Buddy and Maggie

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       (I can't make Mark's mom speak like a foreigner, I don't know how.  So she's going to talk normal.)

        Mark's mom asked me to sit, and I did trying not to make my leg throb.  She stare at my cane, and also my scar on my head."  So Mati, tell me about yourself."  Mark was rubbing his legs as I made myself comfortable in the chair."  I turned sixteen a few months back, I graduated from highschool a few months after moving to L.A., I'm going to college for Computer Engineering, and I am a Martial Artist who competes in tournaments.  Well, I use to.  I got fired because I didn't accept an offer they gave me, and let's just say they weren't happy."  She brushed her hair behind her ears, and slightly smiled at me.  She then asked me to continue, and I cleared my throat."  I'm from a rich family who burned in a fire, and was adopted by a terrible family.  The only person in the adopting who was nice to me was my sister Jord.  That's pretty much all of my life, beside the fact that your son has adopted me.  The papers my other family didn't sign my papers."  She nodded, and smiled over at Mark."  I saw you two on the news by the way, you saved my son's life?"  I nodded, and she placed her hands on my cheeks.  She kissed both of my cheeks, and rubbed them in."  Thank you very much, you don't understand how much that meant to me.  Mark explained to me what you did, and I was so proud of you."  I sat on the edge of my seat, and placed my hands into hers."  I want you to understand the reason I did this Mrs. Fischbach.  Your son gave me something that not many people can give, doing so I wanted to protect him."  She looked confused, and so did Mark."  What did he give you Mati?"  She asked, and I smiled."  He gave me love, and that's a rare thing in some people.  He saved me from death, and I did the same for him.  I kept myself distant from him at first, then we bonded very well.  You must have raised him well because not many people are like him."

        They were very quiet, then she smiled."  Thank you for watching after him."  I smiled, and she stood up."  I'm going to go make some breakfast, Mark the dogs are in the other room."  Mark's eyes lit up, and I followed him into a bedroom."  Hey guys!"  He said, and I saw two dogs wagging their tails.  One was a golden retriever, and it looked like it was smiling.  The other was a weenie dog, and had a hoodie on.  Mark got down on his knees, and hugged both of them."  Mati this is Buddy, and this little princess is Maggie."  Maggie jumped up at me, and I picked her up in my arms.  I rubbed her belly, and she licked my nose.  I put her down slowly, and I saw Mark laying down on the floor.  Buddy was laying on his chest licking his face.  Mark then got up, and smiled over at me."  You're so adorable with dogs."  I said, and he gave me a goofy grin.  Buddy slowly walked over to me, and I stroked his fur.  He was smiling at me, and licked my cheek.  I then left Mark with his puppies, and went to help his mom with breakfast.  I limped out there, and she stopped when I came in the kitchen."  Can I help with anything?"  I asked, and she shook her head."  No, but I could use some company."  I sat down at the counter, and she smiled over at me."  So what happened to your leg?"  She asked placing bacon on a plate."  It was from the accident."  I said, and rubbed my leg."  Oh, it was that bad?"

        "Well the car crushed my leg entirely, and destroyed every bone in it.  My real brother who didn't burn in the fire, told me that I would limp for the rest of my life."  She pointed her wooden spoon at my cane."  That's what the cane is for?"  I nodded, and she moved the eggs around in the pan."  When was the first Mark protected you?"  She asked, and I thought back to my first day on the bus."  Maybe five days after we met.  I was being bullied by the kids at my bus stop, Mark saved me from them.  I was probably at his apartment for maybe a week after that.  Later he would come to school with me to keep me safe."  She stopped what she wasdoing, and turned the heat off the eggs to not to burn them."  So he's actually like your brother?"  I nodded, and made a circle in my pant leg."  It's just how he can trust people so easily without knowing their background is what get's me.  I've gone through a lot, I can say that right now.  But he went through a loss that would destroy a normal person, and he continued to be himself.  It's just that he and I do things together that I can't do wtih other people."  She continued to work on breakfast, and Mark came in."  So what are you going to do now that you lost your job?"  I shrugged, and she dished out breakfast to us."  I might try and make a living on Youtube like Mark.  I also write short stories, and I could get paid for that."  She leaned against the counter, and ate with us."  What's on your mind Mark?"  His mother asked, and he looked up from his plate."  Nothing, it's great to see you two getting along.  Don't want to ruin it."  I rolled my eyes, and shook my head."  You won't ruin it, just get in the conversation."  He then asked his mom what she's been up to."  Oh, I've been teaching Americans how to cook Korean style.  I've also been talking with your brother, and I think I need the full truth.  He said something about if I said water."  Mark shivered, and I looked down."  Markus Fischbach, you tell me what happened."

        I set my fork down and put my hand on Mark's thigh."  Mark and I were at a lake outside of the city, we were swimming.  Mark..drowned Ms. Fischbach."  I heard a clang of a fork, and I got scared."  You what?"  She said, and I saw she was looking at Mark."  My foot got caught on a sticky seaweed, and I couldn't get it loose.  I blacked out, and when I woke up I was alive.  Mati told me that she saved me, and.."  Mark couldn't finish his sentence, so I did for him."  And now I don't let him go swimming without me."  She walked around the counter, and turned me toward her.  She then hugged me tightly, and I was sitting there stunned.  I thought she was going to yell at me, but she just hugged me.  She let me go, and she smiled."  Thank you Mati, you are one spectacular girl."  I smiled, and we finished our breakfast."  Well I have a busy schedule today, maybe we can see each other tomorrow?"  Mark's mom asked us, and we both shrugged."  I'm not sure, maybe Mom."  Mark said, and she kissed us on the cheeks.

        We then drove into the city, and sat at the coffee shop."  So, do you like her?"  Mark asked, and I smiled a bit."  I enjoy her company very much."  I said, and he smiled."  I thought you two would get along, I'm so glad you like her.  She can ask too many questions sometime."  I shook my head, and drank my water."  No she was great, asked just the right amount."  Afterward we went riding around the city."  There isn't much here, just some resturants and clothing stores."  I shrugged, and we back to the hotel.  Mark and I were bored for the rest of the day.  I would throw my cane at him, and he would throw it back.  I then grabbed my laptop, and put on Game Grumps for us.  I was sitting on the floor with my legs on the bed.  Mark had his head on my lap, and his legs were dangling off the side of the bed.  We enjoyed the videos, but we were extremely bored."  You want go down to the bar?"  Mark asked, and I lifted my top half up so I could see him."  Sure, we can play cards down there if you want?"  I grabbed my deck of cards, and we went downstairs.  We played 'Bullshit' with some other guys in the bar, and also played poker."  Damn girl, how can you be this good?"  One of them asked as I took his cash."  I don't know, maybe it's a gift."  We then saw breaking news on the television.  Some car was run off the bridge, and the driver was a seventeen year old.  He was high from drugs, and was killed on impact.

        Mark and I then went back up to our room, and we sat like we did before we left.  I put a pillow under my head, and looked over at my computer.  I saw that it was playing a video of Arin raging.  Mark then pulled me onto the bed, and I laid on my stomach."  You want to leave tomorrow?"  He asked, and I shrugged."  If you want to, our we can go see your brother?"  He moved his head next to mine, and took a deep breathe.  He then nodded, and fell asleep.  I let my body relaxed, and fell asleep. 

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