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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛

Christian woke up from the shrieks of the annoying alarm from his phone. It was honestly, giving him a head ache and he wanted to do nothing but chuck the phone at the wall. Disabling it, he groans and turned on his side to rest for a couple more minutes. The bed was usual soft and comfy and sweet memories of yesterday resurfaced into his mind. It was one of the best days of his life, actually having fun for once. It had been a while since he had smiled or felt happy or relieved and just a couple hours with Iris seemed to do the trick.

The way they kissed and was loss for words after, Dior knew she felt happy as well. Dior, could see it in her eyes. The sudden gleam, the first light Christian had seen in the mansion, his mansion has always been quite, and quit boring filled with Christian in his office plotting against his enemies. The way her, dark brown hair whipped in the air when she stood, the sweet scent of vanilla entering his nose made it nothing but more peaceful and the most shocking bit was Casper accepting her.

Christian was astonished than she was. How could that be? What was she thinking? It was beyond Christian's understanding. For the first time in so many years, Casper galloped freely into the field. Christian missed it, riding horses.

Dior smiled silently and rolled out the bed to get dressed for the day and confront whatever shit was waiting for him at the doorstep. Little did he know it was a massive one.


Christian walks down the steps and he had a slight pain in the back of his leg. From yesterday's events... he did not like it, Christian stops near the steps and he could see clearly in the kitchen, he saw Iris, and he spectated her... spectated her hard like a hawk. Iris was sitting in the dining room reading a book. Christian walks into the kitchen and he says hello to Juliana as she mixed some batter for the muffins she's about to make.

Christian stands over her and watches her flip pages of her book, Iris was so occupied with her book she had no knowledge that Christian was there. Christian bent till his mouth was near her ear and could feel the rapid movement of her chest.

"How are you feeling today?"

Iris pops her head up and looks at Christian "I should be asking you that. Is your back okay, from your epic fall, off of Pegasus" she laughs

Dior straightens up "I'm fine, I'm glad you think it's funny"

"Cause it is. I still picture you abound on that lay of hay, legs all spread out and all. Look like a damn, cartoon." Iris says and her Italian accent popped out at that moment. Christian shook his head. "You know, I have to leave soon right? You know you can't keep me in this big house forever? Right?"

"Like I said before, I'm not holding you hostage. You can go out the house if you want."

"But... back to my home. My father called me and he's worried" Iris closed her book

"He shouldn't be worried if, he called. At least he knows where you are. Correct?"

"Accurate. In my defense, I really wanna go home. If I want to go, home. I'm going home. I'll just ask Kyle to drive me to the airport first thing in the morning"

Christian did nothing but smile.

Iris looks at him "but I want to ask you a serious question, you give me a serious question."

"What is it?" Dior tilts his head

"Since that night we had sex. We never talked about what the future would be. What do you want from me?"

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