Tears will fall

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               (I was crying today for no reason whatsoever, so I thought I would make a plot twist to make you guys cry.)

         I went on the run before Mark woke up, did the laundry, made breakfast, and also cleaned up a bit.  After that I just sat on the couch for a little bit, seeing flashes of memory's go through my head.  The drowning, the fire, the car accident, the beating.  Each memory worse than the one before, and each one held truth from the other.  I was scared, everything was being uncoiled.  It was going to fall apart.  Mark came down, and sat next to me.  He ate his breakfast, and I stared down at my hands."  Mark?"  I said, and he looked up at me."  If you found out something terrible about me, would you still love me?"  I asked, and Mark swallowed the food in his mouth."  Of course I would, nothing could make me stop me from loving you.  Don't every think other wise."  I nodded, and he finished his food.  He then said that he then said he got called down to something.  I was worried, what could it be?"  Don't worry, I just need to do some work for Youtube.  Nothing else."  I nodded, and he kissed my forehead."  Don't worry Mati, it's fine."  I smiled at him, and he left.  I went to my apartment, and got dressed.  I went to the gym, and met Tiff there.  The owners glared over at me, and I did right back."  Hey girl, it's been a long time."  I nodded, and she hugged me.  I didn't have my cane today, so I leaned on her shoulder."  So hey, saw your little Cookie Dough challenge on the web.  It's every where."  I smiled, and sat on one of the mats with her."  So hey, Danny called me yesterday.  Told me Mark was frantically looking for you."

        I nodded, and rubbed my forehead."  I told him I went home, then I went for a walk.  When I got home, he was a wreck.  Crying, sobbing, and basically collapsed in my arms.  I don't think I've ever seen him that upset before."  I said, and she nodded."  Well, he is your gaurdian.  He would do anything for you."  Her saying that made me want to cry, but I just shook it out of myself."  I did something that I'm not neccessarily proud of."  I said, and Tiff looked over at me."  What did you do?"  She asked, and I took in a deep breathe."  I lied to Mark about my past, and I'm pretty sure he's going to find out."  Tiff looked concerned, and put her hand on my shoulder."  Hey Mati, he'll understand."

        "No he won't, he'll never understand.  What I lied about changes his whole view on me.  I'm suppose to be the perfect family burned to death orpahn girl, now I'll be a fucking monster."  I got up, and walked out of the gym.  It was around two o'clock, so I grabbed some lunch.  I then went home, and saw that Mark still wasn't home.  I ate lunch alone, and cleaned up a bit in my apartment.  Made the beds, cleaned my laundry, fixed up my computer a bit, and did the dishes.  I then grabbed my skateboard, and went on a ride around town.  I went to the skate park, and did some tricks on my board.  I was trying to clear my head from everything, and did a pretty good job at it.  I then stopped at the cafe, and grabbed a water.  While I was there, I got a text from Danny.  Danny: Hey Mark came over, just telling you if you want to come over.

        I shook my head at my phone, and rode around for a little bit more.  I went to the park, and sat on the bench for a bit, and watched some kids play some frisbee.  They smiled at me, and some fans came up for photos.  After that I just continued to ride around, I didn't want to go home yet.  Because I had a feeling something bad was going to happen.  The sun was going down, and I was starting to shiver.  I went to the cafe real quick, and got a warm hot Chocolate for the rode.  When I finished it, I threw it in the trash.  Then my phone rang, and I froze.  Danny had texted me, and I could feel the tears try to fall down.  Danny:  Why did you lie to Mark?  It was completely dark now, and not that many people were on the streets.  My hair was down, also my hood was up, and I let the tears flow.

        (This part will make you very pissed at me, I'm sorry)

        I had lied about my real family, I had lied about the fire.  My parents were not a doctor and computer whizz.  They were drug makers and distributors.    My brother and I were born normal, no side affects to them using drugs.  We were smart, intelligent, and loved learning.  Our parents were the complete opposite.  Both dropped out of highschool at sixteen to start a drug making business.  Didn't plan on having kids, but they did.  Thought we would become part of the 'family business', but we didn't.  They're names were Brittiany and Jack.  Thomas and I replaced our names, because they named us after TV shows and such.  My mother was a whore who abused us at an early age, and my father was a rapist.  I guess you can figure out what he did to me.  We were forced out of school to work on their drug farm, and were beaten if we stopped working for a little bit.  The scar on my back was from a whip mark by my dad, and the burn was from my mother's cigarettes.  The fire part was true though.

        When I was five, my mother left one of her Buncin Burners on for the night, and we woke up with the house on fire.  My brother and I were stuck underneath a log,  and were able to get out of the house before we were killed in the explosion.  My brother was taken away to a different hospital than me, and we never saw each other.  I was adopted into my other family who were cruel to me, except for Jordan who tried to protect me.  They saw I was a advanced learner, and I was sent to L.A. to get better grades.

        I felt myself hyperventilate, and I ran.  I ran as fast as I could, as far as I could.  I ran past the Grump station, the gym, the abandon parking lot, the apartment complex.  I ran into the forest part of the park, and hid there.  I started crying very hard, gasping for air.  Everything was undone, I had destroyed everything.  My phone went off like crazy, the Grumps and Mark were texting me.  I only texted back one thing to Danny.  Mati:  Why do you think I lied?

        I clutched my chest, trying to slow my heartbeat down.  The tears were like little rivers going down my face now, and everything was spinning for a second.  I took in deep breathes, and controlled myself.  My phone went off again, and I answered it."  Mati, I'm not angry.  Please talk to me!"  Mark was breathing hard, he was probable looking for me."  That's bullshit, and you know it!  I was never a normal child, I'm a freak Mark.  All the other kids are right, I'm worthless."  I hung up on him, and laid down on the dirt.  I started crying again, and just pounded my fist against the dirt.  I had to get up because I knew would be yelled at if I slept in the park.  I went to a hotel, and got a room for the night.

        I laid down in bed, and went to sleep with tears in my eyes.

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