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Here's presenting you all, a poetic dedication by one of our fellow writers; Psr1403. The very writer has carved her emotions with not just mere words; but also has poured her whole heart and soul.

It's an assiduity of words to the 3 couples of this story, 'Chal Adhure ko Pura Karein'. The ink of feelings has been beautifully drawn in each of the stanzas below. Kudos to the thought!!!

Thank you Pratyusha, Psr1403 for your radiant and divine words.


Weaving words with a gentle caress

Feelings of years, feelings so deep

Somewhere ushered to the corner

Yet residing with the same depth and agony

Story of love beyond words

Story of subdued feelings and lost hope

Story of unrequited love buried and subdued

With walks of life and pace of time

Silently it sat, soon forgotten it lay

And the ink with love that wrote the fate

All but just faded away!

Meanings changed

Priorities changed

Hearts had moved onOr so they felt!

Had it actually taken that path faded from their depths?

Like slow embers burning within its pain finally conquered lay

Years had kept the flames in bay

But one moment, one confession of the heart

And it all broke apart!

The resolve of years and the subdued pain

Embers ablaze in the chest again

The poetic scrawl of love and agony

Never had they faded into time

For in their lives at the hands of destiny,

Hopes dead of togetherness with one another

Had all been just so due to folly and the wait for the right time!


Immature love

A bud too young and bright

Swaying in different directions

For their loved ones came forthright

Wavering emotions, Clouded by selfishness and deceit

A dark phase

Finally after long did the clouds go away

But that love untouched

Faded away in folly and cowardice Or so they thought

Accepting belonging to other their fate

A togetherness of their own in an alternate world

A distant reality

A dream realized when too late

But then that love never did fade away from the hearts

For though pushed deep and down

It refused to heed along!

But then their destiny had for them a path lay

For once again in true but unrequited love did a sacrifice make

Stepped away did she

Leaving her in agony

A weight too heavy to carry!

While him she left, in his memories just a detest

Paving the way for their reunion; In the right and just aspect.

But with that sacrifice too heavy to bear

The guilt gnawing at her chest

This love she couldn't accept

To be away seemed the best!

While he in his own struggles stayed

Her in his life would never be, had he accepted

But will it stay the way it is?

Will they never to each other traverse?

Realizing it was with them that their destiny favoured!


Like a soaring bird in the skies

Love in her flew bright

Painting her mundane sky

With streaks of colours and dreams of a lifetime

To him, it wasn't any such thing

The way to her heart was just for a meaning

But then slowly did their fates make them each other's everything!

Struggles made paths of thorns traversed

Yet tall and strong they stood

For their love and true friends were the pillars

With time they, their own world set

Their abode filled with love and togetherness

But in the lives of their pillars

Storms grave made their way

Within moments altered their lives

Nothing was to remain the same again!

Realizing what they had found their friends hadn't

Realizing like those friends were when needed but they weren't

A resolve made firm in both their minds

They would set things right!

Make everything better

Though late but better late than never!

At the point, revelations were made

Difficult paths and choices were they to make

Cupids were they to play Or they were, just to the destination away

With lives of 4 to rectify

They'd do it for their friends were their lives!!!

Chal Adhure Ko Pura KareinWhere stories live. Discover now