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Christian Trudged down the stairs in pure anger and hatred for him. Dior was trained to grow into the heartless monster he is today. Dior loved to spill blood and watch people scream in agony. Especially those who deny his orders. One thing, Dior doesn't allow under his rule is dishonesty and disloyalty and that bitch ass boy just did the exact same thing.

The basement was cold and dark just the way He like it. Christian taped the bat against, he smiles. Reaching his cell he nodded at the guard who opened the door for me. There he was, all tied up bloodied and bruised. Christian grabs a wooden chair and sits down.

He get ups and trudged towards me. He kneels down and whisper "why?" That's the only word Dior says to him before HE irrupted crying.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, Trevor. Why? You fail to give me an answer. You know the consequences" I say. I sneer "you were one of my most trusted men But You decided to disobey me"

Trevor remained quite, Christian nods his head taking out his Dagger knife. Christian lifted up his shirt and slowly started to tear up his skin. First, his legs. Second gave him a few scars on his arms. Slashing his collarbone making him scream. Christian angrily smiles. Then Christian moved down to his stomach cutting it open.

"C" Dior spelled out on his stomach "H. R. I. S. T. I. A. N" blood drops from his stomach. "I'm giving you one more minute, to speak up....  You fail to do so, Surely you know I can do worse"

Trevor was to loyal to the Russians that he didn't speak up. Christian rolls his eyes and heaving a tired sigh. Christian opened a bottle of alcohol, took a swig and started pouring it on his wounds when the sound of his screams and the sizzling of his skin were assorted.

Dior kept the torturous act for the full minute when he decided to give him a break. Anyone passing by would. Have had nightmares if they were to see his state but at the moment, Dior needed answers.

"Trevor never have I ever given someone this much time as much as I'm giving you. You have two minutes to be exact till you tell me why the bloody fuck you betrayed me or I wouldn't stop any lengths to torture you" Trevor shiver but he remained silent. A damn, puppy!

Christian got impatient. I shook his head. Grabbing his face and opening his mouth. He roughly cut all his teeth making him scream in agony. That's what Christian likes to hear.

Dior takes one of the knives which were on the table and viciously made as many slashes and cuts I could. His screams calmed and encouraged him. Dior kept on torturing the bitch.

Christian felt a hand on his shoulder which instantly brought him back to his senses. Just to see Trevor was unrecognizable.

He takes  a step back and cleaning his hands with his handkerchief. He sighs "Trevor you are wasting my damn time bruh." Christian was surprised to see him breathing but quite. He didn't give in. As much as Dior wants to him, he needed to know.

Christian looks at Trevor with a glare.  I turn around to Victor. "Bring his daughter Madison here. The one with cancer" Christian paused "to ME"

That oughta shake Trevor when he suddenly brought his head up and whimpered a weak no. Obviously Christian isn't that heartless to hurt a child. The child has no fault and shouldn't be punished for something her father did and obviously Christian would never hurt a child or make her see any of this but Trevor didn't need to know that.

"What did you say?" Dior growls

"Please no, boss. Not my daughter"

"Who the fuck are you calling boss may I ask?" Christian tilted his head

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