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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛


What the fuck?

Dior asked her to repeat again what she had said, just in case he misheard her.

"I'm pregnant and the baby is yours."

"How far along are you?"

"A month."

"And you decide to tell me this NOW!?"


"Why didn't you tell me when you found out?" Christian looks at her with glossy eyes.

"I wanted to give you a surprise to show how happy I was o finally start a family with y-"

Christian slammed his hands on the table. "Get out!"

Kira stepped back. "But-"

"I said, get out."


"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" His voice boomed from anger.

How was this possible? It sure as hell couldn't Be Possible. How could Dior let this happen? What about Iris? Sekani? Neither could Christian just up and leave her like he was thinking at that moment. Neither could live with the thought of killing his own child. But it's fucking Kira.

Christian runs his hands through his hair letting out a hard exhale. Shaking his head he calls three of his main men in the office.


Mace, Andreas, and Victor Gathered around Dior's desk.

"I wanted to talk to all three of you about strengthening security. As you all know that Iris is here. My son is here. The event that just happened proved that. So, I want extremely tight security around here. So? What's the progress?"

"It's quite Strong as far as my supervision is concerned." Christian nodded. Mace was always good at his job.

Christian looks at Victor and Andreas.

"The newbies are creating a bit of a problem but nothing more." Andreas Answered

"And The gates have been well guarded. As you know there are Guards constantly on rotations around the house since Mrs. Keating has come back. So, I would say it's perfect on my side." Victor informed Dior.

Christian sat back and crossed his legs on the desk looking at Andreas. "What do you mean the newbies are creating a problem?"

"They can't get their hands on aiming and firing properly. They keep missing."

"And why is that happening?"

Andreas shifted on his feet nervously. "I don't know why, boss but they just can't get a grip on it."

He seemed agitated when Dior clapped his hands together and got up. "Okay, if that's the case I'll teach them today." And without awaiting a response he left his office. Not that he needed any. Dior wanted to desperately get his anger out and his frustration after the news Kira told him.

He was passing the master bedroom hearing Iris's giggles and he stopped. Her voice. Her aura. Her smile. Dior missed it. Dior loved it. He fell for it. All of it. He couldn't just shrug off this feeling, not that his feelings wanted to. At first Dior just wanted sex from Iris and kick her to the curve.. now.. they have a kid and Dior loves this girl to the fullest. She made him feel happy, calm and relaxed in ways no one could. He rubbed the back of his neck watching Iris make goofy faces towards Sekani.

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