Sick Day part 2

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(Hey guys, I'm going to explain this a little. When I'm sick, I only have one terrible day of sickness. One day of chills, blowing my nose, sneezing, getting sick, and being weak. Then I have my coughing day, then I'm all better. So it's two day's after Mati gets sick, so she's all better. But it's another story for Mark.)

I woke up feeling my nose unstuffed and my body strength return to me." That was the worst two days, I wonder what Mark's doing." I didn't hear him get up, which was a first. I got up, and put on some clothes. A pair of dress pants, fluffy socks, a blue hoodie, and a beanie to put my hair in. I made breakfast for the two of us, and went to his apartment. He wasn't up, he wasn't even down stairs. I set the plates of eggs down on the coffee table, and ran upstairs." Mark? You okay?" I heard coughing, and nose blowing." Fuck, I told you that you would sick." I said walking into his room. He was covered in a pile of blankets, only his hair was showing. Numerous tissues laid next to the bed, and three boxes were on the nightstand.

"I thought I wouldn't." He said, and I pulled the blankets away from his face. He was sweating, and curled up in a ball. I felt his forehead, and he was burning up." No videos today, doctors orders. I'll bring you my humidifier, and some other things." He nodded, and I replaced the blankets. I never really thought Mark could get this sick, I guess I just never thought he could get sick. I went to my apartment, and got my humidifier. I also got some cold medicne, more tissues, and some quick time cold liquids. I went back to his apartment. He had slowly sat up in bed, and he looked a little better. His nose was red as a tomato, and he was still sweating. He had on a long sleeved shirt on, and his pajama pants on." You should be getting rest, that's how you get better." I said as I plugged in the humidifier, and placed the medicine on his nightstand." Where are you doing?" He asked as I set some pills in his hand." I have to go to school, I'm having one of the trainers walk around with me. You get better, I don't want to see you out of this bed."

He rolled his eyes, and I left. I went to the bus stop, and nobody bothered me. The big kid Tommy glared at me, but didn't pay attention to me. I sat down next to the mute kid, and he hugged me. When I got to school, I saw one of the trainers waiting for me." So why do I need to be here?"

"Because Mark's sick and I need a body guard." He nodded, and followed me into the school. We went to the classes, and got the homework. In Fourth hour, my teacher asked me a question." So Mati, how was the tournament? It was huge news all over TV." I felt eyes staring at me, and my trainer smiled." It was an amazing tournament, and I can't wait for the next one." My teacher smiled, and I looked down at my book.

I walked home from school, and went to my apartment. I dropped off my stuff, and walked into Mark's apartment. The plates of eggs were still on the table, and Mark was no where to be seen in the second floor. I went upstairs to find him sleeping while holding onto an empty box of tissues. I pushed some of his hair out of his face. He shifted a little, but didn't wake up. I went downstairs, and cleaned up a little bit. I threw away the eggs, cleaned the dishes, picked up the clothes around the aparment, and cleaned up his video games.

I heard a thump upstairs, and saw Mark walk slowly down the stairs." I thought I told you not to move." He stuck his tongue out at me, and sat down next to me." When did you go to bed?" I asked, and looked over at me." About an hour after you left, now my sinuses are all cleared." He took a deep breath through his nose to show me." I hate doing nothing." He said, and I smiled." Yeah well you have to if you get sick, you have to get rest. You can make a video tomorrow telling your fans your sick. Now play your games." I sat back, and enjoyed watching him play games.

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