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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛

Christian looks around the room where Grace and Iris planned the wedding. He lets out a bearing sigh, Grace and Iris discuss, flowers, Music, all that jazz. Christian walks into the room, he wear a blue suit, white shirt, blue pants and black dress shoes. He runs his hand over his black fade. Iris smiled seeing him.

"Hey." Iris kisses his lips. He kisses back.

"Hey... are you sure you need all this for a garden wedding? It's only going to be-"

"all your soilders, Grandma Lilian, my dad, Alfred, Mace, London, Kristen, and her boyfriend apparently-"

"Kristen has a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, shes coming over today she has something to tell me." Iris shrugged but she continued. "Your mom, Deacon Ryan- everyone."

"Little, Christian barely has any friends." Grace whispers but Christian heard her.

"I have friends."

"What ever happened to that king guy you used to hang with in high school? Hm?" Grace asked as she cuts out white fabric.

"I blocked his number after I saw him at the grocery store 6 months ago." Christian shrugged.

"Ah, okay. Christian how's the 'plan'." Grace says, that caught Iris's attention.

"What plan?" She asked

Christian sighs. "I've been planning on a big break for a month. It's a Gala at the luxury resort. I gotta make a couple of deals with... some men." Christian nodded "And I need you to come with me, Prada."

Iris chuckled. Grace looks at the both of them. "What the hell is a Prada?"

"Iris's Code name."

"That's so adorable.. Dior and Prada." Grace smiles. "You two are so cute."

Christian rolls his eyes and then looks at Iris. "Charles and Ariel will be in the grooming room... I set out beautiful dresses for you. And I little surprise that might bring back an old memory." Christian winks as he walks backwards out the room.

"Old memory?" Grace tilts her head.

Iris shrugged "I don't know what he means by that." Iris squints her eyes. "Grace..."

"Yes, sweet heart?" Grace places some fabric on the board pinning it down.

"How did you know Mathew was the one for you?"

Grace immediately panicked. "Why? Are you having doubts-"

"No, no... not at all. I love Christian a lot... I just want to hear your story.. you never really talk about Mathew. Only when your lecturing Christian about how He and mathew are just alike."

Grace nodded because she knew what Iris was saying was correct. She takes a big sigh. "Well... Mathew and I met when we were 16, he was very charming, handsome, I didn't really like him because he was super disrespectful, cocky and ignorant at times towards me but he learned how to be nice to me. One night while I was walking home, Three large ass SUVS came surrounding me and then the fourth one.. the window rolled down and it was mathew. He told me to get in, I hesitated and said no. He said I shouldn't be walking out so late, It was cold and dark and creeps were surrounding all night long so, I did. I got in the car."

"Did you know the family trait?" Iris asked as she puts flowers in a vase.

"Not really, I was pretty naive about the whole Mafia business. I thought mafia was like a warehouse thing." Grace chuckled. "I was really scared but it felt... it's felt good, Mathew was such a nice and funny person when you get to know him, my father did not accept it at all. But I loved Mathew. I got pregnant with Demarcus, my father was so angry. He never accepted anything for me. So, I just left. Never came back, I stayed with Mathew and his father maynor and his mother Lilian. Had Demarcus, And never looked back ever since, life became great, I had Christian and then 4 years after that I had a .. Daughter."

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