Protector of one

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        (This is different from Protector of Three, it's going to be really cool.)

        Mark was sleeping almost on top of me when I woke up, and I grabbed my phone so I didn't have to move.  I looked on my channel to see my videos had over a hundred thousand views, and I smiled.  Mark wrapped his arms around me while he was still sleeping, and I got closer to him.  I continued to look at youtube to see what the youtubers were doing.  After I did that, I checked on my Tumblr.  People were posting pictures of Mark and me at Disneyland, and some from Pax East.  I felt Mark's arms tighten, and I turned toward him."  Do you think we could go to the park today?  I think the fresh air would clear my mind."  I nooded, and he smiled."  I have to go to work real quick now, you think you'll be good for a little?"  I asked, and he nodded."  Don't worry, one hour flat."  I said, and he smiled." I'll probably make a video while your gone."  I smiled at him, and kissed his cheek.  I got out of bed, and got my work clothes on.  I then kissed Mark goodbye, then walked to work.  Tiff was waiting for me, and hugged me around the neck."  Dude, you and Mark are all over the net.  You guys are so cute together."  I messed her hair up, and she screamed in anger."  Now I have to go fix it up, ass."  I smiled, and went over to the newbies.  I had to teach them about climbing with their legs only, and showed them over three times."  Okay guys, I have to go."  They acted sad, and I smiled.  I ran over to my bag, and Tiff sat down next to me."  You guys doing something special?"  I nodded as I tied my shoes."  We are going to the park."  I pulled my bag over my shoulder, and Tiff gave me another hug."  I'll see you next tournament."  She said, and I nodded.  I left, and walked home. 

        I had the feeling I was being watched, and started to walk a bit faster.  I kept turning around, but didn't see anyone following me.  I stopped by the grocery store to grab some fresh fruit and some more water.  I saw someone ran into the other aisle, and I quickly paid for my things.  I then continued to feel like I was being watched, and was getting scared now.  I was just turning my corner, when I felt hands grab me from behind.  I was pushed up against the wall, and felt something very hard hit my spine."  You think you could get away with what you did."  Tommy pushed me down to the ground, and I saw he had a crowbar.  His nose had a small cast on it, and his lip was still healing up."  You thought I would just leave, did you think I would let you escape." He pulled the crowbar back, and swung it at me.  It caught me in the mouth, and blood filled my mouth.  I spit it out, and stared up at Tommy."  If you're going to kill me, you're going to have to swing harder than that."  I said, and a smile crept on my face.  Tommy continued to hit me with the bar, and I felt myself get scratched up everywhere.  He stopped every few minutes, and I would smile up at him."  You think it hurts, I've seen everything.  I've felt everything, you cannot hurt me."  I said, and Tommy swung hard.  Everything was in a daze, and I fell over on my side.  Everything was blurred, and I couldn't feel anything.  I heard shouting, and couldn't make out that much.  I could only make out one line."  Get your hands off my sister!"  I smiled a little bit, and past out.

        I woke up in Mark's bedroom with lights in my eyes.  I squinted, and they turned off."  She's awake, good thing.  You are very lucky little lady, you didn't break any of your bones."  The doctor stared at me for a second, and I sat up.  A bandage was around my head, and some of my scratches were covered."  Where's...Mark?"  I said rubbing my head, and looked a the doctor.  He had a pot belly, white mustache, bald head, and round glasses.  He had on a lab coat, stripped button up shirt, black dress pants, and black shiny shoes."  Oh he went out to get some fresh air, said I need some time to fix you up.  You must be pretty proud of your brother, he did a brave thing protecting you."  I put my legs over the bed as he unwrapped my head.  He gave me a mirror to show me the wound.  It was a small circular scar, and it was sitched up really good.  He placed a patch on it to keep it from infection, and helped me stand.  I was a little wobbly, but good."  I'm sure you won't have any problems, maybe slight weakness in the limbs.  But I wouldn't lift anything heavy for a while, let your brother do that."  I nodded, and he helped me walk for a few minutes.  I stood in front of him, and he put a hand on my shoulder."  I don't want to come back here."  He said, and I nodded."  I'll try not to make you."  He then grabbed his bag and left.  I looked out the window to see the doctor talking with Mark, his eyes were fill with sadness.

