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𝐶𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛

Christian sits into His office with Sekani in his arms. He scrolls through the computer, Sekani drools on Christian's Pants. He frowned and looks at Kani.

"C'mon, Little man." Christian smacked his lips. He places Sekani in his little bouncer, grabbing a napkin from his Cabinet wiping his drool off his dress pants. He looks down at Sekani. "You nasty."

Sekani let's out a smile showing his gums. "Haha, you think it's funny? You owe me £150 worth of pants. And I want my shit in cash." Christian tickled his stomach. Sekani is 5 months old and so far, Kani can sit up on his own only if he's being hold with a pillow or something to support him. Dior smiles down at his son, Seeing his facial features match his, his curls were defined and perfect just like Christian's.

Iris was at work in Italy. She left Sekani here with Christin until She was done with training. Iris took the job offer her father had given her, Christian and her argued back and forth about her leaving, Being in two different places are very hard but they settled the agreement. Christian takes care of Sekani on Friday, Saturday and comes home on sunday, Iris comes back home spends time with them both. Its a nice Sunday afternoon.

It's been like that for the past 4 months. Iris had free time on her birthday, It's March now. It's been 2 whole years since Iris and Christian started their journey.. hell it's been tough.

Christian's phone buzzed seeing that King was calling. "Sekani look, it's uncle king. Wanna talk to him?" Christian asked. Sekani stays silent. "Me either." He presses decline. Just then there was a couple knock on the door.

"Come in!" Christian says. He fixes Kani, giving him his Pacifier. He turns in his chair seeing Mace, Victor, and Andreas.

"Boss.." Mace says

"Yes?" Christian asked.

"We've been watching Kira.. she's not pregnant, she lied. There are no signs of pregnancy, it's been 5 months she should have been showing by now. When I went to her house Earlier today, she was gone."

"I knew it. Gone? What do you mean gone?"

"Like, she packed up and.. moved, sir." Victor says.

Christian slouches in his rolling chair, he smirks. "Huh." Christian chuckles. "That's great, she's not my problem anymore."

Mace sighs. "She might... still be." Mace swallows. Christian makes a face of amusement, He sits up in his seat slowly.

"What do you mean... she might still be?"

"Well... I.. uh- I-"

"Mace, I swear to god... if you don't stop stuttering..." Christian huffs.

"Well, I was speculating Kira for a while since that argument you two had that day Iris came back and Kira had left. I looked through the Camera footage yesterday and I think she is the reason for Iris's kidnapping..."

"Huh?" Christian tilts his head.

"Yeah, Remember she said " I can't even get rid of her in your MIND yet alone get rid of her Physically!" You weren't really listening because... you didn't care at that moment. But yet, it all makes sense. While Iris was gone Kira took her place.. and Kira wanted to say those 3 special words, but you didn't feel that way. Then she goes crazy saying "I did everything and after all that I still couldn't get my way." Then she says she's pregnant.. when really she's not. I feel like she's been jealous of Iris since the day she stepped into this mansion. You two were messing around and stuff.. So, it's possible she had feelings for you. It was all an act, Boss." Mace explains.

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