb up my lap and sit.

Gloria walks over to Daisy and talks to her rubbing her back.

When Gloria first called me, I was in utter shock. I made sure my crew and I cleaned the entire building.

I couldn't let Daisy fend for herself. She's already been through so much so I'm happy to help.

Carsons lips plant themselves on my neck.

I growl in the feeling as my cock grows.

"We can't babygirl-" I whisper and get closer, "not in front of Daisy."

She pouts but she understands. Luckily, she wasn't being bratty.

When the night draws to an end both the girls are danced out and yawning by the time I put on Princess and The Frog.

I let them finish that movie then we all went upstairs.

I tucked Carson in giving her a kiss and went over to Daisy's side and tucked her in.

I hope she will be able to sleep tonight.

Wondering if there's any way I can speed this up, I go to James' office to do some research.

After an hour I can't find anything.

My eyes are sore, so I shut the computer down and head to to guest bedroom.

James' POV

   Anger, rage, wrath...that's all I feel.

Their keeping my brother and I in fucking cages with nothing on us.

I can only wonder how my princess is handling things.

I know Drew will take care of her and will protect her with his life but it's not the same as actually being there.

Waking up the next morning I grow more frustrated.

I eat the gruel they served for breakfast and then I was taken back into an interrogation room.

"Kullen Henry. Nice to see you again." I roll my eyes.

He smiles and opens a folder.

"Do you know this man?" He asks showing me a picture of a man.

"I don't." I sigh. I'm getting sick of this shit.

"You don't know him, nor his wife, but a ton of money was put into her account from your account." He crosses his arms with an eyebrow raised.

Smug bastard.

"That's exactly what I'm saying Henry."

"That's not what your brother said." He says under his breath.

Excuse me?


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