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        (Hey guys, we've gotten to part 50 of My Neighbor Markiplier.  I'm really happy, and decided to do it on Mark and Mati going to Disneyland.  I've neve been to Disneyland, so I'm just going to be guessing.  Whoever went to Pax East enjoy yourself.)

        Mark and I got home yesterday at around four o'clock, and he got sick in the toliet.  I sat outside of the door as he continued to get sick, probably from the water he swallowed.  He was in there for maybe an hour, continuely vomiting before I heard the door unlock.  He came out of the bathroom, and I looked up at him.  He wiped his mouth on his sleeve, then got into bed.  I slowly moved under the the sheets and went to sleep.  I woke up today to the feel weight on my chest.  I opened my eyes, and saw Mark's sleeping body on top of me.  He probably had another nightmare, and crawled onto me.  I slowly moved out from underneath his body.  He suddenly woke up as I brushed my pants off.  I turned toward him, and he looked at me with sadness."  You wanna do something today, maybe go to Disneyland?"  I asked, and sat down on the bed next to Mark."  If you want to, but I don't think I'm okay with riding the rollar coasters."  I nodded, and stroked his hair.  He just stared up at me, then slowly shut his eyes again.  I went downstairs, and bought tickets online for today.  It was eight o'clock, so I made them for noon.  I bought three for Mark, Danny, and me.  Danny was so excited he came over around eight-thirty.  I told him not to wake up Mark, since he got sick yesterday.  Danny played a game with me for a video, then helped with my paper work that I still hadn't finished.  He was so interested in my personal information, and was smiling as I continued to work."  So I heard you did good yesterday at your tournament, wish I could've gone.  Arin is worried about Mark because of what happened, and I told him he was fine."  After another half an hour Mark came down.  His eyes were all squinty, and he went straight to the kitchen.  He made coffee for all three of us, and then sat on the other side of me.

        "What you working on?"  He asked setting down the coffee, and I told him what I was doing."  Sounds so boring."  He said, and I laughed.  After a little while I went up to take a shower.  I washed down my body, and was interupted by my phone ringing.  I put it on speaker and heard it was Arin speaking."  Hey gurl, how's Mark doing?  Is he okay?"  I turned off the water, and brushed my hair."  Yeah he's okay, he's just a little weak from you know what.  He had a small attack and got sick yesterday, but he's fine.  Are you and Suzy coming with us as well?"  I asked, and he said yeah."  Great, I'll chat with you later."  I ended the call, and got on my clothes.  Dress pants, checkered flannel, black tank top, convereses, and cane.  I shined my cane with some polish, and it made it shine.  Mark came up to change, and went into the bathroom.  He came out in jeans, gray Vans, blue flannel, and his home is where the pants aren't T-shirt.  He sat down on the bed as he took his pain pills, and while I swallowed my lung pills.  He sat there for a second, then he put his arm around my shoulders."  I am so glad I met you."  He said, and I smiled."  I'm glad I met you."  He leaned his forehead against mine, and smiled back at me.  He then stood up, and helped me to my feet.  He then placed his arms around me, and placed his head on mine."  Don't leave me again."  I said, andhe took a deep breathe in."  As long as your around, where can I go?"  I smiled, and walked downstairs with him.  Danny had filled a bag up with some things for us.  A small pillow, bottles of water, pills, extra cash, and extra clothes.

     We then walked out to the sidewalk, and Arin picked us up.  The three of us sqeezed into the back seat, and we drove off.  Mark was squeezing my hand at every bump of the road, and I stroked his palm.  Danny asked me to read to them, so I brought out More Than This again.  Mark was smiling as I read, and I leaned against his shoulder.  I read while we got stuck in traffic, and it seemed to calm down Arin's road rage.  He continued to drive as I read, and I stopped at around chapter five to rest my voice.  I rubbed my throat, and continued to read.  We arrived at Disneyland an hour later, and I put the book in my bag.  We got out of the car, and walked through the gates.  I put Mark's hand into mine, and made sure I didn't lose him.  I felt Danny put his hand into mine as well, and saw that we made a line.  We decided to go on the Dumbo ride, and Arin was squealing in line.  Riding on I actually felt like I was flying.  Mark hid his face, he was probable feeling queasy.  I rubbed his back, and waited for us to get off.  After that I went on a cute little ride that you got to see the creation of Disneyland with Mark.  He enjoyed learning about the history, and was smiling at it.

