SXSW Gaming Awards

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        The next morning we got to the Gaming Awards.  Mark and I were in our dressing room, and were given different clothes.  Mark looked at the suit he brought with him, and he sighed."  I hate dressing up."  He mumbled as he pulled his jeans off.  I helped him do his belt because he hands were shaking a bit, and buttoned up his shirt.  He pulled his jacket on as I tied his tie for him.  I then brushed his hair, and he smiled at me."  They got you new clothes as well, you'll be in the front row as usual."  I kept my dress pants on, a long gray cardigan, black tank top, and sneaker heels.  I put my hair down, and put on a heart necklece.  I then sat there until I had to get my seat before the awards started.  Jenna Varney came out before Mark, and introduced him."  The famous Youtuber, is the king of Five Night's at Freddy's, Markiplier!"  Mark came out with excitement, and was almost jumping up and down.  They were just talking to one another for a bit before they started the award ceremony.

        (I do not know how these awards work.  So I'm going to make up something.  It's been an hour of awards, Mati's not paying attention, until she hears Youtube gamers.)

        I sat up in my chair when I heard Youtube gamers, why are they being given an award."  The gaming world is mostly made up of gaming youtubers.  Youtubers such as Pewdiepie, Cinnamontoastken, and me.  But we have been searching up the best vloging gamers in the Youtube world.  The nominees are: Smosh, Polaris, Lordminion777, and Beast342."  Did he just say my name?  I was nominated?  Why, I didn't make that many vlogs all the time.  Well I have latley due to my computer having problems.  I saw Mark looking down at me, and I scrunched my face at him.  He pulled out an envelope from his pocket, and took out a piece of paper."  The winner is, Beast342!"  I was in shock for a second until I got up.  Mark handed me my award, and he told me to make a speech."  Well, this is a surprise.  The reason I was here was for Mark."  I smiled over at him, and held my award in my hand."  I first started Youtube to help with my messed up life, and started to play games that I enjoyed for fans.  I got very nasty commets at first, but people started to tell me some nice things."  I paused for a second, and looked over at Mark."  I met Markiplier half a year ago, and he helped me a lot with my channel.  He told me things that helped me show my true self, and he helped me get everything into order.

        "I want to thank Mark for everything, thank you guys."  I walked over to Mark, and hugged him some more."  Love you lots."  I whispered, and he whispered it back.  I then sat down, and I watched the rest of the Awards.

        Mark and I put on our street clothes, and I put my award in my bag.  We walked around the main floor, and were greeted by fans.  Some were asking to take picture of us, and also them with us.  Some of them were crying because they were happy to meet us, Mark and I would hug them.  We got a lot of gifts, and also saw a lot of tears.  A girl my age came up to us, and she was so happy to meet us."  I've been following you guys for half a year already, it's really amazing to meet you."  She gave me a hug, and also gave Mark a hug.  He was at the brink of tears, and I smiled at him."  It's great to meet fans in person, it's better that way.  Better than just seeing their name on a screen."  I said, and Mark nodded."  I'm glad I could spend time with you."  He said, and I smiled."  Mark you're with me twenty-four seven."  He rolled his eyes, and smiled a bit."  I meant with the fans, it's awesome."

        We were there for nearly three hours until we left.  Mark and I walked around Austin for a little.  People kept coming up to us, and I would smile at them.  They kept telling us on how Mark save their life or how he helped them get out of depression.  We got to the hotel a little bit after eight, and sat downstairs in the bar.  We sat there drinking our sodas with our feet up, and playing digital cards.  Mark kept beating me at War, and I just sat there frustrated."  You asshole piece of shit."  I said and turned off my phone.  He put his hands up in the air, making crowd cheering noises."  Markiplier the champion!"  He said in a whisper, and smiled at me."  Ass."  I said, and punched his arm.

        We then went back up to the room, and were arguing on who could beat the other at a burping contest."  Mark you don't ever burp, you're too polite."  He stuck his tongue out at me, and burped loudly."  Boom!  Totally beat you."  I hit my chest a few times, and burped loduer than him."  Oh what was that?  I couldn't hear you over my awesomeness."  I said, and nudged him a bit.  He smiled, and started laughing really hard."  Oh my God it smells."  I had a smile on my face as I opened the door of our room.  Mark couldn't stop laughing as we put our pajamas on.  He then he stopped as we got into bed, and wiped his eyes."  Oh damn Mati, we are so weird."

        "Weirdness is what I do best."  I said, and he smiled at me."  I think we should do a live stream together with the guys."  I looked over at him, and he slowly looked up at me."  You really think you're fans would like that?"  I asked, and he shrugged."  You are family, I think they know this by now."  I smiled at him, and rolled onto my side."  So drunk minecraft stream is it?"  I asked, and I saw a smiled appear on his face."  Drunk Minecraft stream it is."  He said, and moved closer to me."  I think I want to see you hyper, more hyper you've been in your life.  High off of Coca-Cola."  I started laughing, and placed my hand against his chest.  I felt him trembling a bit, and I put my arms behind his back."  I'm going to let you get as drunk as possible."  I said, and he smiled. We then both fell asleep together.

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