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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

Iris lays in her bed as Chadwick slept right besides her. He lays there shirtless as Iris looked up in the sky feeling guilty but why? Christian's the one who threw her out the car, that's an automatic break up? Right? It's been 4 months since she has lived here... and no sign of him.

he probably never even tried to find me.

She really felt guilty, so damn guilty.

She rests her head letting out a deep sigh, she scratches her head taking a momentIris gently shook Chadwick, he groans a while until he looks up at her slightly opening his eyes. Iris stares at him for a while, Chadwick chuckles.

"I know what you're about to say." He says with His raspy voice.

"What am I about to say?" Iris question.

"We shouldn't have had sex last night, Trust me, it got really wild."

"I really wanna blame it on my hormones. I just haven't been touched by a man in a long time... it got the best of us. You are a very nice man but-"

"No, I get it." As Chadwick was lied down half his arms were underneath the pillow as he rest his head on it. "You have a boyfriend, you are going to back too. You're having his baby, who knows when you're leaving... shit, it al depends on boss when you leave or stay. Hopefully it's not too long."

"Correct" she nods "I did all that talking of me that I barely know about you except for you're a killer who knows how to cook."

Chadwick sits up clearing his throat "what do you want to know about me?" He squints his eyes at her.

Iris looks at him and then she stares up at the ceiling "we can't do this again."

"Well obviously." Chad chuckled "Why are you so complicated?"

"Complicated? I am not complicated." Iris sits up.

Chad groans "Complicated you are and complicated is you. You say say that you love your boyfriend blah blah blah and yet here you are in my bed."

"You were tempting me-"

"NUH UH- don't make me kill yo ass just for getting me angry. You straddled me. I was willing to stop but you wanna be all sexy and stuff with your little 'shut up' and your big brown eyes, them curves walking around looking all fine... don't lie now."

"My emotions got the best of me." Iris crossed her arms.

"Obviously. I know being pregnant isn't the best thing for this situation because your hormonal. I understand." Chadwick shrugged "did I help you though?"

Iris looks at him "yeah...I feel guilty."


"Because of this... I basically cheated on Christian."

"But you're dead.. he thinks you're dead remember."

"But when I have this baby... what's gonna happen? I'm I gonna love here with you and you be a father to this baby? You already stuck your dick in my territory so." Iris Shrugged.

"Damn... I don't know. When the boss's plan goes through and you have that baby... boss might let you go. It's a 'who knows' situation." Chadwick looks at her. "Don't worry, I'm confident Boss will let you go... hopefully."

Iris whined "I miss him." She kicks her feet.

"How about... I send a good friend to spy on him for you. See how he's doing, his name is Michael and he is the best out here."

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