New Job

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        (I'm stressing out because of school, and I have a lot of shit to do tonight.  So I'm going to make as many chapters as I can today, then see how tomorrow will go.  Plus I want to tell you guys that I have Spring Break in two weeks, so get ready for lots of updates.)

        The next morning I went on a walk by myself, and went to the gym to see Tiff.  She was working with some new students, and she waved me over."  Hey, I'm trying to find you a job at another tournament gym around here."  I looked confused at her, and then over at the students.'  I thought this was the only gym for the tournaments?"  I asked, and she shook her head."  No, this is the lowest grade one.  The one that doesn't have the top equipment and stuff.  I've actually been trying to get us to Jeffery Wills, it's the greatest gym for all tournament competors.  They get paid over two thousand dollars per week, they would love to have us."  I shrugged, and smiled at her."  If you can come with me, that would be awesome.  Plus I need them to let me bring Mark with me."  She nodded, and I left.

        I got ice coffee for Mark and I, it was suppose to be over a hundred degrees today.  Mark was on the couch with fans blowing air onto him.  He had a bag of ice on his head, and it was dripping down his face."  You a bit warm?"  I asked handing him a coffee, and he smiled."  It's really hot today, I didn't wear pants during my recording."  I rolled my eyes, and dropped my keys on the counter."  Isn't that normal?"  I asked, and he smiled."  We could go sit in a freezer somewhere, or we go play baseball with the Grumps."  I said, and Mark said the second one was a great idea.  We pulled on shorts and t-shirts for baseball as I texted Danny.  Mati:  Baseball at the diamond, noon.  Danny: We will destroy you.

        Mark came up behind me, and pulled my hair up into a tight pony tail."  Thank you sir."  I said, and he smiled.  We got our baseball gear, and went out to the diamond.  The diamond is an abandoned baseball field that my group of friends and I fixed up about three months back.  It reminded me of the sandlot on how we made it look.  Mark and I walked there, and greeted the Grumps when they got there."  Who are the captains?"  I asked sitting on top of the dugout, and Danny looked up at me."  I want to be one, and you can be the other.  I call Suzy!"  He yelled, and he high fived her."  I got Mark."  I said, and he smiled."  I got Arin!"  Danny said and got onto Arin's back."  I got Barry."  I said, and Barry smiled like a crazy man."  I call Kevin, that means you get fucking Ross."  I smiled over at Ross.  I was catcher, Ross was 2nd, Barry was pitcher, and Mark was on 1st.  (If you understand that joke with Mark on 1st, we'll be best friends for life.)  Ninja Brian was sitting in the dug out, he looked really happy he was invited."  You sure you don't want to play?"  I asked pasting by him to go out in the field, and he nodded."  I like watching not playing, maybe if someone gets hurt."  I smiled, and went over to home plate."  First to hit twenty wins, losers pay for early dinner."  Danny said, and I nodded."  Hope you like paying Danny."  I said, and he smiled.

        Danny hit it right to Ross, and Ross caught it.  Mark pushed Danny, and he stuck his tongue at him.  Arin came up to plate, and struck out.  Suzy hit it to Barry, and she walked out to where she was playing.  Mark and I put on batting gloves, and I went up first.  Danny was catcher, and I smiled at him."  Bet you can hit a home run?  Bet you twenty bucks."  He said, and I smiled."  Deal."  I said as Arin threw the bal.  I heard a crack as the ball hit the metal bat, and went flying."  Home run!"  Kevin said, and I ran the bases.  I stepped on home, and Danny gave me his twenty.  I high-fived Mark as he went up to bat.  Brian handed me my phone, and I saw Tiff was calling me."  Hey guess who just called me!"  She was almost screaming at me."  The fucking Jeffery Wills tournament owners!"  I smiled as she told me they wanted to meet us."  Oh okay, I'll tell them."  I walked out of the dug out."  Hey I have to get going, I just got a call from Tiff."  They waved bye to me, and Brian took my spot for me.  I walked to the address Tiff gave me to see her standing outside a huge building.  It was bigger than two Walmarts put together.  It had three floors of tournament training, and had better patting than the other gym.

        A married couple was waiting for us.  It was the gay couple."  Oh my gosh, it's you guys!"  They got me in a hug."  How's your buddy guy, we heard about the drowning incident.  I told you the seaweed was dangerous."  I told him he was find, and explained to them who I was."  So you're the famous girl we been hearing about.  Every tournament owner wants to have you with them, and you came to us.  We never told you our names by the way."  The one who did bring the baby home that day was Dave, and the bigger one was Evan.  Evan led me around while Dave did our paper work with Tiff.  Evan looked worried for some reason, and I asked what was wrong."  Oh, the baby had a small cold.  I'm just worried about her.  Dave said the nurse knows what she's doing, but I just can't stand to see her in pain."  I rubbed his arm, and smiled at him."  I'm sure Andrea will be fine, just be the act calm in front of Dave."  Evan nodded, and we finished the tour."  Just be here by next week on Friday, and we'll get you started."  I nodded, then Tiff and I left."  You want a ride home?  I'm heading that direction?"  I nodded, and she dropped me off at the apartment.

        I walked up to my apartment quietly, and heard Mark having fun in his.  I dropped my stuff off on the couch, and went up to my room.  I pulled off my sweat baseball clothes, and put on some warmer clothes.  It was freezing now, I wish it was still sunny out.  I walked into Mark's apartment to see he had the Grumps over.  They were laughing, and I passed by them to go upstairs real quick.  Mark came walking after me."  What you doing?"  He asked as I went to his bedroom."  I left my pills here, I then have to go do some recording stuff.  You enjoy yourself tonight, I'll be right in the other room if you need anything."  I kissed his cheek, and went to my apartment."  Hey it's Beast342, and I'm going to play To the Moon.  Mark said this was a sad game, but I need to play it."

        (That game is so upsetting, not even going to explain it to you guys.  Watch Mark's videos or someone elses.)

        After I uploaded the videos, I went to bed.  To the Moon made me think a lot, just thinking.  I heard the Grumps leave, and heard Mark go upstairs to his room.  He must be tired, it was fine to me.  I rolled onto my side, and went to sleep.

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