𝑆𝑛𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑙

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Sekani age: 14 Chapter 1:

Sekani was in his room. He throws a ninja star at the Target on the wall. "Nice." Kani says as he removed the blind fold off his head. He takes another ninja star out of the box, there's a target right above his door, he pulls the blind fold down. He takes a breath. Christian knocks on his door coming in anyway, Sekani strikes the Target right in the middle. Christian flinched a little looking up seeing the Ninja star stuck to the Target. He huffs taking it off.

"Boy." Christian says. Sekani removes the blindfold.

"Wassup, Dad. Sorry." Sekani say. Christian gives him His star.

"Who gave you all of this anyway?"

"I collect." Sekani sits down on his beanbag.

"Your sister went to bed, your moms home and your grandparents left. What do you want to do for the rest of the summer? You have school in a month maybe we could, I don't know, do something?" Christian suggested.

"Just you and me?"

"Yeah! Like a father and son day." Christian shrugged.

"Yeah, I'd like that. That'll be cool." Sekani nodded. "I have a question."

"What is it?" Christian tilted his head.

"I know you've told me this story multiple times, but I couldn't help but think... if you have the company and your no longer a mafia-"

"I still am son."

"Oh... right. Would I still take over the company and the mansion if anything happens to you?" Sekani asked

"Yup. It's sort of a.." Christian chuckled "family trait, Your grandfathers dad died when he was 17, my father died when I was 17 and... I don't know if I'll die when your 17. But let's not put that in the air. If I ever die you will be in control, The mansion... Mace, Dior Enterprises. Everything."

"And if I die?"

"Why would you-"

"I said 'if' you never know what's going to happen? Life is short..." Sekani shrugged.

"If you die.. and I die. Then your sister will take over."

"Nahla!? Hell no! She's gonna turn everything into Smart and books and take all the fun out of it!"

Christian laughed, he ruffled Kani's curls. "Your momma coming home from a long day at work, you know this pregnancy is really getting to her.. So, I don't know if she's mad or sad or happy. So-"

"Leave her alone. Got it." Sekani nodded


Sekani  age 14. Nahla age: 13 Chapter 2:
... your busy playing around with Nick so..." Nahla folded her arms.

Sekani huffed. "I'm sor-"

"Your sorry? Sekani summer is almost over and I've done this all myself!" Nahla exclaimed

"You sound annoyed..."

"BECAUSE-" Nahla catches her self. "Because I am... excuse me." Nahla walks past him.

Sekani balls up his fist turning watching her walking. He chuckles "oh my god... you are such schedule rat! You need everything to he on point! You can't just lay back and chill! Your so up tight!!" Sekani says. In that case, Nahla drops her wagon. Marches over, she pushes Sekani making him fall to the ground.

"For your information, I have better grades then you, I try so hard not to be up tight because you play way to much! I'm mad because of what you did! You left me all ALONE!" Nahla hits him on his chest.

There was an untold story with Sekani and Nahla. Nahla wipes off some tears, she kicks him on his butt. Sekani screams a "shit!" Nahla marches back over to her wagon picking it up by the handle walking over to the house.

Sekani looks at nahla as she walked up the hill to the mansion. Nick comes over.

"You got knocked the fuck out!" He laughs. "UHH UHH! ..." Sekani looks at him and groans at the pain, he closes his eyes.


Chapter Unknown:

Standing on top of a big man, Sekani counts down all the push ups he does "1....2...3" a officer comes over and opens the cell. Sekani looks at the officer and gets off Henry's back.

"Brown... Time to go home."

1 year in juvie and Sekani is officially out. Sekani nods his head, he daps up Henry, walking down the cell hallway he daps up everyone else. "Aye, Pocko! You gonna get out okay!" Sekani says.

"I'll believe it! Happy 17th birthday youngin!"  Pocko says. Sekani smiles.

Moments later he puts on his Black sweatshirts and Grey sweatpants, The officer takes his Old Juvie clothes. Sekani glares at him.

"I won't miss you." The officer says, Kani wanted to punch him rught then and there but he knew... he knew he'd find away to get to him. Sekani chuckled putting up the middle finger. He walks out the little room, walking over to the office area giving the front lady his Key card, Kani winks at her... he grabs his phone, Keys, and ID. He walks out the door, waiting for the large gates to open. It's been forever since Sekani smelt nature and actual sun.

"I'm back bitches." Sekani says as he walks out the gate. Walking down the side walk...

That's all I'm giving you guys! I'm writing the ending to LGGYK right now- and my new book YOU is coming out next week, along with (the death of you and me) the book about Sekani. 💀✋🏽

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