Pax East

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Holy Shit guys already over two hundred reads, and we just past a hundred!  Thank you guys so much, you guys mean the world to me, love ya.  Plus I know Pax East hasn't past yet, but I really needed to pull this out of my mind.  It's been something I've writing up in my head, but never actually writing it down.  Hope you enjoy!

        The day before Pax East, Mark and I got on a plane at around six in the morning.  We wanted to get there before midnight like Pax South.  Mark fell asleep as usual, and I got noticed by some people.  Once we leveled in the air, people came up to me asking for autographs.  I really didn't like being famous, to many people asking you questions.  After everyone got a signature, picture, or hug I put in on my headphones.  I started watching Mark's Drunk Minecraft videos.  Some fans told me they were fantastic, so I decided to give them a try.  There was one when Mark couldn't stop laughing, and he even snorted.  I had to cover my mouth so I didn't laugh out loud.  Mark wrapped his arms around my good one, and rubbed his head against my shoulder.

        A small girl came up to me, and she placed a letter on Mark's knee."  Tell him it's from me okay, my name is Ella."  I nodded, and she walked away.  I took a pen, and wrote Ella on the corner of the letter.  I watched a few more of Mark's episodes before I was told we were landing.  I knocked my head against Mark's, and he woke up.  He read the letter, and I saw his lips spread intoa  smile.  When we got our bags, and got away from the people, we got a cab to the hotel.  It was a huge hotel, bigger than any other hotel I've ever been to."  Thank you tournament owners."  I said, and Mark nodded.  We were given a suite with Bob and Wade,  Bob said that we would meet Yami and Jack tomorrow.  We stayed in the suite for most of the day because we tired from the flight.  We all had seperate beds, but I didn't like it.  I could barley sleep with feeling Mark next to my side, or knowing he was just on the other side of the wall.  Now he was across the hall, even farther away.  I got up, and limped over to Mark's room.  He was on his phone, and looked up at me when I opened the door.  Without saying anything, I got into bed with him.  I took a nap with him, and we both woke up around seven at night."  I'm feeling in the mood for tacos."  Mark said, and I got up."  Well, I'll call hotel service.  I'll make sure we get some good tacos."

        Luckily they had tacos, so I didn't have to leave the room.  I ordered pasta for myself, and we enjoyed dinner while watching Family Guy."  So your doing that dance thing?"  Wade asked and I nodded."  How are you going to do it with a limp leg?"  Bob asked trying not to be rude."  I can still dance, it's just difficult to walk sometimes."  Mark nodded, and Wade looked at my bandaged arm."  So, is Mark being over-protective yet?"  Bob started laughing, and Mark turned red as a cherry."  What do you mean?"

        "Well, Mark is a worrier.  He reminds me of my mom when I was I was younger."  Mark punched Wade, and Wade said ow."  Mark is being a great brother, don't be such an ass Wade."  Bob was cracking up, and had to put his food down so he didn't drop it.  We let him cool down before we started talking again.


        The next day we left at around ten the next day, and I realized we were going to be on FriendZone with Dodger, Jesse Cox, and Danny Sexbang.  Mark helped me into the owl kingurumi, and he helped get my arm through.   Dodger was really excited to meet me, and gave me a small hug not to hurt me.  Jesse went out first, then Danny, Mark, Me, and Dodger.  When Chad called me out, Mark helped me up the stairs to my seat.  He was wearing Totoro Kingurumi, and he looked funny.  The crowd cheered for me as I sat down, and I smiled.  Dodger came out like a ball of excitement, and hugged me around the neck."  Wow, don't we have a crew with us this year."  She said, and I nodded."  We have Super Girl, Markiplier, Danniel Sexbang, and Jesse Cox.  So Mati, how's it going since the accident?"  I rubbed my bandaged arm, and looked over at Mark."  I've been good, Mark's been taking car of me.  I think what really scared me is that I might have lost the ability to walk, and that scared me a lot."  Mark nodded, and he moved his fingers through his hair."  It was very terrifing to watch the perimedics take her to the hospital, because I didn't know if she would survive.  The doctor told me that she might not wake up, she might not even make it.  So when she opened her eyes, it was an amazing feeling."  Mark kissed my forehead, and I smiled.

        "So we are going to play the video game version of Taboo, that we played last time Mark was here."  Dodger went first, and did a terrible voice of Ash from Pokemon.  I picked up my card, and saw I had to be Detective Castelanos from Evil Within."  I have a good one, but only Mark would know it."  I said, and people started laughing."  Jo-Jo, get your ass back here!"  I said in my mannliest voice, and Mark looked confused."  Oh Castelanos."  I nodded, and Mark cheered.  Mark looked at his card, and put his head on the table.  I started laughing, and turned away from him."  I bet it's something Jesse will get."  I said, and Jesse started laughing."  Nerds Unite!"  Jesse yelled with Danny, and I raised my fist."  I'm the only one of this."  He said, and we all guessed something."  Are you the last Avatar?"  Danny asked, and Mark laughed."  I wish I was, that would be easy." 

        "Are you Tigger?"  I asked, and Mark cheered yeah."  Shit, why didn't sing 'I'm the only one'?"  I asked, and Mark rolled his eyes.  After about two rounds of that, it was question times."  This question is for all of you, who is your role model and why?"  Dodger hid her face, and Jesse went first."  I guess myself is a good answer, because I'm fucking awesome!"  The crowd cheered, and Jesse smiled like a dork."  Weird Al, because he's just a comedic genius."  Mark said all of the crowd, and they went awww."  I think my role model is Mark, because he's showed me a lot over the past six months.  He has helped get through some stuff that not many people could."  I saw Bob smiling at me in the crowd, and I smiled back."  I think my dad is, because he showed me how to be myself."  Mark was asked a lot of questions about hitting 6 million, and also about being a guardian now.

        "This question is for Mati, do you ever think you would ever want to change your life?"  I looked down at my arm, then over at the man who asked the question."  No, I wouldn't want to change it in a million years.  It did have it's downs, but also very good ups."  I realized what I said didn't sound very serious or funny, but it was an honest answer."  Mati, I was wondering if you had any special talents like Mark?"  

        "Actually no I don't, my body doesn't do anything odd."  After another hour of questions, the day of Pax East was over.  I was tired from answering so many questions from fans.  What's are your favorite color?  What do you like to do for fun?  Favorite movie?  Scariest game?  Childhood game?

        We got back to the hotel, and I went to sleep in my room.  Even though I was asleep, I felt Mark put his arms around my waist as he laid down next to me.


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