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𝐵𝑜𝑟𝑎 𝐵𝑜𝑟𝑎.
2 𝑊𝑒𝑒𝑘 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛.

Christian sits in a chair watching Iris standing on the balcony looking down at the blue ocean. It was absolutely beautiful, Christian kept his promise.  They arrived in Bora A week ago, so far a lot has happened. Sex every single day, Romantic dates every night, After sex... then more sex. Christian was having a great time here with Iris. The love of his life to be exact.

Getting up from the chair he Walked carefully over to her. Finally towering over her from behind, he glided his hands down her smooth shoulders placing his head in the crook of her neck kissing it lightly.

Iris bites her lip and then let's put a smile. "I'd never get tired of this view."

"I'd never get tired of This View." Christian says as he Smoothly twirls her around. "You look gorgeous." Iris blushes as she caressed his cheeks with her palms.

"Thank you, baby." They both share a kiss.

"Balcony sex?" Christian groans as he Grazed his tongue along her collarbone. Iris bit down on her lips.

"How about.." Iris says but Christian's lips made their way to her neck, her weak spot. "I-um.."

"We have enough time, I set us up for.." Christian kissed her shoulder. "A club.." his hands lingers, cupping her thong. "Tonight, We are going to drink, Party and probably have more sex. Shit, I KNOW we are gonna have more sex."

"That's fine, I just want to check up on Dad and see how sek-"

"Shh, what did I say?" Christian stopped kissing her as he looks at Iris, seeing her with a worrisome face. "Sekani is perfectly fine."


"Iris." Christian tilts his head and sighs. "I called your father, Everything's fine. Stop worrying." He kisses her temple.

Christian walks away from her walking back into the Vacation home, he was in frustration because Christmas was right around the corner, It was only October and he did not know what he wanted to get Iris, not to mention her birthday was 5 days before Christmas Day on the 20th. Iris follows behind him.

"Are you alright?"

Christian takes off his shirt grabbing a vest and tie. "Yeah, Just confused. I don't know what to get you for Christmas."

"It's only October, you have enough time to figure that out." Iris shrugs. Sitting down on the bed, christian couldn't help but smile walking clover to her kissing her on her lips.

"How about... we have a date."

"We've been going out every night, don't those count as dates?"

"But we didn't label them.." Christian says. He clears his throat as it got silent. Christian kneels down on one knee. "Iris Cressida Keating."


"Would you do me the honor and go on a date with me?" Christian asked her.

Iris dramatically gasped. "Yes. I will." Christian smiles again. "I'm glad I get to see you smile more."

The smile went a away. "Yeah, okay." Christian walks into the bathroom. Iris laughed plopping down on the bed, she loved Teasing him. Even if it made him mad.

"I don't want anything romantic. How about we do something.."

"Fun." Christian finished for her. He peaked his head from the bathroom door.

Iris nodded "yeah!"

Christian leans on the door frame and gives a bright smile. "I think I got something in mind."


It was casual. Too Casual. Iris wear some jeans and a white crop top with A leather jacket. And Christian... Christian was wearing a waist Down T-shirt and some jeans with some Jordans. Iris would glance at him at moments asking herself 'What kind of twilight zone am I in? What have they done with Christian?' Holding hands they walk into Sal's bar. It was a nice little bar shaped as a villa.

They grab their seats and Order some drinks. Christian looks at Iris chugging down the shots. Shots of 42 to be exact.

"Yo, slow down." Christian raised his eyebrows.

"Slow down? You need to catch up."

"I'm only 2 shots in!" Christian laughed. Christian chugged back another shot. After that, they were fucked up.. but they were very much aware. Christian and Iris travel around from club to club, but they end up at this gift shop. Christian looks around seeing beautiful jewelry. The store cashier noticed the two of them were wasted because Iris couldn't stop laughing, Dior was stumbling.

He looks down at these amazing rings, Christian looked back at Iris noticing she was distracted by the clothes and gowns. Christian motions at the Cashier.

As the Cashier  walks over Christian thinks for a while but his thoughts were all jumbled up. Yes.. yeah... yes... let's do it! Maybe no- YES DO IT! you love her... you only live once.. accept for that time you were shot 5 times and not dying but.. YOLO! Right???

"Yes?" The guy asked

"Lemme get one 24k Engagement bands."

"Alright, Silver Diamond? Pink or blue? We have baby blue, Peach, Rose gold." The guy says taking out the jewelry tray. Christian looks at them, he looks back at Iris seeing she was laughing at a kitty poster.

"Diamond." He says grabbing the Giant rock, he estimated it might fit her cause she has some tiny fingers. Christian hands him the  cash, the guy nods and Christian walks back over to Iris.

"Come on." He takes her hand.

"Do you s-see that poster! Mehhhh mondaysss! I hate mondays." Iris slouched. Christian laughed, they both walk out the store.

They walk down the trail. It was beautiful at night, the lights, the music, the food stands. "Did you get anything?" Iris asked.

"Mhm." Christian holds up the ring. Iris narrowed her eyes at it but her vision cleared.

"That's a beautiful ring." Iris smiled and her stomach turned.

Christian didn't know how to do it. But he just did it. "Um... Iris... uh.."


"W-will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?" Christian asked. He was wobbly at the moment, all the drinks really fucked up his balance.

"Yes. I would love to." Iris takes the ring placing it on her finger. Christian kissed her lips. "Awww, we're engaged." Iris cooed poking his nose, He wraps his arm around her shoulder.

"Not for long." Christian chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Iris looks up at him.

"We should get married... NOW."


"NOW!" Christian says in an exciting tone. Iris looks at him for a while and smiled...


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