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        I told Mark I would gone on a tournament for a few hours, and I told him to stay home.  He was upset with me, but I insisted he stay there.  He was working on some other things with Cyndago who were moving to L.A., and he would be busy.  He helped me put my stuff on the bus I was taking with the others, and hugged me for almost a minute."  I'll be fine Mark, don't worry."  I stood on my tiptoes, and kissed his forehead."  I'll be waiting for you."  He said as I stepped on the bus, and we took off.  Tiff and I were having fun playing Patty Cake and other games.  We were laughing as one of the other fighters started snorting from laughter.  The ride to the tournament was two hours away, and we got bored after an hour."  So why isn't Mark coming?"  Tiff asked, and I shrugged."  He has to do some work, and I didn't want him to come.  Because of what we're actually doing."  Tiff laughed, and I blushed."  You don't him to see you singing and dancing."  I nodded, and Tiff laughed."  You'll do great."  I smiled, and she hugged me.

        When we got there, people were cheering for us.  I hid my face so they didn't recognize me.  Once we got in our room to warm up, we got dressed.  We all wore black sweatpants, colorful shirts, and tight track shoes.  Tiff pulled my hair back in a braided bun, and she kept her hair down.  After that we practice our routine.  We were doing the Pitch Perfect- Bellas finals song they did.  It was hard to do all the dance moves because I had to watch the scene for over two hours the night before.  Once we got it down, it was time for us to preform.  There were no cameras that I could see, and nobody in the crowd I recognized."  The next dance group, The Animals!"  The crowd cheered for us as we got on the stage.

        (Skipping dance scene because I don't know how to word it.)

        I was sweating when we finally got back on the bus.  It was around midnight when I was dropped off at my apartment complex.  I heard that Mark had company, so I went into my apartment.  I dropped my stuff on the floor, and flopped on the couch.  I was shut my eyes for maybe a minute when I heard a knock at my door."  It's open."  I said, and I saw Cyndago come in."  Mark asked us to come check on you.  Also to ask if you were hungry."  I just looked up at them, and shook my head."  I'm going to take a shower, then go to bed."  They nodded and left.  I went upstairs, and hopped in the shower.  The water fell on my aching body, and it felt good.  I washed myself down, and shampooed my hair.  I was humming to the Pitch Perfect we sang, and started singing it.  I was moving to the music, then turned off the water.  I put on fluffy pajama pants, blue hoodie, and socks.

        I crawled into bed, and laid there for a second.  I could hear Mark talking, but fell asleep.  I woke up early in the morning at around four AM.  My body still ached, and I was tired.  I heard a noise behind me, and realized I had a arm across my back.  I could smell Mark's cologne, and I smiled slightly.  I fell asleep again, adn woke uparound eight.  Mark was still there, and he moved to tell me he was awake also."  When did you get in my house?"  I asked him turning my head to look at him, and he rubbed his eyes."  One o'clock, and I heard you wake up at four by the way."  I smiled, and kissed his nose.  He pulled his shirt over his head, and went into the bathroom.  I heard the water turn on, and I went downstairs.  I made some french toast and coffee, and set them on the counter.  I was about to start eating when there was a knock on the door.  I went to answer it to see Cyndago standing there.  I let them in, and sat at the counter.  Mark came down with only his jeans on, and quickly put a pillow over his chest.  I threw him one of his shirts, and he quickly pulled it on."  Do you guys need anything?"  Mark asked as he ate his breakfast."  We were wondering if you would want to join us to go to the mall.  Brian and I have to get some supplies."  Mark and I shrugged, and we nodded at the same time."  How about at noon, and we'll meet up there."  Mark said, and they nodded.  They left, and we finished up our breakfast."  So you have fun at your dance off?" Mark asked, and I dropped my fork.  I stared at him, and he pulled out his phone."  One of your trainers sended a video."  He showed me the video, and it was closed up on me.  I felt myself get red in the face, and Mark laughed."  I think you did wonderfully if I may say."  I looked at him."  Really?"  I asked, and he nodded."  I did hear you singing yesterday in the shower by the way."  I smiled, and he asked me to sing.

        "I got my ticket for the long way round, two bottle of whiskey for the way.  And I sure would like some sweet company, when I leaving tomorrow when he say."  I saw Mark's eye gleam with happiness as I finished the song, and he kissed my forehead."  Beautiful, just beautiful Mati."  I smiled, and looked over at the pictuer of Evan and I."  He taught me how to sing when we were dating.  Showed me new ways of making my voice clearer and louder.  I thank him for that all the time."  Mark smiled, and looked at the photo."  He would've been proud of you Mati, you know that right?"  I nodded, and rubbed my wrist."  Do you have something wrong with your wrist, you always rub it when your nervous."  Mark asked, and I showed him my arm.  On my arm was a small burn mark on my wrist that went all the way around wrist."  This is from a bracelet from Evan that was too tight.  It made this ring on my wrist."  I said, and Mark looked at it."  It calms me down when I'm stressed, so I rub my wrist."  Mark held it gently in his hand, and I felt his fingers go across it."  I think you are a fantastic woman Mati."  He said, and I smiled.

        At around noon, we got to the mall.  My limp made me fall behind, but they went slow for me.  Cyndago and Mark went to get computer equipment, and I went to the Candy shop.  The lady behind the desk recognized me, and smiled."  Whatever you want free, it's the least I can do."  I smiled at her, and thanked her.  I got a big bag of jelly beans, and gave her ten dollars."  Don't want your business to fail."  I said as I put the ten on the counter.  She smiled at me, and I said goodbye.  I went to a clothing store to find some flannels.  I found a purple, green, blue, and red flannels.  I then went to sit down, and found some people waiting for me.  They asked me for autographs and pictures, and I happily did that.  I sat down afterwards, and Mark came over with Cyndago.

        "You okay?"  He asked me as I took my pills."  Yeah I'm fine, you guys get what you needed?"  I asked, and they nodded."  Well, you guys need anything else?"  I asked, and Cyndago said they needed other things.  Mark walked around with me for a while, and then went to look at some books.  I found a book called "Lock In", and I bought.  Mark bought a book on a detective, and we left with Cyndago.  We got home around six, and we ordered pizza.  We watched The Great Gasby, then just watched TV.  I wasn't paying attention when I felt a weight on my leg.  I looked down to see Mark's head.  I looked down at him, and he looked at me."  Is this weird?"  He asked, and I shook my head."  No, you're good.  You just scared me a little."  I placed my hand on his hair, and brushed my fingers through it.  We watched TV for another hour until we got bored.  Mark too out his phone, and we watched Game Grumps.  He started laughing really hard, and almost fell off the couch.  It was nine o'clock when I went to bed."  Already?"  Mark asked, and I nodded."  I'm tired I woke up at four then at eight.  Goodnight."  He waved at me, and I went to bed.

        I slipped off my shoes, and my jacket.  I pulled off my t-shirt, and slept in my tank top and dress pants.  Mark came up four hours later, and he flopped onto the bed.  My eyes opened, and I stayed still.  He smoothes out my hair, and got underneath the sheets.  He put his arm around me, and I felt his arm around my waist.  I then fell asleep to the sound of Mark snoring.

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