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        Mark wasn't in his apartment when I woke up, and he wasn't in mine."  Wonder where he went?"  I thought out loud to myself, and decided to go out for coffee.  When I did, I realized I had work today.  So I quickly walked to the gym, and was greeted by my friends."  Hey Mati, you have fun in New York?"  I nodded, and started my training.  Six hours of climbing, jumping, punching, kicking, and throwing.  It was about four o'clock when I got off of work, and stayed after.  We were just talking on the platforms and laughing."  So how's Mark doing?"  One of the fighter's asked while sucking on her cigerette."  He's doing good, we had a small accident the other day.  I almost lost all oxygen in my lungs, and I could've died.  Luckily he save me in time, and I'm still here."  She smiled, and I smiled back.  I kept checking my phone, but no messages."  Is everything okay?"  She asked, and I looked up at her."  No actually, he hasn't called or texted me today.  He wasn't home when I woke up, I'm getting worried."  She had a worried look on her face, and she dropped down from the platform."  I'll drive you home, you call him."  Her name was Tiff, and she was my first friend at work.  She had dark blue hair, and half of her head was shaved.  She was a gothic, and wore black all the time.  She was paler than me, and I'm like Irish pale.  I called Mark four times, and kept going to voicemail.  Once Tiff parked in front of my apartment, I told her bye, and ran inside.  I looked frantically in both our apartments, basically yelling Mark's name.

        He didn't answer, he wasn't there.  I was hyperventilating, and had to sit down in his bedroom.  I looked at my phone again, nothing.  I started to cry hard, and laid in a ball on the ground."  Where are you?"  I called out, but wasn't given a response.  I called Danny, and he answered.  He heard me crying."  What's the matter, is everything okay?  Mati talk to me please."  I gasped for breathe, and was finally able to speak."  I can't find Mark, he wasn't here when I woke up, and he's not here now.  I just got home from work, and I thought he would be here.  Danny I'm scared, what if something happened to him.  He hasn't called, he hasn't texted me.  Danny help me please."  Danny sighed, and I heard someone in the background."  Hold on a second sweetie alright, stay on the phone."  I then heard him moving around, and heard people talking."  Hey Mark."  There was silence, and I heard the phone move."  Hello?"  I started to cry harder again, and heard silence on the other line."  M..Mark?"  I said, and then silence again."  Mati?  Are you okay?"  He sounded so concern, and I hung up on him.  I ran out onto the street, and got into a cab.  I went to the Grump Station, and Danny opened the door for me.  He let me pass, and I saw Mark in the living room.  I was sweating, and the tears were still rolling.  Mark stood up, and walked over to me."  I thought something bad happened to you."  I said when he hugged me."  I'm so sorry, I forgot to put a note out for you.  I'm okay, the Grumps asked me to help them with their new computers they ordered.  I'm sorry Mati to worry you."  I just sighed with relief, and held him.  I was so scared, I thought I had lost him.  We sat on the couch together, and I was still trying to wipe the tears away."  I'm sorry Mati, I promise I'll call you next time.  I just completely forgot about the note thing."  Danny gave him an upset look, and looked over at me."  You should have heard her Mark, she was sobbing her eyes out."

        Mark held me, and kissed my forehead."  I just thought the worse happened to you, I thought I was alone again."  He turned toward me, and leaned his head against mine.  Suzy brought me a cup of tea, which tasted like honey."  Thank you."  I said as I wiped my eyes."  I understand that feeling", Suzy said as she sat down next to me," if Arin did that to me I would shit myself."  I smiled, and nodded."  I had a tiny panic attack in his bedroom, because it was if he just vanished."  Suzy nodded, and I started to calm down."  What are you trying to do anyway."  I asked Mark as I set down the tea cup."  They have something not allowing the computer to function."  I looked into the open PC, and saw the problem."  You have a cut cable, probably from rough packaging by the makers."  I grabbed some pliers, and tweaked it so the cables connected."  There see, not it'll work."  Mark looked at it, and looked impressed."  That's good work, your dad teach you?"  I nodded, and he smiled."  Woah what?  Her dad was a computer whiz?"  Danny asked, and I nodded.  I hadn't realized Danny was in fluffy sky blue pajama pants, he looked adorable.

        We sat there for a little in silence until Suzy asked another question."  So what you think happened to him, if I may ask."  I looked over at Mark then sipped my tea."  I thought he was kidnapped or killed, maybe even both."  Mark hugged me around the shoulders, and just smiled."  I'm alive thought right?  That's the good thing here?"  I nodded, and he kissed my forehead.  It was midnight when we left, and went back home."  Are you okay?  I said I was sorry so many times, please don't be mad."  I turned toward him, and smiled."  I ain't mad, I was scared, but not mad."  We went into his apartment, and I went to bed.

        I had a nightmare of Mark.  He was smiling at me at the end of the road, and telling to come to him.  He kept getting farther and farther away as I tried to get to him, then he faded into millions of pictures.  Each of them was of the fire, different pictures of my memories of it."  No stop it, STOP IT!"  I yelled, and woke up.  Sweat covered my body, and I sat up.  Mark stirred from his sleep, and looked up at me."  You okay?"  He asked, and sat up with me."  I'm okay, just a nightmare."  I explained it to him, and he looked at the puddle of sweat I left on his sheets.  I stood up, and got new sheets.  I pulled them over the bed, and got into bed again.  Mark put his arms around me, and kissed my forehead."  I won't ever do that you know that, don't ever believe I will.  I'm going to hang out with the Grumps again tomorrow again okay, just in case you are looking for me.  They need more help with their computers."  I nodded, and put my head on the pillow.  I fell asleep, and didn't dream anymore.

        The next morning Mark was still there with me, and I smiled.  I got up, got dressed, and went to work again.  Mark said bye, and reminded me again where he would be.  I went to work, and told TIff what happened.  She hugged me, and sighed with relief."  At least he isn't dead."  She said, and I smiled.  We were stuck there longer than yesterday, almost ten hours.  We were barley able to walk afterward, and I got a ride to the Grump Station.  Before going in, I went to the gas station down the street.  I got a Mountain Dew to keep me up, and went back the Grump Station. Suzy let me in, and I found Mark where he was yesterday."  Just wanted to check up on you before I went home, by the way brought you something."  I said, and put the Mountain Dew on the table.  Danny quickly took it, and started to drink it."  That's you dick."  Said Mark, and hugged me before I left.  I slowly crawled into bed, and fell asleep with the air condition blowing on my face.     

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