beaten and bloody

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(Warning: long chapter. Plus this is based on an event that happened to me.)

I woke up the next morning before Mark did, and got ready. Took a shower, got dressed, and ate breakfast. I put a sticky note on the coffee table next to Mark's glasses, then I left for the bus station. Some kids were there, and glared at me." Oh look who's taking the bus Freak." I glared right back at them, and put one earbud in." Hey Freak, got nothing to say?" The biggest kid pushed me, and I rolled my eyes as I picked a song." Freak, say something?" I turned around, and smiled at him. He looked confused." Hi I'm Freak, have we met?" I said shaking his hand, and he looked shocked."" I turned back around, and started looking through my messages.

The ride there wasn't anymore pleasant, I had to sit in the front with the younger kids. They kept asking me if I was an alien or if I had diseases. The kid I sat next to me was really quiet, and I gave him a hug. He was a mute, and listened to my music with me. When I had to get off the bus, I ruffled his hair and said bye. He waved goodbye as I got off the bus. The big kid continued to push me as I tried to get to my locker. During my B day classes, he continued to push my buttons. In English I had to say something about myself, and he intrupted me." She's a fat ass who should go kill herself." The other students laughed, but the teacher sended him to the office.

The rest of the day was the same thing, now my nickname was Freak. At the end of the day, I found my locker had FREAK spray painted on it. I asked the Janitor to clean it for me, and I thanked her for it. I waited for my bus outside the school, and got called Freak by everyone. The big kid shoved me into the bus door when it stopped in front of me. I could feel my nose start to bleed, and grabbed a tissue from my bag. I tilted my head back, and tried to make my nose stop dripping. I sat down to the mute kid, and he gave me an animal cracker. We listened to disney music on the way to my stop, and he gave me another animal cracker when I got off.

My nose had stopped bleeding by the time I got off the bus. I was starting to walk to my apartment, and I felt my pony tail be grabbed. I was pulled down to the ground, and everything went numb. I was held down, and was being punched in the face. I started screaming for help, but they all just laughed. I could feel my face start to drip blood, and I got a black eye. Then the punching stopped, and the big kid loomed over me. He had a baseball bat." Maybe this will teach you a lesson Freak." He then lifted the bat up, and brought it down on my ribs. My hearbeat was in my ears, and I saw flashes of black in my vision. The bat came down several times, taking the air out of my lungs. I heard a door close, and I started screaming for help.

I saw someone push the big kid, and the other kids scrambled." Get the fuck off of her!" It was Mark, and I smiled. I saw an unfamiliar face in my vision, and felt myself be pulled up to my help." Mark come on, he doesn't deserve it." I then remembered that voice, Muyskerm also know as Bob. Bob placed my arm around his neck, and I felt stabbing pain in my lungs. I looked through my only good eye to see Mark punching the kid in the face. Then Wade dragged Mark away from the kid, and we went into the apartment complex. Mark scooped me up into his arms, and I placed my head on his chest. I felt tears fall from my eyes, and clutched onto Mark's shirt. He kissed the top of my head, and I moved my other hand around his neck.

We went to his apartment, and he laid me onto his couch." Wade go get the medkit, and Bob could you get a glass of water." They went to where they were suppose to, and Mark slowly pulled my shirt off of me. He touched my abs, which hurt. I gasped in pain, and clutched onto his shoulder." Sorry I'm sorry, I'm making sure it's not broken." I shook my head, and looked at him." I would've heard a crack or felt a sharp pain, I've broken a rib before." Wade came back with the Medkit, and Bob brought the glass of water. Mark held the glass up to my lips, and I took a big gulp.

Bob started to put some anti-infection on the cuts and scratches. He then placed some quick heal paste on them. Wade got an ice pack from the fridge, and placed it on my eye. Bob took Mark outside to let him cool off, and I hanged out with Wade." How did you guys find me?" I asked in a groggy voice. Wade was putting a blanket over my top half, and taking my shoes off." Bob thought he heard screaming from outside, and we ran out there. Mark knew it was you by your shoes, and got really angry. I don't think I've ever seen him that angry, except for when he played I Am Bread."

Mark walked in with Bob, and I sat up. He sat down next to me, and I leaned my head on his shoulder." Thank you." I said, and he smiled." I will never let anyone hurt you ever again." I felt his arm wrap around my shoulder, and I smiled." You're staying here tonight with us, but we're going to be doing a live stream tonight." I nodded, and placed my arm around his shoulder." I'll stay down here, and play some games on this TV. I'll call for food, and bring it up to you guys when it comes." Mark smiled, and they decided to watch a movie with me. It was Cast Away, and I really enjoyed the movie. Then at around five, Mark said they needed to start streaming.

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