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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

Iris woke up this morning feeling revived and fresh. She really appreciated the spa day, Christian had planned for her. Iris was feeling really homesick, lately. Breakfast went smoothly, Juliana made multiple items for them. Christian was able to sit across from Iris as they ate their luxurious breakfast, Freshly cut fruits, a jug filled with orange juice. There was a beautiful basket of nothing but red cherry colored strawberries.

Christian got up after about 10 minutes. Christian comes to Iris and he looks down at her "I have some work to do princess, as soon as I get back I'll take you to wherever you want to go in this house, whether it be the cinema, swimming pool or horse riding, alright?" Christian leans down and kisses her temple. Iris chocked.

Iris looks up at him "alright" Iris's cheeks got hot at him being near her. Iris quickly shut that off because she was in question what happened that night.

Christian walked out the kitchen. Reason why she was in question? She was confused. What's gonna happen next after they already had sex? Why isn't Christian talking about this? Are they together? Does Christian want to be together? Dior didn't want to be with Iris, he doesn't know how to properly give love or consume it either. Iris leans back in her chair and stressfully rubbing her forehead.


Iris sat on her bed eating some apple slices, she could go for a cheese danish but no one makes them better than Alfred. Iris scrolls through her contacts. She clicks on his icon.

The rings dials buzz through the phone.

"Hey, Iris, where have you been?" Terrence asked. "You get your ass back here! You've been on for weeks! I sent Henry and fucking John out just looking for you! Iris, I swear to god-"

"Can you relax. Damn, I'm not 15 anymore. I am fine, thanks for asking." Iris rolled her eyes

"Where are you?" He sighed.


"Why are you- I thought you got fired from the hospital? Why are you in England?" He asked and Iris could hear the frustration in his voice.

"Long story" Iris chuckled "but I'm safe, I'm not hurt, I'm with a friend"

"Is this friend trust worthy?" He asked

"Yeah, I... trust him."

It's goes silent for a while "well, you tell they ass, you are coming home. Now."

"I come home, when I want to come home"

"do you realize that you took a while to answer that 'do you trust them' question?  I don't want you getting hurt or worse dead. Do you want to end up like your mom? Huh? Cause you trusted somebody you weren't supposed to?" Terrence exclaimed.

Iris looks straight ahead as her eyes clouded with tears. They drip from her face at her fathers choice of words.

"I'm sorry, come home-" Terrence was cut off when Iris hung up on him. Feeling her heart ping from her nose starting to burn, she felt annoyed. She hated when her father would talk about her mother like Iris would do something to harm herself. Iris sniffed and thought about what he had also said. She doesn't really fully know Christian either. Especially after those letters she read, she knows it's none of her business but... what was going on with Nicole.

Just then Iris heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" Iris straightened her self up.

The door slightly opened when he poked his head through. Iris straightened up again as if on queue and started playing with her fingers in nervousness. This is one of her oldest habits. She used to play with her fingers when nervous.

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