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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛
3 𝑊𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟

Christian leaned on his tool table look at Trevor, his suit was all messy and untucked, he rolls up his sleeves and chuckled, it was nice and cold.. just, the. Way. He. Liked. It. Shaking his head, Trevor was tied up bloody and bruised, blood drips from his nose, mouth, A head knot from being attacked by Andreas and Victor.

"Y'all can leave." Christian says, he reaches into the depths into his pocket as Mace, Victor and Andrea leave. He pulls out a pack of Newport's. Christian never smokes cigarettes he hasn't in 4 years, he only smokes them when he's stressed and it's been like that for 3 weeks now.

Cupping his hand over the lighter and lighting his Cig, taking a puff and exhaling it he takes it out of his mouth placing it in between his pointer and middle finger. Christian looks in the corner seeing Kira's cut up body in separate bags, He still plans on feeding her dead body to his dogs.

"Trevor, Trevor, Trevor." Dior shook his head. Trevor looks at Dior, he bows his head. "You have fucked me over once again. I told you that if you did I would not hesitate on killing you and your entire family? Or was it a lie I was telling?"

"N- No... boss."

"You lost the privilege to call me such." Dior chuckled, he chuckled again taking a puff of his cigarette. "I knew I shouldn't have never trusted you again.. since the first time. Now, I need you to tell me the truth... let's make a deal. Tell me the truth.. you die. Or don't tell me the truth.. you die? Which do you prefer?" He rambled letting out a chuckle at the end. His shaky hands take another puff.

Trevor stayed quite.

Dior nodded his head. "Okay well, you stole from me, Tisk tisk Trevor Birmingham the 3rd. You know sometimes I am a very good person— maybe not all the time but I try. I gave you another fucking chance to make up for you getting my money wrong and the shipment mistake... REMEMBER?!"

Trevor nodded his head. "Y-yes..."

"And you steal My boxes of illegal Drugs just to send them off to whoever the fuck knows! You know my values... loyalty, obedience and honor. You got me fucked up... funny of me to think I could trust you again."

"Don't kill my family.. please."

Dior pouted "Aww, too late."

Trevor's eyes grow big and they get all Red and tight, tears run down his cheeks.

Dior sucks his teeth. He lifts his leg up stepping on Trevor's balls, he winced in pain. Stepping on them hard, Trevor was still tied on on the arm chair. "Miss me with that crying bullshit. You wanna watch movie?" Trevor looked at him. Dior nodded "yeah, yeah.. it's a new movie.. it came out this morning it's called 'killed his wife and kids.' Oh god, this movie should win an Oscar." Dior claps. He steps off Trevors dick.

Walking over to the Tv, he holds a glass of Whiskey as he gives Trevor a sly look while he walks over.

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