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        "Couldn't we just take a bus instead, it would be cheaper."  I said as Mark put clothes in a suitcase."  I'd rather fly, beside it isn't that much money for tickets."  I rolled my eyes as I followed him into my apartment."  SXSW gaming awards is something that comes by once in a life time to go to.  We should at least get there in style."  He said, and I laughed a little bit."  Of course the great Markiplier needs to have style."  I said, and he stuck his tongue out at me.  He put my clothes into my suitcase for me, and rememberd my pills and such.  He looked as if the last week never happened, that he never found out the truth of me.  He just acted as if it were nothing.  He just acted normal, like his true self."  I smiled at that, and helped him with the bags."  Do you think we will be ambused by people?"  I asked as I drove to the Airport."  Yup."  He said, and I smiled again.  We got stuck in traffic, and we just sat there for a little bit talking."  So you think I got an award?" He asked, and I shrugged."  Maybe for best looking dude."  I said, and he shrugged."  I could, I am a sexy devil."  I smiled, and we started driving again.  Once we got to the airport, we walked to where our plane would arrive.  We sat there uncomfortable, me by my leg and Mark due to his lungs.  He coughing a little bit, and I had trouble getting my leg comfy.

        Once we got on the plane, we were very cranky.  Crying babies, loud people, and annoying brats.  Mark and I put headphones on.  We were listening to our stuff, and took naps every other hour.  The stuartress kept coming over to us, asking if we needed anything.  I'm guessing she was a fan.  I switched seats with Mark so he was sitting next to the window, and almost punched a girl in the face.  She was yelling at her mom, and she was all the way in the back of the plane.  Mark woke up, and he looked pissed.  I got up, and limped back there.  The mother looked up at me when I stopped in front of them."  I'm sorry Ms. is this your daughter?"  I asked, and she nodded.  I looked over at the daughter.  She looked about my age, maybe a bit older."  Shut your god damn mouth, and speak quieter.  I have to get sleep before this plane drops down in Austin.  My brother and I are tired, and we need sleep you hear?"  She nodded at me, and I walked back to my seat.

        Mark smiled at me, and fell asleep again.  He listened to rain, which made no sense to me.  I listened to piano to help me sleep.  It was soothing to me, maybe rain was soothing to him.  I played my music again, and fell asleep.  When I woke up, we were landing in Austin, Texas.  Mark was pulled his headphones off, and was stretching his arms.  As we got off, I saw the teenager looking at me.  I glared at her, and walked off with Mark.  We got to the hotel room, and just flopped on our beds.  I stared at Mark, and he stared back."  You excited?"  I mumbled into the pillow, and I saw him nod."  Did you drug my water or something this morning?"  He asked, and I smiled."  Maybe."  I said, and he laughed.  I shut my eyes, and just thoght for a little.  When I think, I usually do math equations.  It helped think straighter.  I was doing scientific notations today for some reason, and kept maybe mental notes on what I needed to work on.  (I usually don't do this.  When I think, I move a pen or pencil in my hand.)  I opened my eyes a little bit later, and saw that it was dark out.  I must have fallen asleep.  I was still tired, and saw that Mark was still sleeping.  I moved onto my stomach, and got under the blankets.  It was cold in Austin still, very cold.  I made sure to pull off my shoes before getting comfortable, and settled my head onto my pillow.

        I could hear Mark snoring over the noise of the TV, and it made me want to laugh.  But I kept it down so I didn't wake Mark up.  I got up to get water, and walked back to my bed to see Mark had moved into my bed.  I smiled, and laid down next to him."  It's cold."  He mumbled, and I smiled."  Yep it is."  I said, and he put his arm onto my back.  I shut my eyes, and went to sleep.  

        Sorry for the short chapter, I'm tired.  I have a AP test tomorrow, and my mind isn't working that well.

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