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(I'm super pissed today, one of my teachers is being an asshole. I'm getting a bad grade for no fucking reason, and I really need to write. Don't worry, I just need to write a long chapter to cool off.)

Mark woke up to see me on my laptop, I was looking up Lakes near L.A. He crawled over and sat next to me." Lakes?" He asked, and I nodded." I want to go swimming again, but just us. Plus these lakes are cleaner than Waterpark waters. I really like lakes too, they are just so peaceful." Mark put his head down, and looked me out of the side of his eye. He continued to look at me as I looked for a good Lake. I found one called Misty, and not that many people go there since it was surrounded a set of huge trees to block out the sun. I wrote down the directions, then placed my nose on Mark's cheek." You have to get up." I said, and he rolled over. I made him get up, and I went to get ready." I have to stop over at the Grump Station, Danny wants to borrow one of my flashdrives." Mark shouted back at me." Okay! Then can we stop by somewhere to get lunch for when we get hungry." I put our swimming suits in a small bag, and also some sodas. I also put in a medkit just in case, I just felt as if I needed to. I pulled on a red hoodie, black shorts, and running shoes. Mark had on his normal clothes, and we decided to wait a little bit before leaving. I sat down on the couch with him until I had to get my cane. We walked down to his car, and drove over the Grump station. I knocked on the door, and Danny answered it." Here you go, just bring it back before next Friday." I said handing it to him, and he thanked me." You want to come in, I making Hot chocolate." I shook my head, and told him where Mark and I were going. I then got back in the car to see Mark texting. I took it from him, and he drove over to a grocery store. We bought two boxes of crackers, two ham sandwiches, and some candies.

Afterward I drove to the lake. There was a small parking lot, where there was only one other car there. Mark got out, and helped me on the pebble walk way. There was a gay couple with a baby sitting on the sand under one of the trees, and I smiled. Mark set out a blanket, and I pulled off my hoodie. I sat there in the sun while he pulled off his jeans. He sat down next to me, and sighed." It's really beautiful don't you think? I don't know why anyone would ever abandon this place." I smiled, and smiled over at the couple. One of the guys was holding the baby like a rocket ship, and it was laughing. Mark put out some crackers, and ate one of them. I laid down at my pale legs, then over at Mark's tan ones. I then stood up, and went into the water." I went all the way in and reached the top again." Oh shit, it's cold. Very cold!" Mark was laughing, and I looked over at him. I went under the water, and swam around. I noticed some very clingy seaweed on the floor, and almost got caught on it. I rose above the water again, and went down again. There were several fishes near the seaweed, and I saw one get caught on it. I went up again to see Mark getting into the water. He was shivering as he got closer to me, and he put his arms around my shoulders. I looked down to see we weren't touching the floor of the sea, and I was swimming for both of us." Come on big baby, you can do it. I held his hands as we swam around, and he started smiling. He didn't go under the water, and I understood why. The water got warmer after a while, and we swam around quicker. The couple were still there watching us, and I saw them smiling.

I then went to sit on the sand to be followed by Mark. I saw that his hair was in his face, and told him to flip his hair. When he did I got smacked with water. I wiped my face on the towel, and ate half of one of the sandwiches. The couple came over, and sat down next to us. Their babies name was Andrea Nicka, the husband was Russian. Mark smiled at them, and we shared our food with them. After a while, one of them left to put the baby down for a nap. The other one said that he would be back after a while. I watch Mark go into a portapotty, and chatted with the man." So you two related, is he your dad?" I shook my head, and I laughed a little." He's my neighbor, and adopted me four months ago. We are very close, almost brother and sister." The man smiled, and straightened his jacket." You must be careful in that lake, that seaweed is dangerous." He looked as if he was in a daze, and I shook it out of him." Sorry, it's just that my sister almost drowned here. I was able to save her in time, she was very lucky." Mark came back, and put his arm around me. A little bit later, the other came back, and kissed his husband. I smiled, and nudged my head onto Mark's shoulder." Hey honey, you two look fabulous together." I smiled, and felt Mark laughing silently.

My neighbor MarkiplierWhere stories live. Discover now