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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝑘𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔
𝐹𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔

Iris rubs her temples as Alfred places a cheese danish infront of her. London and Kristen look at Iris in shock. Iris holds her phone reading the text message her job had sent. Iris huffs and tosses her phone on the couch.

"Then he said, don't even bother coming in" Iris finished, grabbing a piece of cheese danish and tossing it in her mouth.

"He just fired you on the spot? Just like that?" Kristen asked

"Well, Iris you have been late 64 times... in counting" London says.

Iris Keating had officially lost her job. Iris had been late a couple of times just because of location problems. Iris honestly didn't care deep down, but she loved that job. She was confused, her boss never really liked her. Janell had told Iris that Her boss, had a crush on her. Ashton Grande (their boss). Iris had rejected him, when he asked her out on a date.

Iris said no because, one, she hated his attitude. Two, he wasn't her type. And it was wrong for a boss and their co-worker to even date.

Iris sighs "I don't have a job now."

"Unless you sleep with the man?" Kristen asked

Iris nodded "you keep your job if you sleep with me' Can you believe that? Why are men such pigs? Not to mention the shit I had to deal with in England"

"What happened in England?" London, Kristen and Alfred asked.

Iris looked at them all "chile, you all will die. So, you remember when we went to that club down town."

London and Kristen nod. Alfred was pouring a cup of tea while listening to Iris talk. What? Alfred wants to know the gossip as well.

"There was this guy, I noticed him and he noticed me

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"There was this guy, I noticed him and he noticed me. He brushed his knee up against mine-"

"Was he cute?" London asked

"God took his time on this man, he is fine like really fine. But then I found out what his personality was like and it was such a turn off"

"You met him?" Kristen asked

"Well duh! They met the club like she said, Kristen listen" London squints her eyes at Kristen

"I'm listening" Kristen smiles.

"No... actually. We met at my job, his grandmother was dying and I had switched my patients with Janell's because I did not want to put up with mr. Jackson's BS. So, I took Mrs's Byers, Christian's grandmother-"

"Ouu Christian.." London cooed

"Yes. So, I walk into the room and saw him again... 3 weeks later. While we were in the room his attitude was just nasty and he didn't even care about his grandmother. I guess he has reasons why he doesn't care but still. Then when I left the room he chased after me and I told his ass he was disrespectful"

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