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             The next morning I was woken up by loud continuing knocking on my door.  I shuffled downstairs, and opened the door.  Mark was standing there, and he smiled."  Morning!"  He said, and walked in."  Why are you in a happy mood?"  I asked rubbed the sleep out of my eyes."  I might have gotten a call to come down to ASPCA shelter to see my charity money helped them.  Also meaning I get to look at puppies and kittens."  He was like a school boy, so excited."  Do you want me to come with you?"  I asked placing coffee down on the coffee table.  He nodded, and put his arm around me."  I want to see your face with all those puppies."  I smiled at him, and he leaned against my arm."  I'll put on my best girly face for you."  I said, and he smiled.  I got dressed, and Mark helped me pick out a flannel.  He kept puting them up to my face, judging them by my eye color."  I think you would look better in blue."  I looked up at him as I put on the flannel."  Mark, you're wearing blue."  He looked down at his blue flannel."  Yeah but mine's button up, yours isn't."

        "What difference does that make?"  He rolled his eyes, and I just shrugged.  I then went out, and turned on the car.  I drove to the shelter, and parked in the lot.  Mark was smiling like a dork, and was dragging me he was running so fast into the shelter.  The smell made me almost gag.  I know there were abused animals that probably weren't given prober baths, but it still smelled.  I covered my nose with a tissue, and started coughing a bit.  I then pulled it off, and acted normal once I got use to the stench.  Mark and I walked behind the counter to the cages.  There were dogs of all ages, all having different problems with them.  I saw a small mutt with one of it's ears cut off, and also had part of it's stomach shaved from surgery.  Mark was looking at the tiny Retriver puppies, and he was squealing."  They're so cute!"  He said, and was poking his finger through the cage.  The puppies were licking his finger, and one of them rubbed their head against the cage.  I heard whining in one of the cages, and went to go see where it was coming from.

        It was coming from a miniture husky with no front right leg.  It's coat was trimmed, and it had beautitful ice blue eyes.  It had a bandana around it's neck that read Buddy on it."  Hey Buddy."  I said, and moved my hand into the cage.  Buddy sniffed my hand, then rubbed his head against it."  Wow, he likes you."  One of the workers said, and I smiled at her.  She unlocked the cage, and Buddy jumped in my arms.  He licked my face, and I smiled."  He really likes me."  Mark was laughing at me, and I smiled at him."  You want to adopt him?"  The worker asked, and I looked down at him."  Oh I don't know if I can afford him."  I said, and felt Mark kick me slightly."  Oh come on Mats, you can afford him.  And if you have trouble I can help you with him."  I looked up at him as I was petting Buddy."  Did you just call me Mats?"  I asked, and Mark looked down at me."  Oh I guess I did."

        I smiled at him, and he smiled at me."  Okay, I'll adopt him.  That's right Buddy, you get to come home with me."  Buddy acted as if he knew what I was saying, and kept jumping in my arms.  We did some paperwork, and were going to pick up Buddy later that day..  Mark drove to a pet store, and we got all the supplies.  Dog food, clothes, toys, beds, shampoos, conditioners, clippers, and even boots.  I paid for them, and went home.  I put the dog beds in the living room and in my bedroom, then the clothes and toys in a basket on the dresser.  The food went in the cabinet under the sink, and the others were placed around the house.  I then sat down on the couch, and heard Mark walk up the stairs.  He came into my apartment with a small crate, and set it on the floor.  He unlocked the door, and took a step back.  Buddy slowly walked out of the crate, and wagged his tail when he saw me."  Hey Buddy."  I said, and he sat down next to my feet.  I stroked his fur, and he licked my hand.

        Mark left for a bit, and came back with food.  I made a bowl for Buddy, and we sat on the couch.  I then gave Buddy a toy to play with, and he ran around the living room for a bit.  He then tired out, and fell asleep in his bed.  I then brought him upstairs with Mark and I, and set him on the upstairs bed.  Mark and I laid in bed for a little bit."  He's so cute!"  He whispered, and I smiled over at Buddy."  Yeah but what I might have to get rid of him, we might be too busy to keep care of him."  Mark looked sad, and I put my arm around him."  Don't worry, I already have a home for him set up.

        "Who?"  He asked, and I smiled."  You know that gay couple we met at the lake?  Well they are the owners of the gym I work at, and they are looking for a puppy.  Not too big, not too small.  I could visit everyday, and you could come by anytime."  He smiled, and looked over at Buddy."  If that what has to happen."  I nodded, and I rubbed his cheek."  Don't worry, he'll be having the most spoiled life.  I'll bring him there tomorrow."  He nodded, and said he would come with me.  We then tucked in for the night, and went to sleep.

        (I know I'm a bitch for not keeping the puppy, but come on.  Mati's too busy to take care of a puppy, she wouldn't be able to take care of it.)     


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