No more school, no more pain

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    I slept in Mark's bed for the next week so that he could keep an eye on me.  He didn't let me go anywhere alone, not even to my own apartment.  It made me feel loved and accepted, and I would smile.  I made dinner all the time, mostly pasta, and he picked what we were going to do.  He let me star in some of his videos, and his fans really enjoyed me.  We also enjoyed watching Game Grumps together, and watched some good movies.  I enjoyed it when we feel asleep at the computer, and woke up in the middle of the night.

        I got a call one morning from the school, asking me to come in for a meeting.  I put on a nice flannel, and helped Mark with his tie.  He wanted to wear a fedora, but I said no."  Act normal, I don't know what's going on."  He noded as we walked through the school doors.  Kids were running to their classes, and some looked at me with shock.  I still had some bruising on my face, but my black eye was gone.  We went into the office, and were greeted by the Principle."  Hello Mati, Mr. Fischbach."  Mark smiled, and I shook his hand."  You wanted to speak to me sir?"  We entered his office, and I saw three other men.  They were Dean's of three collages, and they looked happy to see me."  Mati, due to the terrible events that have happened to you.  We've decided to graduate you, and place you into collage."  I looked shock at the people before me, and gribbed onto Mark's hand.

        "Really?  That's so kind of you to do."  Mark was smiling, and I shook the Dean's hands."  What are you going to collage?"  I had to think about, and then looked at Mark."  Computer engineering."  I said, and saw Mark give me a toothy grin."  Alright, we will sign you up with the best collage for that.  We'll give you also make sure you have online classes."  We left, and Mark started screaming with joy."  Oh my God, you're going to collage!"  We started dancing in the parking lot until we got into his car."  Let's celebrate, go to a nice dinner.  I'll Bob and Wade, and invite them too.  They're suppose to come here tomorrow to record some stuff.  We can have a fun night, and just enjoy life!"  It was fun watching Mark excited, he was practically jumping in his seat all the way home.  I got some music, and we danced for the night.  Mark was doing a Moon walk, and I did hand stands.

        Mark got tired around ten, so I went back to my apartment.  I made a few videos, and edited them.  I posted one, and waited until morning to post the other one.  The rest of the night I wrote some more of my fanfiction, and answered emails from fans.  I then just watched TV shows for another hour, and went to bed. 

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