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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

Iris sits on the couch, she holds Sekani on her arms. Iris also watched Christian pace back and forth in the living room while Grace tries to calm him down. Christian just could not wrap his head around everything Iris was walking him. Kira left not to long ago in pure anger, she saw Iris alright and when Kira saw Iris, her blood started to Boil like hot lava. She stormed out the house leaving Iris really confused, Iris was more mad that Christian was fucking around with Kira while she was gone.

Christian stops pacing and comes over to Iris, sitting on his wooden coffee table looking straight at her in her eyes, Deeply. Christian makes a face of Befuddled.

"Let me get this straight, You were in Ireland, the whole time?"


"You lived in a mansion far into the forest?"

"Correct." Iris nodded

"You found out you were pregnant with my son 2 days you were there, and you met a man named Chadwick Elrod.. who was there to watch over you and hold you hostage."

"Mhm. He wasn't to bad. He was a nice guy but he would get possessive at times." Iris looks at him.

"Who the fuck has the audacity to kidnap someone and hold them hostage?" Christian asked.

Iris looked at him up and down. "You don't fall far from that tree."

"I only kidnapped you because I knew what I wanted.. I wanted to fuck, Chadwick ain't fuck you? Right? Two different situations." Christian chuckled. He looks down at Sekani.

"I'm sorry but I can't wrap my head over this either! You have a son Christian, do you know what you're father or your grandmother would say." Grace rambled

Iris looks at Grace I'm confusion "why? What's the problem did I do something bad?"

"No, no. Sweetheart, remember when we went over to rules. Mafia don must be married to have a child, None of that baby mama, Girlfriend stuff. A mafias mistress must have Her mafia Don's last name. So..."

"We need to get married." Christian sighs lowly.

Iris chuckled. "What? We never even said 'I love you' yet. We never even went on a DATE for that matter. Grace I don't think-"

"Which is why we have enough time before the press finds out about this."Grace rubs her forehead.

"I'm so sorry.. press?" Iris asked

"There are three big Mafia leaders who are basically the big bosses who own...some mafia Family criminal organizations. They don't really matter. Mom, can you stop stressing us out, please. I wanna get to know my son, and you should get to know your grandchild before we even think about all that." Christian looks at his mother. Grace gives Christian a smile walking over to Iris looking down at her new Grandchild.

"He is so precious. I'm proud of both of you, honestly. I know you're going to great parents." Grace smiles. Christian nodded and yawns to himself. "I'll see you guys Tomorrow, Iris get some rest you've been through a lot. JULIANNA GET SOME FOOD IN THIS GIRL! She looks bout skinny as hell."

Iris couldn't help but laugh. Grace kisses Iris's cheek and then kisses Christian's cheek saying their goodbyes, Dior sighs sitting on the couch. Iris places Sekani in his carrier. Christian pulls Iris towards him hugging her tightly.

"Feels so good to have you in my arms again." Christian kisses Iris's temple. "We really have a son?"


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