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        (I don't think I've ever been camping before, except when I went on a field trip with my school.)

        I woke up to the feeling of the bus moving, so I got up to see Barry driving."  It's four in the morning."  I said as I sat down in the front with him."  I want to get there before noon, so maybe we can go hunting.  You bring your bow?"  He asked, and I nodded."  Great, maybe you can hunt some rabbits or something for lunch."  I smiled, and saw the far road ahead of us.  About two hours later, we arrived at the camping site.  The others were still asleep, so Barry and I snuck out."  Come on, let's go hunting for breakfast."  I grabbed my bow, and we left into the forrest.  I could hear birds and other animal, and got my arrow ready."  Shut your eyes."  I said, and Barry did that.  I pulled the arrow back, and aimed it at a deer.  I took a deep breathe, and let the arrow fly.  I heard the deer squak, then it fell."  Okay, now look."  Barry looked shocked that I hit it, and stared at me."  I've hunted before."  I said, and went to get the deer.  I skinned it, and cooked it's meat for the others.  After it was cooked, I put them on plates.  Another hour later the others woke up and came out of the RV."  Morning, hungry?"  Barry asked and raist his plate up.  Mark sat down next to me, and we ate."  What is it?"  Suzy asked while finishing it up."  Deer, Mati got it herself."  They seemed impressed, and we sat tehre for a while."  So what are we going to do today?"  I asked, and Danny smiled."  I was hoping we could go on a hike up the hills, maybe get some sun on our pasty white bodies."

        We just sat there laughing at some jokes.  We then got ready for the hike, Mark and I were sitting on the couch."  What's wrong with you two?"  Danny asked, and we both looked up."  well with my lungs, and her leg."  Mark said, and Danny shrugged."  We'll go slow, I promise."  Mark and I were still nervous, but we got dressed for it.  Shorts, tank tops, sneakers, and water bottles.  I didn't bring my cane, so I would be limping for most of the time.  Mark helped me with my shoes, and I helped him with his T-shirt.  He said he felt weird in a tank top, and I gave him a weird look.  We then started hiking, and I was right behind Danny.  He kept falling over due to the soft parts of the hill, and I kept catching him.  I guess I was the only one who didn't fall, and I'm the one with the limp.  Mark kept grabbing onto my shirt because he was slidding.  I then climbed up to the top of the hill first, and sat there waiting for the others.  Mark came sitting down next to me, he was out of breathe.  Danny flopped his head onto my lap, and gasped for air."  How the hell are you not Dying Mat?"  He asked me, and I shrugged."  I've trained harder than this I guess."  I said, and Danny put his hand on my shoulder."  Fuck man, why did we do that?  I don't think we can make it back down."  I laughed, and so did Barry."  Maybe some of us can carry others half way, then we switch."

        "I don't think anyone can carry Mark."  Danny said, and I smiled."  I think I could."  I said, and we made a bet."  If you can carry Mark, I'll give you fifty bucks."  Arin said, and we shook on it.  We then relaxed ourselves up there, and fell asleep for a little bit.  When we woke up, it was dark out."  Alright, Mark get on."  I got in a crouch, and Mark got on my back.  He wasn't that heavy, almost my Thomas's size.  I lifted him up, and we started our journey downward.  I had sweat coming down my face as I continued to climb down the hill.  Barry was holding Ross, Danny holding Suzy, and Arin holding no one."  You doing good Mati?"  Danny asked, and I nodded.  I felt Mark nudge his head into my shoulder, and heard him snoring.  We got mid-way, and I continued to carry Mark."  You're going all the way?"  Danny asked as he got onto Arin's back, and Suzy walked on her own."  I don't want to wake him."  I whispered, and continued walking.  The two mile walk from the hill to the RV wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, just felt like I had a heavy bookbag on.  Once I saw the RV in the distance, I started to smile.  Fifteen minutes later, I was laying Mark down onto the floor.  He was out like a light, so I just covered him with a blanket.  I undid his shoes, and put a pillow under his head.

        The others went to bed, and I sat outside to look at the stars.  They were gorgeous out here, beautiful.  I smiled at them, and relaxed against a tree.  There was a breeze tonight, and it felt good against my skin.  I then heard a stick crack, and sat up more.  I saw a deer standing there, staring at me.  I didn't move, and it continued to stare at me.  It then ran away, and I yawned.  I went into the RV, and grabbed a blanket from my bag.  I then got in the front seat, and wrapped it around me.  I could still see the dear in the distance, and smiled at it.  It was as if it could just see me out of the corner of it's eye, because it looked over at me again.  I don't know why, but I waved at it.  It then ran away again, and I tucked in for the night.  

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