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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

She sat grumpily on the bed. Iris wished she had contact with her friends and family but Christian took her phone. Iris was stuck in this room, Christian has made many moves and tried to convince her to come out the room to eat. But Iris was being stubborn. Christian DIdn't want Iris to starve so, he'd knock on her door and place the plate on the ground.

A day would go by and Christian would walk down the hallway seeing the food all stale and hard. Iris didn't want anything from him. He probably poisoned my food. Iris thought to herself. Iris head pops up hearing the door knob jiggle, in comes Christian.

"You didn't eat... again" Christian's raspy voice says.

They were in England and Christian quickly locked her inside of her room. Well, Iris locked herself in her room, Christian gave her option to explore his palace but she wanted to stay in her room.

"I'd rather starve" Iris says.

"Stop, being stubborn. I need you to come with me"


He sighs "Meet me in my office" Christian says and turns around and walks away.

Christian walks into the depths of his hallway. Iris is hesitant at first but gets up anyways and walks out the door. Look at the long hallway Christian just walked down. Peeking that Christian made a right, that must be where his office is.

Iris played around with her hoodie strings following down the hallway. Iris looks around seeing giant pictures of him and his mother. One ginormous painting in the middle, A family portrait. It was a young Christian and a young Nicole in her fathers arms with Grace right next to him hugging Christian.

Iris stops at the big picture and observes it, she looks to the side and his office was right there. Christian was looking through a folder while his feet was propped up on his desk. He wore a black T-shirt with some sweatpants, his curls were Defined and perfect.

Iris walks into his office and sits down on a chair.

"What are you looking at?" Iris asked

"My mothers file."

"You have a file on your mother?" She asked and tilted her head

"Yes, you never know when you need data on someone, I have data on everyone I know, my friend Kira, my dad, my... sister, Mace, deacon Ryan."

"Do you have one of me?" She asked

Christian looked at her and chuckled. He rolls his chair over to a drawer talking out a brown folder, he hands it to Iris and folds his hands on his desk. Iris opens the folder seeing her picture and everything about her. This creeped her out.. a lot.

"You should fire who ever gave you this data, they didn't time my bathroom breaks" Iris rolls her eyes handing him the folder. "You know, people are gonna be worried about me"

Dior places the folder on the side of the table "they're not. I called them and told them your with me"

"Who is them?" Iris asked

"Kristen and London... they were arguing with me at first but I told them I wanted to get to know you. I think they called the police but the police dare not cross with me."

"Wow, this can't be happening." Iris sighs.

"You just gotta warm up to me."

"How can I? You kidnapped me.. twice. At this point I rather be dead"

"You don't mean that." Christian says

Iris looked at him "if I give you a chance will you leave me alone?"

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