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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛
1 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟

Christian sits at the piano as his fingers pressed the keys playing 'the vow' it was a beautiful song that instantly would make you cry. Christian Grandmother (On his moms side.) played it for him every now and then. That was the only thing Dior liked about that crazy lady, her beautiful voice and the way she sang.

"When time is up and the sun it dies
Do the rivers flood and the ocean dries
Hand in hand under the falling sky
I will love you
When I'm oh so old and I lose my mind
I'll still look at you like it's the first time
So many say it and it's all a lie
But I will love you" Dior sang.

Christian took a breath sitting there near his white piano, he was in a disclosed room in his mansion where he calls it his happy place. Yes, Christian can sing, but it was his secret. He wipes his tired face, as he sung his heart out he thought of Iris. He still blamed his self for her death... it was him. He's the one who threw her out the car. Christian kneels down putting his hands, he rocked back and forth.

"Come on, man. Get your shit together." Christian sighs. He stands up buttoning up his suit, his dress shoes clack against the floor, he opens the draw back doors, walking Towards the foyer. He stops in his track hearing footsteps running towards him.

He felt someone hop on his back "you're forgetting this!" Kira holds up a tie. Christian laughs as she got down, Kira looks up at him.

Christian frowns at the dark black tie she holds up. "I already got a tie." He looks down at the dark blue he had on.

"Yeah but, you need to take my advise on this one." She drags Christian's arms towards he mirror. Christian takes the tie 'Tisk' he mumbles under his breath thinking if she was correct or not.

Christian gives her a blank stare then looks back in the mirror then back at Kira. Kira shrugged "oh well." Kira playfully walked away. Dior tickles her and picks her up, she straddles his waist, she lets out a screaming laugh.

"Fine, not going to lie... it kinda looks better.."


"Fuck it. You were right, the dark black looks better." Christian nods putting her down, he takes off his dark blue tie, instantly putting on the black one.  Kira bites her lips holding his tie bringing him closer to her. "Don't be gone too late."

He looks at her silk robe gazing into her eyes. "I won't. I'll be here in a flash." He guarantees. He winks walking out the house, putting on his black shades walking down to the SUV. Today, every mafia Dons, celebrate the murder of Edward Charles. The biggest Mafia Don in the East side.

"Roll out." Christian tells Kyle.

"Yes, Boss." Kyle nods. Christian leans down in his seat. Watching Netherland... he watches as different faces look at the car then frighteningly look away seeing it was Dior. He loves seeing people shit them selves when they see him— not even see him... but know it's him just by looking at a car. He rest his head on the window hearing the rain set gentle taps on it, a nice rainy day.

𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

Iris sits in the couch as Chadwick comes towards her with some, Pork-chops, salad with some fruit punch. He places it on the coffee table. Iris rubs her 4 month belly, she was quite small for 4 months, she could hide the bell easily. Chadwick has doctors come to the house to check on how healthy the baby is, Chadwick simply follows the bosses rules 'don't let her leave that house.' If Chadwick was the boss he would let Iris go, with no hesitation, he has better stuff to do... but he doesn't want to die. Yeah, pussy move but it's true.

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