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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛.

The bright sun shined brightly through the blinds, Christian fluttered his eyes open. His head pound, rubbing his temples feeling like a million lighting bolts were shocking him. He looked around squinting his eyes, his body was super sore, seeing Iris sitting in the love seat with her head in her hands in between her thighs were a ginger-ale and some aspirin. He gets up carefully, his feet both touching the floor. The bedroom was dirty, almost like two people had very wild sex because the bed head was broken.

"Fuck." he whispers. Iris's head popped up and she sighs. They made eye contact and Iris had an unusual look on her face. Christian got up and walked over to iris. "What.. what's wrong?" he yawned. Before he could ask what happened to the room he needed to know why iris had this look on her face. She points to the table, a piece of paper. He looks at her and then walks over to the table picking up the paper.

"Read it.. Out loud." Iris says. Christian arched an eyebrow, he looked at the paper and read it..

"This certifies that Christian Cornelius Dior Brown and Iris Cressida Keating were united in Holy Matrimony at Bora Temple Church on the Sixteenth Day of October two thousand twenty..." christian looked at Iris once more holding up her left hand.. Showing him the wedding band, he puts the paper back down.

"We're married." Iris says and her lips thin.


"You proposed, obviously." Iris slouched in her seat taking a sip of the ginger-ale. He couldn't believe it. What did he do? He doesn't even remember anything from last night.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" he asked her.

Iris shook her head. "Nope. I remember we went to the bar, had some and had fun but I don't remember anything about us getting married."

Christian nods "we gotta retrace our steps, starting with this room." he motions at the broken lamp, the broken headboard, the pillow feathers that were everywhere.

"I think we had sex, there are hickeys on your neck, hickeys on my thighs and I could barely walk when I got up." iris chuckled.

Christian smirked to himself.

"Lets ask Minty." The housekeeper of this house. Iris gets up and they both walk out the room but not before christian brushed his teeth and took a shower, changing his pants. Noticing in the mirror there were scratches on his back. The two hold hands walking downstairs seeing minty vacuuming the living room.

"Hello, minty."

She looks at dior and backs away and gulps. "Hello.. Sir."

Christian shook his head. "I dont have the time today to be all demanding, relax." he says. Her shoulders relaxed. "What happened last night? Were you here?"

"Yes, I was. You two came in causing chaos, you both went upstairs and 2 seconds later I heard sounds i dont wanna ever hear again.'' Minty shook her head. Christian nodded. "Then I heard something break, bed making all types of squeaky noises."

Iris poked her tongue in the side of her cheek. "Thank you minty." she nodded. Minty gave a nice smile walking back to the vacuum. Christian turns to Iris and nervously smiles.

"Okay, so we did have sex lastnight."

"Was it angry sex? Why is everything all broken?" Iris scratched her neck.

Christian shrugs. "I tend to have that effect, call me edward." he nods. Iris laughed rolling her eyes.

"Ou! How about we check that Bora Temple church.. The place where we got married."

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