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He listens to London and Kristen ramble about these weird phone calls they keep getting. Christian squints his eyes.

"You guys know that you are welcome here, but you guys flew all the way from Italy to England to ramble to me... about someone breathing... on the phone. Scratch that someone calls you and just.. breaths?" He questions

"YES!" The both of them shout. Christian thinks about what they say, he started to think about... he got that same type of phone call to.

"I think it Iris." Kristen says.

"Cant be... she's dead." Dior shook his head. He shut out all thoughts of Iris, he even hated hearing her name.

"But what if she isn't."

"Can you shut the fuck up before I kick you out! Y'all are just delusional."

"But I really did hear someone breathing in the phone." London argued.

"Maybe it was the wind." Christian shrugged.

"It's okay, London. He just doesn't want anything to do with Iris." Kristen huffs.

"Because she is DEAD. Capital D."

"How do you even know? Did you see her body? Is anyone planning funerals? No! So... something very odd is going on here. I call it bull. shit. BULLSHIT." Kristen yells.

"Okay." Christian plainly says.

"Okay?" They both ask. He walks towards the both of them, getting a good grip of their hair. He grips them by their hair yanking them towards the front door. Kira walks down the hallway watching this all go down. Kira eyes bulged she runs to Christian pushing him off them.

"Stop it!" She yells. Kristen was ready to pulse at him but Kira held her back. "Can you guys relax. What is the problem?"

"They keep mention her." Christian said "I want them out my mansion."

"Okay, hey... babe, relax. I'll talk to them." She pushes him towards the living room. He huffs, shrugging  her off walking in there anyway. Kira turns around to them both. "I apologize on behalf of his behavior."

"Shit, Iris said he was aggressive but putting hands on girls, won't do. I'm a lady." London fixes her hair. Kira laughs.

"He's gets weird whenever he hears Iris's name or if anyone talks about Iris. Trust me I think this whole situation is crazy too. How crazy it was there was no funeral... no body."

"Terrence said the police can't find her body." Kristen says

Kira raised her eyebrows "he called the police?"

"Mhm. The day after Christian was told she was dead. He called everybody, his voice sounded really weird. Almost like it was a fake voice." London tilts his head.

"This is creeping me out." Kira sighs.

"Same here."

"How about we all get some coffee. On me, to apologize for his outburst."

"You are talking my language. A couple cheese danishes to celebrate Iris. If she's dead." Kristen says. Kira smiles.

"Great! Be back down in one minute."

Kira walks away and as she hears the both of them going back and forth. "Maybe she is dead." London says "C'mon not you too."
"Let's just leave it alone, Kristen. We're starting to sound crazy." London huffs. Kristen crossed her arms. Kira walks into the master bedroom grabbing her keys, a jean jacket with a black top and black bottoms. She trips over something but quickly caught herself.

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