South Pax part 2

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I woke to the sound of knocks on the hotel door, I went to open it, and the three musketeers standing there." Hey Mati, I forgot my key. I didn't want to wake you but I had to." I smiled at him, and rubbed my eyes." Let's go get breakfast." I said, and grabbed the key from the counter. We took the elevator down to breakfast, and I started on coffee." Well, when do you need to get to Pax?" I asked as I ate my omlete." I think around noonish, and it's about nine o'clock." I racked my fingers through my hair, and drank some more coffee." Hey I heard you guys get here last night, what took so long?" Wade asked, and Bob nodded." Well the flight was long, and so was the drive to the hotel. You should have seen Mark, he almost collapsed before we even got to the room." Mark rolled his eyes at me, and checked his watch." We need to leave at eleven so we can get there on time." I stood up, and set down the second key next to Mark." I need to take a shower before you, because I know you'll hog all the hot water."

I ruffeled his hair as I went up to my room. I took a quick shower, and dried my hair. I put on a black slim fitting hoodie, black dress pants, black converses, and my Pax pass. I brushed my hair into a pony tail, and heard Mark come into the room." I call the bathroom now!" He said as he ran into the bathroom, and I pulled out my laptop. I worked on editing some videos, and had to work on some writing projects. I watched everything carefully as I waited for Mark to finish up with his shower, because I knew he would want me to brush his hair. I heard the water turn off, and heard the door open. He came out in a towel, and he quickly walked over to his suit case." Is it no clothes Friday?" I asked, and he did a fake laugh. I looked away when he put on his boxers, then watched him put on his jeans." Come over here so I can do your hair." I said when he zipped up his pants. He came over and sat down on the ground for me. I sat on the bed, and brushed his hair. I used another towel to dry it some more because he did a shitty job at that.

He put on his gray hoodie and top hat, then we left. It took a while to get to Pax, plus Wade was arguing with Mark on where to go. Bob and I were just playing video games on our phones in the back, and sometimes switched phones to play the others game. We parked in the back parking lot behind the area that South Pax was being held, and got to where Mark had to stay put." Do you want me to go in with you?" I asked him as he got ready." Uh sure, that will be fun. The fans will see you again." We walked in front of a huge group of people, and they started screaming for Mark. I waved a little until we walked into the pannel room. WIthout people the place was huge, it was like the size of a resturant." Holy shit! I never thought it was this big." I said, and felt Mark's arm on my shoulder." That's what I thought too when I saw a pannel room. It's still amazing."

I sat down in the middle of the front row, and watched as people started to flood in. I sat between two huge fangirls, and it looked as if they were crying." Are you guys okay?" I asked them, and they didn't answer me. Pretty soon the camera's starting rolling, and pannel officially started. Mark ran around the room answering questions, and Bob kept smiling down at me. I waved at him, and he waved back. Then about thirty minutes into the pannel, someone proposed to someone. Then Mark stopped right after that, and got everyone's attention." I wanted to introduce you guys to someone who's here with me. Mati will you come up here please?" I stood up, and walked up on stage." This is my neighbor Mati Thompson, also my best friend." He explained how we met, and was hugging me the entire time. I sort of cringed when talked about the beat up incident, but smiled when he said he beat the shit out of the kid.

"I don't think that I could ever live without her now. She means a whole lot to me." The crowd started to cheer, and Mark invited me to stay up on stage. I listened to the other questions, but then got a question." This question is for Mati, what is it like to have a friend like Markiplier?" I felt my cheek get warm, and I smiled." I don't see him as a friend, I see him as a brother figure. It's the best thing in the world. When people have gone through what Mark and I have gone through, they'll understand what it's like. But I'm very thankful to know Mark, or else I wouldn't be here now."

The pannel ended, and I went to the signing with Mark. He let me sit down next to Molly, Wade's wife, and we spoke for a little. Some of the fans wanted to take photos of Mark and me. I decided to pull my chair up next to Mark so I didn't have to keep walking back and forth. One fan wanted to have my signiture, and I did. It was amazing to know so many people wanted to meet me. Some people wanted to hug me, or just give me handshakes. The oddest thing was someone gave me a free teddy bear, and I hugged them.

We finally got back to the hotel around nine o'clock, and played games on our laptops. I stopped at around eleven, and went to bed to the sound of the boy's laughter.

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