        I sat down on his bed again, and saw something on the floor.  A red dot was stained in the carpet, a dark red dot.  I looked at it, and saw it was blood.  Was it mine?  A memory flashed in my mind.  Mark carrying me into the apartment, his breathe raspy.  Blood dripping from my skull, and everything blurry.  The sound of the front door got me out of my daze, and I walked out of Mark's room.  He was running up the stairs, and saw me staring there.  He came up to me, and hugged me."  I was so worried about you, I'm so glad your okay."  I held him too, and took a big whiff of his cologne.  I felt something wet touch my back, and moved Mark's hand.  His knuckles were bleeding, badly."  Did you hid this from the doctor?"  I asked, and he nodded."  I didn't want him to know what I did to that Tommy, he got what he deserved."  His voice was very low, and it scared me a whole bunch.  I brought him into his bedroom, and I sat him down.  I got some bandages, and wrapped his knuckles.  It took a while due to all the blood, but kept wiping it away."  Thank you Mark."  I said, and he smiled."  I would do anything for you."  He said, and I stared at him."  You would?"  I said, and felt the tears roll down my face."  Yes, we are connected Mati.  Just like you said."  I wrapped my arms around his neck, and sat on his legs.  He held me there for a while, and just held me.  My phone buzzed, and I grabbed it.  Danny was calling me."  Hey you guys doing okay?  Arin saw something going on around your apartment. "  Mark smiled a little bit, which made me smile."  Yeah, I guess you could say that.  I got in a fight with some kid, and Mark beat the shit out of him.  We're good though, I just have a injury on the side of my head."  Danny hung up, and I felt dizzy."  Hey, is it okay if I get some sleep?"  I asked, and Mark nodded."  Sure, I'm pretty sure Danny's coming over now.  I'll clean up downstairs, and fix you up some food before you wake up."  He kissed my forehead, and left the room.  I crawled under the sheets, and fell asleep.

        My dream was of memories.  Blood dripping onto the concrete, Mark's terrified face close to mine.  Him screaming my name, and I could just make out what I said.""  I was standing over my body, all crippled and bleeding.  Cuts covering my body, gash on the side of the head.  I looked like a ghost almost due to the blood lose, and I just looked nonhuman.  Mark's scared face was what stuck in my face.  He looked so scared for me, so fucking scared.  I started breathing hard, and wanted out of this nightmare.  I woke up in cold sweat, and sat up in bed.  Sweat dripped from the tip of my nose, and I took a deep breathe to calm down.  I heard voices downstairs, but stayed in bed.  I took another deep breathe to relax myself, and I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.  I saw Danny come in, and his face turned to terror."  Oh my gosh Mati, you okay?"  He asked sitting on the edge of the bed.  He placed his hand against the patch, and I looked over at him."  Does it hurt?"  He asked, and I shook my head."  I just have dizzy moments, and I'm having flash backs of what happened.  It was just horrible to see Mark so scared, it scared me."  Danny then grabbed my hands, and led me outside to the stairs."  Who's here by the way?"  I asked, and Danny told me the list.  The GameGrumps, Cyndago, Bob, and Wade.  They came over so we could comfort both of you."  I walked down the stairs slowly, and was stared at by everyone.

        We sat around, and I told them what happened.  Mark sat there quietly next to me and listen carefully as I told him about the memories after that.  Then we started talking about random stuff, football, new games, and some new videos we posted.  Bob and Wade were spending the night, and I went to bed early.  At around two in the morning I heard the door of Mark's bedroom open.  I stayed absolutly still as I felt someone get into bed with me.  I could smell Mark's cologne, and smiled.  I rolled over, and was staring at his chest.  He put his arms around me, and I fell asleep instantly.

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