Road Trip

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     ( I reached 1K reads!  Oh my fucking god I'm so happy.  I had a shitty day, so this made it better.  THank you guys so much!  This is a chapter my friend and I made up in Art class, hope you enjoy.)

        The next morning I went on a jog before Mark got up, and jogged for almost an hour.  I listened to my music, and past by business people getting to work.  At the coffee shop, the lady behind the counter just handed me two coffees for free.  I then ran up the stairs of the apartment, and walked up to my bedroom.  Mark was starting to wake up, and I saw he had a cow lick in his hair.  I handed him a coffee, and took a shower.  I then sat at the counter, and noticed it something. Next to the door were two duffel bags.  Was Mark going somewhere?  He came downstairs, and he had brushed his hair down now.  He had on his red flannel, jeans, gray Vans, and a gray jacket."  Where you going?"  I asked pointing at the bags with my pinkie."  We are going on a road trip around the country for a few days."  I almost dropped my coffee, and stared at him."  What?"  I said, and set my coffee on the counter."  Well, the Grumps and I decided to that we need to get out of L.A. again.  We decided to go on a road trip, and maybe do some camping in D.C."  I dropped my head onto the counter, and Mark smiled."  Oh come on, it'll be fun.  We just stay in a motorized vehicle for hours at a time."  I looked up at him, and went upstairs."  Where you going?"

        "I know you didn't pack my pills or anything.  You don't know where they are."  I went upstairs to get my pills, laptop, movies, bandages, and pillows.  I brought them downstairs, and put them in our bags."  Sorry."  Mark said while scratching the back of his head."  It's fine Mark, it's fine."  He rubbed his head against my shoulder as I stood up.  I pulled on my jacket, and he led me outside.  Arin was leaning against a huge ass RV that was jet black.  He had a bright smile on his face, and I saw Danny hanging out of a window of it."  You guys ready for the best fucking roadtrip?"  Danny asked, and I climbed onto the bus.  I put our bags in the back with the others, and I grabbed More Than This.  I sat down next to Barry, and smiled at him.  Mark sat across from me, and I pulled my bad leg over my other.  Arin was driving with Suzy telling him directions.  We were going the long way around to D.C.  We then started moving, and I saw Mark start to sweat.  I moved over to him, and he moved his head onto my shoulder."  Why is traveling troubling for him?"  Barry asked, and I looked over at Mark."  I think the motion just makes his feel sick."  He nodded, and kept his head there.  I read my book in my head, and saw Mark looked over my shoulder.  I read most of it for the ride until I felt us jerk.  I almost fell out of my seat, but luckily I kept my balance."  What happened?"  I asked Arin, and he was honking the horn."  Some asshole just cut us off."  He said, and I saw him flip off the driver.

        I continued to read until I felt my phone buzz.  Mark moved a little so I could get my phone, and I saw Carah was calling."  Hey, I just called from a man who says he's your brother?"  I smiled, and rubbed Mark's hand with my other."  Hey, that was Thomas.  You know, my blood brother."  Carah laughed, and I rolled my eyes."  Okay, I'll text ya later."  I hung up, and went to get my bag.  I took my pills, and got my laptop.  Suzy had moved from the front seat, so I sat up there.  Arin said he knew where he was going, so I sat up there typing my stories."  So, when you taking your classes?"  He asked, and I told him after Summer.  He lookedreally bored just driving, so I read to him what I already wrote."  That sounds really good!  You publishing it online?"  I nodded, and wrote it some more.  He ten asked me to read More Than This to him, so I got it out of my bag.  I read it to him, and could tell the others were listening to me as well.  I finished the book in an hour, and set it on the floor."  It's basically like Matrix."  Mark said, and I nodded."  But it's more detailed instead of just being robots taking over."  Arin nodded, and I looked in my bag."  I have Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell."  I said, and Suzy squealed."  I love that book, it's such an incredible read."  

        I then read the first chapter until we stopped for dinner."  I'm not driving anymore, I've been for almost eight hours now.  Dan can drive."  Danny nodded, and we went into the resturant.  We were there for almost an hour.  Drinking Redbulls, getting food in our stomachs, and getting our strengths up.  We then paid for the bill, and I went to bed.  I grabbed a blanket, and laid on the floor next to Barry and Arin.  I felt Arin snuggled up close against my back, and I slowly shut my eyes.  I then woke up to the sound of vomiting.  I slowly got up, and went into the bathroom.  Mark was on his knees, throwing up his dinner.  I rubbed his back, and held his hair back for him.  After he finished, I laid down next to where he was sleeping.  Danny was smiling at me, then turned toward the road again.  Mark fell asleep, and I just sat there.  Danny was getting tired, so I told him to park on the side of the road."  Come on, we aren't in a hurry to get there."  He laid down on my other side, and fell asleep.  I sat there in the middle of them, and just stared at the ceiling for a little bit.  I heard Barry move a little bit, then I shut my eyes.  I dreamed of the garden from Coraline, and I was picking some Dragon Lily's.  I don't know why, but it was peaceful to me.     

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