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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

She leans on the door frame getting a pretty good view of Dior sitting with fellow Mafia men, they gamble, smoke cigars and talk about their plans. Dior had told Iris to stay in her room for the remaining time, but she wanted to listen, but she got hungry and decided to come down for a snack but if she walks into the kitchen, Dior would know she had disobeyed him.

She Kneels down peaking her head seeing Dior. Iris smirked, She didn't think Dior saw her but... he peeped her from the corner of his eye. She goes to peak at the mafia men's conversation but when she did Dior was looking straight at her. His jaw ticks. 'Get your ass in the room' he mouthed. That made Iris quickly jump up speed walking to the bedroom. She crosses her arms in annoyance, she really wanted to hear what was going on.

She sits on the staircase leaning forward, she tries to hear what they talk abundantly about but half their words muffle, she then hears Dior say "I'll be right back, don't shuffle me in.". Iris stumbled running up the stairs back in the room, she plops on the bed grabbing her phone acting like she was scrolling through it. Dior trudged down the hallway in annoyance, he tried to keep his cool but...

He slammed the door, locking it. He turns to Iris glaring at her, Iris bit her lip seeing him like this turned her on. "I told you to stay in the room."

"I did."

"No, you didn't. I heard your big gorilla feet stumbling up the stairs." Iris squints at him at the fact he just called her a gorilla. He groans "please, just stay here. You don't know what we are planning. It's a mafia meeting, no outsiders must know about our plans."

Iris pouted crawling over to him, she placed her arms around his neck. "But I want to hear, it sounds interesting." she whines. He kisses her chin and bit on it, making her laugh.

"Sorry, kitten." he says to her. Dior kisses her lips ''stay your hard headed ass here." Iris drops on the bed with her knees pouting. Dior walks back out, closing the door behind him. Iris has heard his plans before when they went to russia. Why is it so different now? Iris gets up walking into Dior's closet, turning on the light she could smell his cologne. As she walks down the giant closet she glides her hands past his dress shirts.

She takes one off the hook, she undresses herself completely naked, she slips on his white button up twirling around in it. She was bored, she cant stay in the room for long, who knows when they are finished talking. It could be the next day. Iris walks over to his hat collection.

"What would Christian wear, hmm?" she looks up and spots the perfect top hat, it was black and on the tag print it said 'dior'. She puts it on moving some hair out her face. She groans "I wish I could play music." Iris kneels down looking at all his shiny jewelry. She looks in the mirror and nods her head. "Not too bad, I could pull off being a mafia leader. I just need a bad bitch by my side and yeah.. I got it in the bag." she nods her head

"What are you doing?" someone says. Iris jumped at his voice.

Christian looked at her and twisted his lip "Prada... why are you in my closet?" his raspy voice sent tingles down her spine. She smiles.

"Trying on your clothes. Did the mafia men leave?" she asked. Dior walks to her, Iris stares at him through the mirror and he stares at her. He glides his hand around her waist.

"Yes." he smells her hair as he kisses her temple. "I know it's been hectic the past 3 months."
"Tell me about it." she rolls her eyes. He snorted a remark.

"I was thinking.. We go somewhere when this is all over."


"I don't know, maybe, somewhere like...Bora Bora?"  he suggested.

Iris gasped, "I've always wanted to go there!" Iris gets excited.

"I know." he twisted his lip. He kisses her her neck multiple times. He takes a breath. "Fine.."

"Fine what?" Iris asked frowning confusingly.

Christian chewed on his cheek "I'll...I'll... I'll show you the roots. You will shadow me for ONE day, alright."

"I can come to the warehouse!" Iris shrieked in excitement. Iris wants to know what it's like for Christian to work since he's a mafia Don. Christian chuckled.

"Yes, Tomorrow. We wake up at 4am check up on Mace and Victor make sure everything is on point. We Get on the jet and fly down to Vegas."

"America? I've never been to America before." She chuckles.

"Never?" He questioned.

"Never. My dad was born in New York but... he moved to Italy to be with my mom when he was 16, then he created his life as a business man, married my mom, had me. I lived in Italy my whole life. So, yeah... never." She plays with her fingers.

"Well, Tomorrow you get to see America."

"Ouu! I wanna try those things... those sweet and salty things with the peanut butter in the middle-"

"You mean... Reese's Pieces." He initiated. Iris snapped her finger and nods.

"Yeah... I think. They're in a orange package with that yellow and black writing."

"Yeah.. yeah. That's what you mean." Dior laughs.

"Mhm. When Kristen went to America to see her mom she bring back American candy's and London and I ate them. After eating those... Reese's P- Pieces." Dior found it really cute how she struggle saying the candy name. "I fell in love with them! But.. Italy didn't have them."

"Well, when we get to America I'll buy you all the Reese's Pieces you want."

"I'm not that desperate for them. I just want to try them again." Iris wraps her arms around neck but he fenced up weird "what's wrong?"

"I don't know. I just have this weird pain in my lower back." He winced at the pain. Iris got concerned so, she lifts up his shirt and her eyebrows frowned.

"Want me to give you a massage?" She asked.

"I'd like that." Iris pulls his arm. Iris grabs some Lotion, Christian lays down on his stomach on the bed. Christian thought for a while. Why does my back hurt so much? He shrugged it off. Maybe just one of those days. Iris climbs on the bed. She pours some lotion in her hand but not to much. She starts giving Christian his massage. "Feels good, Baby."

As Iris glides her hand down the fence spot she kept looking at his burns. It was really sad, Now that Iris knows what happened to him as a kid it hurt her... really bad. Who knows what else could have happened. It explains a lot about Dior, she was only happy that he finally opened up.

"You feel better?" She asked

"Mhm." He says in the pillow. He grabs Iris's hand "you can stop now."

"Are you alright?"

"Just got a lot on my plate... ya know." He whispers. He lays down on the bed and pats the spot next to him "come cuddle with papa." Iris laughs. She cuddles next to Dior as he wraps his arms around her. "Promise me, whatever happens... you'll stick by me."

"What's going to happ-"

"Iris... promise me. Promise me you won't leave me if anything happens." He gives her a stern look.

"I... I promise." Iris nods looking up at him.


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