        Danny picked out the It's a small world after all ride, and almost started screaming.  The animatronics freaked the hell out of me, and I couldn't stop staring at them.  They kept looking at me, and it was just so creepy.  When we got off the ride, I got sick in the bathroom.  Luckily no one was in there, so I got to get sick in peace.  Mark and I sat down on a bench together while the others enjoyed the rollar coasters.  Mark looked very tired and sick, and rubbed his head against my shoulder.  No fans came up to us, and it was good thing cause Mark looked terrible.  He then started to look better when we started walking again, and went to play some games.  We walked past a baseball throwing game, and the person called me over."  Come on SuperGirl, why don't you give it a try?"  I walked over, and paid him to play.  Three cans were set up, if I knocked them all down I would win something.  I aimed at them, and threw the ball.  I hit them down, and the man called a winner.  I picked out a giant pikachu plushie, and gave it to Mark. At lunch we got cheeseburgers shaped like Mickey Mouse, and Cola.  Mark was helping himself to half of my burger, and I took his french fries.  Arin begged me to go on one of the coasters with him, and I couldn't refuse."  Alright fine, but just one.  Mark you can hang out with Danny and Suzy as we ride."  He nodded, and smiled over at Danny.  After lunch, Arin and I went on the coaster.  The Raging Bull, one of my favorite rollar coasters."  I love this coaster, it's amazing."  Arin smiled as we got into our seats.  I felt his hand go into mind as we reached the top, and heard him screaming all the way down.  The wind flowing through my hair felt amazing, and I smiling the entire ride.

        Another hour past by as we walked around the park, then we got back in the car.  I pulled out the small pillow, and put it under Mark's head against the window.  He slowly closed his eyes as we started getting on the highway into traffic.  Arin put on the music as I leaned against Mark's arm.  He was sweating, and I felt his hand grip my hand.  He was having a nightmare, and I was right here."  Mark!"  I said, and he sat up."  You okay?"  I said, and Suzy turned around in her seat."  Yeah, just a bad dream."  He wiped his forehead off, and I held onto his arm.

        Arin dropped us off at our apartment, and I stopped Mark before we entered the house."  I need to know what's going on with you."  I said leaning against my door, stopping him from entering.  He leaned the door with me, his eyes darker than usual."  The memory keeps giving me nightmares of what happened, but it's you instead of me.  You are swimming with me underwater, and your foot gets tangled.  You are struggling to make it let go, but it doesn't.  I try to swim to you, but you are too far away and keep getting farther.  I then see your cold dead eyes stare up at me.  Then I wake up."  I shut my eyes as that day replayed over and over again in my head."  It gives me daymares."  I said as I unlocked the door.  Mark closed the door behind himself, and hugged me around the waist.  In the car I could feel your hand in mine, and it lessened the distance between us in the dream.  Being with you protects me from them."  I put my hands around his back, and looked up at him."  I'm not gonna let you drown again, you have to understand that.  And I know that if I drown, you'll be there to bring me back.  You have to remember that if we are hurt, the other will be there to pick us back up.  No matter what the others say, we'll always be there for each other."  He rested his head on mine, and I felt his hands go around my neck."  I promise I'll always protect you."  He said, and held me.  He then got me into his arms, and carried me upstairs."  I'm not your bride Mark."  I said, and he started laughing.  He then flopped me onto the couch."  No, but you are my sister."   He pulled off his shirt and flannel, then his jeans.  I did the same, but put on pajamas.  Mark fell asleep, and I didn't hear anything from him.  I looked over at him, and saw he was having a peaceful sleep.  I held onto my pillow for a while, just staring at the wall.  I then shut my eyes, and went to sleep.

My neighbor MarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now