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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

Iris sits at the long table, sipping some tea and texting London about last night. If she tells Kristen she's just gonna freak out. Iris woke up this morning with Christian no where to be found. Juliana places some scrambled eggs and bacon in-front of Iris.

"Thank you, juli" she smiles. She grabs a fork and starts to dig in. "Um, do you know where Christian is?"

"Mr. Brown's schedule is occupied. I do not know when he will be back, Mace usually knows his schedule but Mr. Brown had set you up for a spa day."

"Spa day?"

"Yes, He ordered the best nail technicians, and assistants. Just for you."

"That was nice of him" she smiled. Iris grabs her phone and texts him. Spa day huh?. Not even 1 second later he replies with quickness

Doggy 🐶: I figured you needed to relax, after everything I put you through, I see a couple grey hairs.

Iris nodded and rolled her eyes at the grey hair comment. Thanks. Iris sees those three little bubbles. Anything for my kitten . Iris puts her phone down and finishes her eggs.

"Juli, have you seen Christian" a voice said. Iris couldn't help but turn around hearing that familiar voice she heard before

"Sorry Kira. He's not here" Juliana says. Kira pouted.

"Eggs smell good" Kira cheered. Iris turns back in her seat. Kira notices Iris and tilts her head walking towards the table. Kira takes a seat next to her. "Um... hi"

"Hey" Iris says

Kira's frown turned into a happy smirk "you and him fucked huh?"


"One: you have hickeys on your neck girl, and your wearing his white shirt, and his sweatpants. Girl, you ain't fooling nobody" Kira says popping a grape in her mouth.

"Oh um... yeah... I mean, maybe- I don't know what to say"

"Say yes." Kira says

"Yes" Iris admitted and laughed. They both laughed in sync. Juliana places eggs and bacon in-front of Kira.

"Yes, thank you, MVP" Kira smiled at juli.

"So, d- Do you come here often?"

"Yeah... I mean, Christian sometimes calls me over when he needs some things." Kira bites on her toast and chuckles.

"How long have you guys been friends?" Iris asked

"Since he first came to England. I just took an understanding of him and he took me under his wing, now I'm his best friend. I can tell he likes you."

"Hm?" Iris looked at her and twisted her lip thinking about what she just said.

"Christian... he likes you" Kira says "He's never made a girl stay for breakfast" she says and takes a bite of her eggs getting up from the table and leavening the kitchen. Iris didn't know what to say, literally what does she say. Iris isn't ready to even start dating again. She barely knows how Dior is... Truly is.

𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛

Christian whistles at the temptation from Carney's file it intrigued him. He rubs his nice clean face and smiles, he smiles with cheekiness. Christian looked down to see that indeed he was wearing a black shirt. Good. While torturing someone, He prefers wearing a black shirt as it hides blood well that any color. He tightened his belt and made his why to the dungeons.

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