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"I'd knew you'd come around." He smiled.

"Shut up and fuck me" she begged, she manages to take off her dress.....

𝐶𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛

Christian swung Iris body over his shoulder as he unlocked his front door. He closes the door with his foot and Juliana was dusting his table and notices them. Iris was completely naked. Juliana turned around.

"Good evening, Juliana. You missed a spot" Dior claims pointing it out. Juliana quickly nodded and cleans it up. Dior runs up the stairs as Iris laughs.

She gasped "Christian!". They entered his master bedroom. He placed Iris on the bed, Dior needed her and Iris needed him. Dior kissed her lips for a minute, slipping his tongue down her throat. Dior takes off his shirt as he smirks down at iris, "lay down on the bed" . Iris obeyed. Christian unbuckles hi belt, her gazed his pointer finger around her inner thigh, Iris squirms her legs just feeling his touch.

He growls, low in his chest while he grips her inner thighs, pushing them apart. "Keep still or I'll make you." She gasp at his provocative threat and on pure instinct and raw desire her hips tilt up by their own accord, crazy in its need for any contact. His hands slip around, cupping her backside as he pushes his nose into her sex, inhaling deeply.

"Christian please," She moaned, begging for more.

When he comes away She catches his gaze. His eyes look unfocussed – cross-eyed with lust. "Like I said, don't move." His expression a strange blend of pain and elation, whispered words born of desperate need. He swiftly stretches to cover iris's body with his, kissing her wildly. He raids her mouth mercilessly, their arms and legs tangling and writhing, taking in the exquisite pleasure of intimate contact.

He rolls taking iris with him and they pause for air, their breaths mingling and faces flushed. With her body on top of his, she stroke her hand over the sprinkling of stubble, reacquainting herself with every curve and dip of his face. "You really wanna do this?"

Another low hum is his reply and he closes his eyes as iris's gratitude sluices over him – clearly striking a cord. "Come here." It's a carnal command but She doesn't understand and She raised an unsure brow. Where does he want me to go, I'm already here? Iris thought to herself.
"Come, sit here, on my chest." He pats his sternum. His silky voice is dripping with erotic promise.

She scoots up, eager to find out what passionate delight he has in store for her, It only takes a second for her to grasp the nature of the deeply intimate act he has in mind and He gnaws at her lip, her coyness getting the better of her.

Her legs are bent with her knees resting on either side of his head. Iris's bottom sits on his chest, taking her weight which leaves her secret opening utterly gaping and vulnerable, not to mention very close to his sinful mouth. She can feel his breath on her, fluttering and making her heart stutter.

His affirmative nod is unhurried but no less compelling, it says that She won't dare deny him this pleasure. With his eyes securely fastened to hers his intent is unwavering and unaffected by her modesty. His sure hands move around and grip her backside firmly, holding her in place. Iris gets a sense of how easy it will be for him to control her pelvic movements from this position and it stirs iris, being in his power like this.

With her head bowed forward, the loose tendrils of iris's hair spill over her shoulders and cover her breasts; only the hard tips of her nipples are peeking from between the strands. His eyes linger on them for a moment before he presses her onto his mouth.

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