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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

Standing outside Iris looks around for the black jeep. She wears Black sunglasses as she leaned on a yellow pole, Barry lent her the glasses cause she said she needed them. The black jeep pulls up, she honks the horn multiple times. She hesitated at first but there no looking back now. Iris sighs walking over, she opens the car door getting into the passenger sit.

"AH! My favorite niece!"

"I'm your only niece." Iris exhales leaning in her seat.

Janet laughs "thank you for calling me, maybe this can be a moment where we can catch up, how s Terrence."

"Listen, I had no choice to call you, so just drive please."

Janet gave her a sad smile "you're pregnant?"

Iris looks at her "yeah, I am."

Janet starts up the car, it was silent in the car. Iris rests her hand on arm rest, her leg bounced.

"So, why'd you call?" Janet couldn't help but ask.

Iris knew she had to be careful with her words. "Well, I'm going through a lot, I'll tell you when I get to England."

"Ugh England? But- but, we never got time to catch up! We need to catch up, Iris." Iris eyes got watery at Janet, just seeing her like this. "Please, just stay until you have the baby. Please."

Iris looks at her, she takes a long inhale. "1 week."

"Yes! Yes! That would be great. 1 week. So, tell me who's the daddy?"

Janet, Iris's Aunt and Terrence's sister. She's 41 years and suffers from Bipolar disorder. Terrence DIDN'T want Iris around her because Janet was also a crack Addict, Iris stayed away from Janet.. but she would sometimes talk to her just to see how she was doing. There is a very long story about Janet, Terrence and Emily's situation but that would be explained soon...

Janet lived in Ireland. Only Ireland. Iris did not know why she lived here and not Italy but she does. Iris leans down in her seat putting the family issue aside for this case of predicament. Giving Janet and menacing look then sifting up her face seeing how happy Jane was to see her.

"I missed you too Aunty Jane." Iris nods

"Really? I- I- I- I know I wasn't the best but-"

"It's alright." Iris shook her head. Christian was right that stuttering shit IS annoying. She thought to herself. "Um, the baby father? He's.. my boyfriend."

"Ouu, is this boyfriend black or white?"

"Black. His name is Christian."

"Oh that name is adorable. Is he cute?" Janet asked turning onto the street of her house. Iris looks out the window seeing her house.

"Yeah, very." Iris laughs, Janet laughs with her.

"Hm. You got a picture of him? Does he have a weird shaped head? What's his personality like? Have do you have a job? What's your favorite color?" Janet rambled. Iris looked at her.

"Aunty." She says in a warning voice. Janet gives her a realistic look. Janet sighs.

"Sorry, I'm rambling, I just missed you so much. You look miserable. Why are you even in Ireland?"

The one question that actually made sense to Iris. Jane opens the door holding open for Iris, she looks around seeing the nice attire, Iris plops right down on the couch holding the bottom of her stomach feeling achy once again, it felt like a cramp but... she's not due yet.

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