Break in

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Mark woke up around three in the afternnoon the next day, and he seemed better.  I had cleaned out the bucket four times before he woke up all the way, it smelled of four different soaps now.  He walked down the stairs carrying his blanket with him, and had color in his skin again."  I feel like I've been in a coma."  He said, and I smiled as I chopped some bananas and strawberries."  What you making?"  He asked as he looked over my shoulder."  Fruit salad, want some?"  He nodded, and I kissed his cheek."  Go sit on the couch I said, and I heard a thumb!  I turned around to see a book on the floor where Mark was standing.  It was the space book that Wade found for him.  I picked it up, and smiled."  Wade found this for you, and told me to give it to you."  Mark took it from me, and I saw he was already halfway through it."  It's really interesting, it's like an alien going through the univereses.  He then finds Earth, and meets a beautiful human female.  He makes her his wife, and I don't know what happens next."

        "You could probably guess Mark."  He chuckled, and I finished up the salads.  I heard footsteps outside, and my doorknob move.  I slowly put the knife down, and looked over at Mark."  Go upstairs, lock yourself in my room."  I whispered, and he did as I said.  I looked in the cabinet above me, and looked found my spare gun.  I hid behind the TV, and heard the door unlock.  I saw two men in Ski masks come in with baseball bats."  She should be home, I saw her come in the entrance."  I recognized the voice, Jake."  You better not let me down son."  Mother?  Why were they breaking in my house.  Were they going to kill me?  They were searching the entire bottom floor, but not behind the TV.  The TV was in the corner of the living room, so you would have to look behind it to see if anyone was there.  They were too stupid to think of that, and were about to go upstairs.  I slowly stood up with my gun raised, and cocked it.  They heard it, and spun around."  Take you masks off, now!"  I yelled, and they did as I said.  My mother's face was filled with fear, and my brother looked angry.  I stepped out from behind the TV, and kept my gun pointed at them.  I speed dialed the police, and told them there was a break in. 

        "Why mother, why brother?  I deserve an answer!"  I said, and I made them sit on the couch.  I saw Mark on the steps, but I ignored him."  You think you could get away from us that easily, we own you stupid bitch!"  Jake said through gritted teeth, but I kept a straight face."  Actually you don't, according to my adoption papers.  I am the daughter to  Mr. Fischbach, who adopted me half a year ago.  I wasn't even your daughter, you never filled out my papers.  I was never yours!"  I said looking at Mother, and she turned away from me."  But we kept care of you, gave you the food on our tables."  Jake said, and I sighed."  You didn't treat me like a human, locking me in my room, giving me food scraps.  I showed you kindess Jake, and you threw it back in my face like trash.  Treated me like shit because I wasn't your blood sister.  Well why should I treat you any different now?"  I felt a darkness unleash itself from it's cage within, and I smiled."  I remember every single second of pain I went through.  Cigerette burns, knife cuts, whip marks, everything you could have thinked of."

        An hour later the police arrived, and took them away.  They placed me with a police officer watching my door and windows twenty-four hours.  Mark was asked question on what he heard or saw, he didn't say anything about the conversation.  After they left, Mark took my gun from me.  He placed his arms around my waist, and danced with me.  He was smiling at me, and I started to hum The Last Unicorn singed by Danny Sexbang.  Mark hummed with me, and we continued to dance with each other.

        After we finished, we just continued to dance for a little until our legs hurt.  Mark and I sat down next to each on the couch, and he kissed my forehead."  You are beautiful, you are everything you could be."  I felt every word as he said them into my forehead, and I smiled."  You are mine, and that is all I want."  I said, and he smiled.  We didn't stay in my house for the night.  We went to his, and we made a video together."  Hello everybody my name is Markiplier, and I'm here with Mati."  We played one of my favorite games Mario Party from when I was younger, and I beat him by ten."  You ass!"  He said, and slammed his head on his desk.  I started laughing, and he rubbed his forehead."  So guys, that's it for the video.  Thank you so much for watching."

        "And we'll see you in the next video Buh-Bye!!!"  I said, and turned off the camera.  We high-fived each other, and laughed."  Ya, we did it."  Mark said, and I chased him down the stairs.  We then collapsed on the couch together, and I laid down on top of him.  We then just laid there until we dozed off for a few hours.  We then got up, and went out to eat."  Where did you learn to use a gun by the way?"  He asked as we ate our burgers."  I learned in training a few years back.  Didn't tell my parents about it."  He nodded, and took another bite."  So how about you, you ever used a weapon?"  I asked, and he shook his head."  I've been cut open before, but I've never used a weapon before."

        We continued to eat until we had to go home.  I told the police officer we would be in Mark's apartment, and he nodded.  I went into Mark's apartment, and we went to bed."  I'm going to do some editing while you sleep."  He said, and I pulled him by the hoodie."  No, you are going to bed.  You can edit in the morning, you need sleep."  I put my arm on his chest so he wouldn't sneek off.  I acted as if I was asleep until I heard his soft snore.  I then actually went to bed, and had a dreamless night.

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