The Meeting

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It was about an hour that I sat on my couch thinking about what I just discovered. I was trembling with excitement, and I could barely keep myself from screaming." I live next to the famous Markiplier." I said, and finally squealed with delight. I danced around my apartment, then heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. I quickly walked to my peephole, just in time to see Mark walk right past my door. I heard him unlock his door, but then I didn't hear it close. I saw his head turn slightly to my door." Sorry neighbor." I heard him say so I could hear it, then he closed his door. I walked back over to the couch, feeling not so happy anymore. I felt quilty for yelling at him, and thought of something to do for him.

I waited an hour before leaving my apartment. I walked down to a small take-out Chinese resturant, and got food for two. The man at the register looked at me oddly, and I just smiled. I paid, and walked back to my apartment complex. I unlocked my apartment, and got a sticky note. I walked over to Mark's door, and placed the second food container on the floor. I wrote 'sorry' on the sticky note, and put an arrow pointing down on it. I placed it on the doorframe of his apartment. I knocked on his door, and quickly went back to my apartment. I heard his door open, and then the rustling of the bag. His door closed, and I smiled at the thought of him taking my food.

I ate quietly while watching Dexter, it was the season with the Trinity killer. When Dexter was about to kill the Trinity killer, I yelled at the TV." Kill that basterd!" I heard Mark laughing, and then I started laughing. I started to blush, and my pocket buzzed. I pulled it out to see that my mother texted me. She was telling me good night, and I told her I love you.

After about three episodes, I decided to go to bed. I had to sleep on the couch since I didn't have my bed set up yet, and most of the bed frame was still in the boxes. I grabbed a blanket, pillow, and a stuffed animal.( Do not judge me just because I still sleep with my stuff animals please) it was freezing in the apartment for being sixty degrees outside. I snuggled up, and fell asleep instantly.

When I woke up, my alarm was beeping on my phone. I looked at my phone, and jumped off the couch." Shit, I'm late on the first day." I quickly ran up the stairs to the bathroom, but then I stopped. I looked at my phone at the day, it was Saturday. I didn't have school, and there wasn't work today. I banged my head against the wall, thinking about how stupid I was. I decided to take a long shower to clear my head. I'll go to the grocery store today, then work on finishing up my apartment I thought, and got out of the shower. I also heard the shower next door turn off, that was odd. Why was Mark up so early?

I dried my hair, and pulled it into a pony tail. I put on black dress pants, a dark red hoodie, and black converses. I saw that it was raining outside, so I grabbed my coat. I grabbed my book bag so I could carry the groceries in it. I walked outside my apartment, and started walking." Hey neighbor!" I turned around to see Mark closing his door." We finally met face to face." He was wearing a gray hoodie, jeans, and his gray Vans. Hi, I'm Mark. Also know as..."

"Markiplier." I said finishing his sentence, and he smiled." My name is Mati, I got here yesterday." I shook his hand, and started to walk away." Where are you going so early?" He asked catching up." I'm going to the grocery store, I don't have any food in my house." He smiled a little bit." Thank's for the food by the way, it was delicious." I blushed remembering I bought him food yesterday." Well, I thought I should say sorry after yelling at you. It was just that I was talking to my mom on the phone, and you were being noisy."

"You say adult words for being only a kid." I glared at him." I'm not a kid, I'm a freshman in highschool. I'm fifteen, and I can say whatever I want." I stopped talking to him, and rubbed my wrist." Sorry, I just don't like being called a kid. Bad memories." I told him, and he nodded." Can I drive you to the grocery store, It would take a while to walk there." I agreed to let him drive me, and we went to his car." So, why did you move to L.A.?" He asked me as he turned on his car, and as I buckled in." For better schooling and work."

He looked at me with confusian as he drove." You work, but you're fifteen." I shrugged and saw I had a text from my friend Carah." Hey Mati, text me telling how California is. I'll be visitng you this summer." I set my phone down, and looked at Mark again." It's not like a business job, it's a tournament job. I compete in Martial Arts tournaments, and get paid when I win. I've never lost a match. I'm also a gamer on Youtube, like you." Mark smiled, and I turned on the radio. It was tuned in on a channel with sports on, I quickly turned off the radio." Nevermind."

"What? You don't like sports?" I chuckled at that, and pushed my hair back." I do, it's just I don't like listening to sports radio. I like watching it, like hockey. I use to go to so many Ice Hogs games in Rockford, Illinois, that was so much fun." Mark watched the road, and continued to ask me questions about myself.

My neighbor MarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now