look both ways

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I woke up before Mark, and decided to go on a run. It was chilly that morning, so I put on under armor. I ran through the city with music playing in my ears. I felt the sweat drip off of my face, and I could feel my heartbeat rise. The songs I listened to were piano, because it calmed me down when my heartbeat rises. My music stopped as I stood in front of the hotel doors, and I looked at my phone. There was a text from Mark, asking where I was. I walked in the hotel to see him sitting at a table. He looked up to see me panting, and he smiled." You go for run this early?" He asked as I sat, and I nodded." I needed to keep up my training, or I won't be good for the tournament."

"Well, we have some time to spend. The Grumps are editing the video from yesterday, and are going to do some other shit. So what do you want to do?" He asked, and I took a drink of his water." I don't know, maybe just walk around New York. It's freezing out but we could get hot chocolate. It could just be something just for us."

"That sounds like a great idea, I would love to walk around with you." We smiled at each other, and decided to get a move on. I put on my dress pants, converses, blue hoodie, and black jacket. Mark wore his jeans, gray Vans, a red hoodie, and a jacket he bought yesterday." Don't be out that long, don't want you to freeze." Danny said in a singing tone, and I flicked him. He hugged me, and we left while Arin pretended to cry. We walked out through New York just as people started to crowd the sidewalks. Mark and I held hands just to make sure we didn't lose each other. We went though book stores, geek stores, and antiques shops.

"Hey look at this, is so cute!" Mark was looking at a clay sculpture of a puppy." Mark, it's fifty bucks. For a tiny puppy I could make in Art class in school." His eyes went wide, and stared at it." For an itty bitty puppy?" He whispered, and I nodded. We walked out of the store, and went to the coffee shop. Mark and I got hot chocolate, and sat down in the cafe." So, how about you tell me about your real family?" Mark asked as he stirred some milk into his drink." My mother was a doctor at the hospital close to where the house was, sometimes she would bring patients home with her to watch them. I would help her with bringing them food, or getting them books to read. My father however was a man of computers. He showed me at an early age how to fix a computer, even with the hardest problem. My biological brother was going to college at the time of the fire, and was trying to become a doctor like mother."

"Is he still alive?" Mark asked, and I took a sip of my drink." Yes, but I don't ever talk to him. I believe he's here in New York, but I don't think he would want to see me. When I was rescued from the fire, I was taken by my step mom. I didn't even get to see him after that, not even once. When I mentioned him to my new family, my step dad would hit me. Telling me he doesn't exist or that he never truely loved me." I turned away from Mark, and smiled a little." He use to tell me 'Mati one day we will chase stars, and become legends.' I still believe that, because it's what kept me going all those years." Mark smiled at that, and I looked at him." My brother said to me when my dad died 'Mark deep down there is a light that never goes out, don't ever forget that'." We then left the cafe, and started walking back to the hotel. We were crossing the road, when I heard screeching tires.

A drunk driver was coming toward us, and it was going to hit Mark. Everything went in slow motion as I ran toward Mark. I felt the fabric of his jacket as I pushed him out of the way, and heard him scream my name as I was crushed by the car. Everything went black.

This did not happen by the way, Mark did not almost get hit. I'm making this up, don't want you guys to get mad at me. This also did not happen to me, I have seen someone save another person from being hit. Don't be mad at me please.

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