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        I woke up at eight-thirty on the first day of college, fantastic.  I got out of bed, and went to my desktop.  My classes were posted, and got on the online class.  What they did was that they put a webcam in the class for me, so I could see what the Proffessor was doing."  You getting it Ms. Thompson?"  My English teacher asked me after she finished the assignment, and I nodded.  My classes were very boring, and I only had twice a week.  English, tech lab, science of technology, studies of technology, computers, and learning the parts of a computer.  I almost fell asleep during science of technology, and my teacher kept droning on.  I locked my door so Mark wouldn't bother me, and I could hear him in his apartment.  I really wanted to do something beside watch someone write on a board.  After my classes, I did my homework and studied.  It wasn't that difficult, just simple things to know about everything.  I fell asleep during studying, and woke up to a knock on my door.  I had a paper stuck on my face, and pulled it off.  I walked over to the door, and saw Danny standing there."  Danny?  What are you doing here?"  He had a bag of food in his hand, and I invited him in."  How's college?"  He asked as we ate our burgers."  It's good, very boring thought.  I know all this stuff already, I have to relearn it.  You never answered my question by the way."

        "Mark's hanging out at our place, and I decided to come check on you."  I nodded, and threw away my wrapper.  Danny asked if I need any help, and I shook my head."  No, I'm actually done for today.  Next class is on Friday."  Danny left, and I took a nap.  In my head all I thought about the stuff I learned in class, and I wanted to shoot myself.  I opened my eyes to the sound of the shower running, and I knew Mark was home.  It was seven-twelve, I was out for almost four hours.  I opened my eyes slightly, and heard people laughing downstairs.  The Grumps were here?  I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, the person trying to be quiet.  I shut my eyes again, and could hear the person come into my bedroom.  They threw a pillow at me, and I opened my eyes slightly.  Danny was standing there laughing."  May I help you?"  I said in a groggy voice, and he nodded."  Yeah, get your lazy ass out of bed.  It's movie night."  I slowly got out of bed, and put on some new clothes.  I didn't want to look like a slop in front of the others.  I put on tight sweat pants, red hoodie, and socks."  Mark's taking a shower, and we already put a movie in.  Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, it's a classic."  I rolled my eyes at that, and sat between Danny and Arin.  Barry and Ross weren't there, they said they were busy with something.  Mark came down a little bit later in only pajama pants, and Arin whistled."  Damn girl you looking fine."  Mark smiled as he pulled his shirt over himself.

        We watched the movie together in the living room, and I really like the parts where he used his axe.  He would fling it, and it would stick right in the vampires throats.  Mark looked disjusted, and I smiled at it."  Mark don't you live for this?"  I asked, and he shook his head."  I live for horror, not gore."  He scrutched his nose up a little, and it made me smile.  After the movie, the others left.  Mark and I sat on my couch for a little bit, before we also went to bed.  We sat up there sitting next to one another, before Mark spoke up."  I had a rough day today."  He said putting his phone down, and looking at me."  What happened?"  I asked, and he sniffled."  I feel as if my fans don't believe me that I care about them as much as I say.  I try to tell them as many times as possible, but it never works."  I knew what he was talking about.  He had made a video today of telling his fans about how Pax East and SXSW Gaming Awards was,  It made me cry.

        (I actually did cry at his vlog, really hard too.  It just angered me at how he think's that we don't know he care's about us.  We love you Mark, if you're reading this, WE FUCKING LOVE YOU! DON'T THINK OTHERWISE!)

        "Mark, your fans fucking love more than you know.  They know that you care about them, I know.  I'm still part of your fandom."  He smiled, and I just held him.  I then shut my eyes, and just laid there for a little bit.  I heard Mark snoring, and I fell asleep.

My neighbor MarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now