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        The next day was the first day of Summer, a beautiful day to stay inside.  I woke up with a small breeze on my face.  I stretched my arms until I hit the wall behind my head.  I saw Mark's side of the bed empty, and went downstairs.  He was laying on the couch face down with ice on his back.  He looked out of the corner of his eye at me, and smiled."  Told you that you would understand why next week."  He nodded and looked over at the TV."  It feels like needles going into my back."  He muffeled into the couch, and I smiled.  I went into the kitchen, and got some ice packs.  I placed them on my knees, and laid back in the chair.  We relaxed there for the rest of the morning, and I got up to get my ringing phone."  Hello?"

        "Hey it's Danny, you guys want to come hang out with us?  We were thinking about soaking our lazy asses in the hot tub."  I looked over at Mark, and he moved his head so he could look at me."  Mark you want to go soak in a hot tub?"  I asked, and he nodded."  Oh fuck yes please!"  He shouted, and Danny laughed."  Alright, be here aroudn oneish."  I put my phone down, and went upstairs.  I grabbed our swim suits, and also some pills.  I had boughten a water pillow for Mark because he said his back hurt everytime he soaked his body.  I put that in a bag, and went back downstairs.  I placed the ice on my knees."  You think I'm okay to be in the water already?"  Mark asked, and I nodded."  You'll be fine, it's waist high water.  No need to worry."  He nodded, and faced the couch.  After the ice packs melted, Mark and I pulled our swim suits underneath our clothes.  Mark was nervous the entire car ride there, and held my hand tightly.  I stopped the car in front of Arin's house, and locked us in the car.  Mark looked at me, and I rubbed his cheek."  Relax, you're fine."  He nodded, and I saw he was sweating."  If I can teach Barry to swim, I can help you with sitting in a hot tub."  He smiled, and we went into Arin's house.  They were already sitting in the hot tub, and Danny was bringing out food."  Come on in, the water is nice.  We pulled off our clothes, and I held Mark's hand as we went in the water.  Mark was trembling as we sat down, and took deep breathes."  You good Mark?"  Danny asked, and he nodded."  Just give me a minute."  He said in barley a whisper, and Danny nodded.

        Mark relaxed a minute later, and smiled at the gang.  We enjoyed barbaque, shots of Coke, and some playing water cards.  I let my cards float on the water, and played like that.  We then just sat there resting our aching bodies, it felt heavenly.  My body started to burn after a while, and I got out."  Where you going?"  Danny asked, and I sat down on one of the chairs."  My skin starts to burn when I'm in a hot tub too long."  I told him, and he nodded.  I wiped my skin down, and rubbed lotion down my legs.  I sat there bathing in the sun with Suzy for while until the boys got out.  We then sat in the living room on towels, and watched the basketball game.  It was the Celtics vs Miami Heat.  Suzy was looking at my cane, and just staring at the wolf head."  Who made this?"  She asked handing the cane back to me."  It's a family antique, been in my real family's life for centuries."  She seemed impressed, and I moved my hand over the wolf head.  After the game, we enjoyed dinner together.  Home made barbaque pizza with a side of bread sticks.  We were laughing at some jokes Danny and Arin were saying, and were also trying to keep ourselves together.

        "Hey Mati, tell us about your past."  Danny asked, and I set down my soda."  I can tell you a story about Theo."  They all nodded, and I pulled my leg onto my lap."  It was my birthday, I had just turned five years old.  I had been begging my father for a brand new PC that I could play on.  My father didn't really like to buy things that would be destroyed in my life time.  That morning, my father brought me to a computer store.  He bought me the most expensive PC in the store, and told me this was the only time he would buy me a computer.  I put it together myself, and updated all the parts myself as well.  I guess that was the best birthday I had with my family."  Mark smiled as he thought of the memory that I explained, and I smiled over at him.

        Afterwards Mark and I left.  He told me to sit on the couch while he put lotion on my burned back.  I then put cooling cream on where he had burns, then brushed his hair back with my fingers.  It was extremely warm in the apartment, and I was sitting in my swim suit still.  I brought my portable fans into Mark's apartment, and turned them toward us.  We sat there with ice bags on our heads, and relaxed while watching TV.  As night came, the lights turned off.  Summer black out, shit.  Mark and I lit candles around his apartment, and we watched movies on our laptops.  The lights were out for the rest of the night, and it started to rain.  Mark and I went to bed, and brought the fans with us.  We faced them to the bed, and continued to watch movies.  The storm outside had gotten worse, and I hid underneath the covers."  You aren't scared of anything else, but fucking storms."  He came under the covers with me, and we finished the movie there.  After the movie, we put in another one.  We then fell asleep to the sound of the movie. 

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