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I got up at around five, and got ready for school. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and got dressed. I put on black dress pants, tight grey hoodie, black Nikes, and my silver belt. I heard thunder booming outside, and heard someone yawning on the other side of the wall. I heard Mark's door open as I was walking down the hall." Mati where you going?" I turned around to see him rubbed his eye behind his glasses. He had on blue pajama pants, gray jacket, Markiplier T-shirt, and his slippers." I have to go to school, the bus get's here at 6:20." He closed his door behind him, and came running after me. His hair was a giant puff ball, and I pull out my comb. He brushed his hair down, and handed it back to me.

"Let me drive you to school, you won't have to stand in the freezing rain that long then." I stopped, and looked at him stragiht in the eyes." Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked as I started to walk again." Because we're neighbors, and I don't want you to get kidnapped." He said almost jogging next to me." No one is going to kidnapp me, I can take care of myself."

"How do you know that, you don't have anything to protect yourself!" I felt him grab my arm, and I pushed him." Yes I do," I lifted up my bow and arrows case," this is my bow and arrows. I bring it to school with me so I can go to work straight after. I can protect myself, I don't need a father!" I ran off, and went to the bus stop. I saw some kids there already, and I pulled my hood up. I felt tears roll down my face, why the hell did I yell at Mark? He didn't deserve it, I was just sick of being treated like a weakling.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned to see Mark. I pushed my face into his shirt, and hugged him." I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Mark." I said into his shirt, and I felt his hands on my book bag." Come on, I'm driving you to school." He led me to his car, and I saw the kids watching us. I got into his car, and I explained what the bow was for." When I was younger, I really wanted to learn bow and arrow. So my mother paid for lessons with a very famous trainer, and I learned it in about a month. I went to tournaments for that, and I won first prize every year. Then my mother started to think I shouldn't be handling weapons at my age. We had an arguement for a few years, and then it just disapeared."

Mark listened carefully, and I felt him grab my hand. He just held it the entire car ride there. When we got to the school, he parked it in front of the school." Okay, so I'll see you at home?" He said, and I looked at him." Yeah okay, maybe you can help with my homework." He nodded, and I got out of the car. I watched him drive away, and I walked into the school. I got my schedule, and went to my first class. After all my classes, and was introduced four times, we were finally let out of school.

I walked over to the tournament gym that was about an hour walk, and started to train. Some of the trainers would try to help me, but then realized I didn't need help. We had practice with fighting with the other contestants, and I beat everyone of them. When everyone left, the sun was setting. I quickly ran home, and got there just before all the lights came on. It was almost dinner time, and I hadn't eaten lunch today. I walked up the stairs to see Mark sitting outside my door, when I got closer he stood up." I was so worried." He said taking me in a hug." I had work, I only go today and fridays." I said being squeezed against his chest. He let go of me, and walked into my apartment with me.

I grabbed some cold pasta from the fridge, and ate it out of the container. Mark sat on the couch, and looked around the apartment." You clean up good." He said, and I finished my pasta. I sat down next to him, and I started on my homework. I could tell he was staring at me, and then I felt his head on my shoulder. He had fallen asleep after an hour of sitting there. I quickly finished my homework, and I slowly moved his body to lay him down. I grabbed one of my pillows, and placed it under his head. I pulled his glasses off, and placed them on the coffee table. I grabbed one of my blankets, and put it onto him. I kissed his forehead, and went upstairs. I slipped out of my pants and shoes, then just laid in bed. I was exhasted from all the training.

I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around my teddy bear, and listening to the street noise outside.

My neighbor MarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now