Fun Day

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        Some how while I was sleeping I wrapped my arms around Mark's neck, and he placed his head over my shoulder.  It was if I wanted a hug while I was sleeping.  Or did he do it?  He was still sleeping when I woke up, and  I looked at my phone.  Danny texted me a photo of him and Arin snuggling.  I took a photo of Mark and I, and sended it.  He texted me back a laugh.  Danny:  He looks so cute in your arms, have fun today.  I rolled my eyes as I tried to wake up Mark, but he didn't wake up.  He was in a deep sleep, so I just laid there for a while.  I then couldn't take it anymore, and pushed him off of me.  He was awake, and laughing."  You were awake you asshole!"  I pushed him, and he couldn't breathe from laughter.  I tried to get out of bed, but he grabbed me around the waist.  He laid on his stomach looking at me, and I turned toward him so I could see him better."  Did you make me wake up like that?"  I asked, and he nodded.  I smiled, and sighed."  What do you want to do today?"  I asked resting my head on my arms."  I'm not in the mood for buying a video game, how about we go see a good movie this time.  Last time we went to see a movie, you didn't look at the screen most of the time."  I blew my stinky breathe at him, and he made a choking noise.  We laid in bed until noon, then started to get ready.  Mark took a shower while I brushed my teeth, and I went into my room before he got out.  I pulled on a red hoodie, black cargo jacket, dress pants, and black converses.  

        Mark came out in boxers, and pulled on his jeans."  You think we could go see that new Spongebob Movie?  I heard it was really good."  I went downstairs as he started pulling on his clothes, and went to get my keys."  If you want to, I don't see why not."  He came down as he combed his hair, and put a breathe mint in.  He looked in my bag for a little bit before handing it to me."  I can't find my keys."  He said, and I looked on the side of the bag.  They were clipped to one of the hooks."  Are these it?"  I said unlatching them, and he grabbed them.  We got there at one, and got our seats.  Mark was being pickey about his seat, and we sat in the top row to the far left."  Are you happy now?"  I asked him, and he nodded.  I gave him the popcorn, and I pulled my good up on the seat.  Luckily there weren't any fans in the theater with us, so we could enjoy the movie.  I thought I was going to fall asleep during it, but it was Mark who did.  We were barley through the first fifteen minutes before he fell asleep.  I slowly pulled my leg down, and sat on his lap.  He didn't wake up so I stayed there.  At the end of the movie, he woke up.  He saw me sitting there, and kissed my nose."  You enjoy the movie?"  I asked, and he smiled."  Oh yeah, it was being in a sleeping man's body.  It was so weird."  I got off of him, and we went outside.  We sat on the curb outside the movie theaters for a little, just watching the cars go by."  Couldn't we make hover cars due to the technology we have with Hoverboats?"  I asked, and Mark shook his head."  No, the car would have to weigh a whole lot less for that to work."  I nodded, and stood up."  Come on, my ass hurts."  I helped him get up, and we walked to the car.  He was acting all gentlemen like, and opened my door for me.

        We drove around for a while until we parked in front of Walmart."  Really?"  I said as we got out, and Mark smiled."  Come on, I want to have a huge ass movie night tonight.  Beside people are tiring to be around."  I nodded, and got the cart.  Mark then put his hand on the edge of the cart, and kept swirving it.  We went to the popcorn aisle to get lots of popcorn for me to make sweet popcorn."  Hey how about this kind?"  I asked, and showing him kettle corn."  Yeah, I love kettle corn."  I put it in the cart, and I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turned around to see Danny standing there."  Hi Danny."  I said as he hugged me, and Mark came over."  What you guys doing here?"  He asked, and I told him about 'movie night'."  Wow, wish I could come.  But Arin and I have to record some stuff.  See ya guys later."  He walked off, and we continued to shop.  Mark got tones of soda, and I made him put the energy drinks back."  That shit will ruin your body Mark, you can't drink them all the time."  He then got some Mountain Dew Kickstart to sub in for the energy drinks.  We then got tons of chips, veggies, and two bottles wine.  We got home, and we both flopped down onto Mark's bed."  We haven't done anything today, and we're already tired."  I mumbled, and Mark nodded in agreement.  We took a two hour nap, and I was woken up by Mark saying Beedoo over and over.  I pushed his face away, and got closer this time."  Alright I'm up, I'm up."  I said as I rolled over and sat up.  He put his arms around my neck, and moved me side to side.

        We put on our fluffy pajama pants and hoodies, then went downstairs.  We got all the blankets we could find, and covered the couch in them.  I made so many patches of sweet popcorn that we had to use four big bowls that I could find.  We were going to watch 12 Years a Slave, Hunger Games, Star Trek into Darkness, Pitch Perfect, and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  We got all comfy on the couch, and Mark played the movie.  My phone went off, and I ignored the call.  I turned off my phone, and turned off Mark's as well.  We enjoyed eating popcorn, and having laughing at the funny moments in the movies.  We both cried at the sad moments, and drank a lot of Mountain Dew.  I don't think I've ever drinken that much Mountain Dew in my life, it felt like I was on drugs or something.  We were watching one of the movies, and I started laughing for no reason.  Mark was all loopy too, because he started laughing with they said 'Goblet'  in Harry Potter.  When we finished the movies, we both went to bed.  We left the mess to clean up tomorrow, and went upstairs.  I climbed into bed after Mark, and he laid in my arms.  His back smooth going across my fingers when he laid on his stomach when I did.  I kept my hand on his back, and went to sleep.

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