Love will set you free

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        I got up, and paid for my hotel room at the counter.  I then left, and went back to the park.  I had forgoten my skateboard in the forest area, and picked it up.  I brought to a skateboard store, and sold it."  You're really selling this beauty?"  The man asked, and I nodded."  I won't need it anymore."  I said, and he handed me a hundred bucks.  I could feel eyes staring at me as I walked into the cafe.  The lady looked up with worry in her eyes."  Hey your brother is looking for you, he came in here frantic a few minutes ago."  I nodded, and bought my coffee.  I looked over at my apartment complex, and saw a cop car out front.  Mark was sitting on the steps, and the police were asking him questions.  I quickly ran around the corner, and looked at my phone.  Over thirty missed calls from him, and I took a deep breathe."  I'm gone for one night, and he calls the police."  I said irritated, and got in a cab."  Misty Lake."  I said, and he drove out there."  Do you mind picking me up in an hour or so?"  I asked, and handed him fifty bucks."  You got it Ms."  He drove off, and I walked over to the lake.  The water looked foggy, and nobody was there today.  I sat down next to the water, and looked down at myself.  I looked tired, and my eyes were red from crying.  I leaned my head on my knees, and stared across the lake.  I saw myself pulling Mark to the surface, and giving him mouth to mouth.  I saw the gay couple with their little baby waving at us.  The memories hurted me deeply.

        An hour later I heard the cab honk, and I walked back to it.  I told them the address of the gym, and paid them the rest of my money.  I walked in there, and went to the back room.  Tiff was getting dressed there, and she looked scared when I walked in."  Mark has called me four fucking times looking for you, where the hell have you been."  She shook me, and I looked in her eyes."  I told you, I lied to him.  Now I have a missing person warrant on my head."  I said, and she pushed her fingers through her hair."  Mati, just go down to the police department.  They won't do anything to hurt you, they'll ask you some simple questions."  I looked down at my hands, they were covered in sand still.  I wiped them off in the sink, and dried them."  I didn't want Mark to find out about my past, it was something that fucked me up all the way.  Just how everything went in my fucked up life makes me embarrassed to go out in public.  Even just walking down the street I see people who could be just like me, and their too scared to show their true form."

        Tiff hugged me, and just held me there for a minute."  Go to the police station, and tell them your name."  She let me go, and I nodded.  I walked down to the police station, and the man looked up at me."  I'm Mati Thompson, the one a Mr. Mark Fischbach put a missing person warrant on."  The man searched in the computer, and told me to follow him.  I was put in an interogation room, and was asked to sit.  An hour of waiting a police officer came in."  You've been a lot of trouble for us little lady."  He set down two cups of hot chocolate, and I stared at him."  Tell us your full name please?"

        "Matisyn Marie Thompson."  I said, and sat up straighter in my seat."  Can you tell us the name of your Gaurdian?"  I had to think of Mark's middle name for a second."  Markus Edward Fischbach."  The police officer nodded, and smiled at me."  Where is he if I may ask?"  I said, and the officer pointed toward the waiting room."  You gave him a scare Mati, was sobbing to us your information."  I looked down at the steaming coming from my cup, and looked back up at him."  Can you tell us why you ran away?"  He asked, and blinked at him a few times."  Mark found out about my past, my true past.  He found out about my shithole of a family, and I thought it would change his mind about me.  My phone buzzed, and I saw that Danny had texted me.  Danny: We are all out here by the way.

        "Is there any other reason you ran away?"  He asked, and I shook my head."  I just thought he wouldn't want to be my gaurdian no longer when he found out the truth, that he would reject me like my other family."  I then had to answer a few more questions on were I was, and how I got out of their hands.  He then gave me a final smile, and left.  He came back a few seconds later, and he escorted me to the waiting room.  Right before we walked in, he stopped me."  Now your friend is at a soft stage, and I want you to be extra careful of what you say okay?"  I nodded, and followed him out there.

        Mark and the Grumps were sitting in the chairs waiting for me, they all looked very tired."  Here she is."  The officer said, and Mark looked up.  Mark stood up, and ran to me.  He wrapped his arms around my waist, and got to his knees.  He was crying really hard, and my shirt was already wet.  I put my hands on his back, and felt myself shiver.  I didn't say anything when the other got me in a hug as well.  We just stood there for a little, in an awkward hug.  Mark then stood up, and wiped his eyes."  I'm not mad Mati, I'm not mad."  I nodded, and he hugged me again.  The officier smiled at me as I explained my true family to Mark.  He just gave me a sad look, and I put my hand into his.  We walked out fo the police department, and we went to his apartment.  I brought him upstairs real quick, and laid with him on his bed.  He put his arm around me, and kissed my forehead."  I love you no matter what Mati, don't ever forget that.  I don't care if your old family sold mannequins for a living, I love you for you."  He said, and I smiled."  I just felt as if everything was falling on me all at once, and I had to escape."  I said, and we sat up at the same time."  I'm sorry to make you worry."  I said, and he rubbed my shoulder."  It's alright, now we're even."  I smiled, and we went back downstairs.  The Grumps were telling me what happened while I was gone.

        After they left, I got Mark's side of the story."  I was a mess, crying for most of the night.  Didn't sleep much at all, didn't do anything but worry about you.  I then called the police, and told them you were missing.  I had searched the entire town for you, and couldn't find you.  When I got that call that you were at the police department, I almost fainted with happiness that you weren't dead."  We were laying in bed, and Mark had his arms around me.  I yawned, and kissed his cheek."  I'm never leaving you again."  I said, and he smiled joyfully."  Nor will I."  He said, and we fell asleep. 

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